three things about RF:Gevlcookie said:I think i'm playing on normal, whatever the default setting was. I've considered switching to easy, I wasn't sure if there would be a noticeable difference.
I might try change it this weekend and see how it all goes.
1-It takes time to get good. Once you realise it's not a shooter but a game about explosives, it clicks.
2- The difficulty on normal is all kinds of fucked up. about 50% through the games, i dialled it down to easy. It really doesn't make it that easy, but is a lot more playable. The last level was insane even on easy and I used cheats for the first time in years
3- its an awesome game- easily the best (IMHO) open-world title of 2009- (and that was a good open-world year with Liberty City Stories, inFamous, Borderlands, Assassin's Creed 2, Saboteur)
can't wait till the next game in 2011