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Episode 46: Panzer Dragoon

This episode Greg Sewart and Justin “JJ” Epperson of 8-4 Play join Kevin to remember and revisit Panzer Dragoon on the Sega Saturn.
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Brave Wave
Episode 46: Panzer Dragoon

This episode Greg Sewart and Justin “JJ” Epperson of 8-4 Play join Kevin to remember and revisit Panzer Dragoon on the Sega Saturn.
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Previous Episodes:
- Episode 0: The Legend of Zelda (runtime: 2:06:17)
- Episode 1: Duck Tales NES (runtime: 1:46:17)
- Episode 2: Super Mario World (runtime: 1:51:45)
- Episode 3: Shenmue (runtime: 1:28:03)
- Episode 4: Journey to Silius (54:00)
- Episode 5: Castlevania/Streets of Rage 2 (1:40:45)
- Episode 6: Zombies Ate my Neighbors/Final Fight (1:26:39)
- Episode 7: Shatterhand/Sim City (1:16:03)
- Episode 8: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time/Hyperstone Heist (1:21:41)
- BimP Gaiden: Retro Game Setups and the Japan Experience (Part 1)
- BimP Gaiden: Retro Game Setups and the Japan Experience (Part 2)
- Episode 9: Baseball Stars 2, Metal Slug, Neo Turf Masters
- Episode 10: Super Mario 64 and Wave Race 64
- Episode 11: Mega Man 2
- Episode 12: Alladin (Genesis/Megadrive)
- Episode 13: Resident Evil
- Episode 14: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
- Episode 15: Jet Set Radio
- Bimp Gaiden: Secrets, Tips, and Tricks of Retro Collecting and GOTY
- Episode 16: Super Mario Brothers 2
- Episode 17: Dracula X: Rondo of Blood (PC Engine)
- Episode 18: Milon’s Secret Castle
- BimP Gaiden: Neo Geo and Omega Consolized MVS
- Episode 19: Bonk's Adventure
- Bimp Gaiden: Steve Lin
- Bimp Gaiden:Mike Mika
- Episode 20: Neo Geo Pocket Color
- Episode 21: NES Music
- Episode 22: Porting the Dream w/ Mike Mika (Part I)
- Episode 23: Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2
- Episode 24: Yoshi's Island
- Episode 25: Metal Storm (w/ Bonus Retro Talk)
- BimP Gaiden: Masters of Doom
- Episode 26: Porting the Dream w/ Mike Mika (Part II)
- Bimp Gaiden: Console Wars w/ Blake J. Harris
- Episode 27: Mega Man 3
- Episode 28: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
- Episode 29: The Music of the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive
- Episode 30: Mike Mika’s Time Machine (Part I)
- Episode 31: Star Fox
- BimP Gaiden: Super Console Wars
- Episode 32: Super Mario Brothers 3
- BimP Gaiden: The Wizard
- Episode 33: Bonk’s Revenge
- Episode 34: Sega Saturn 101
- Episode 35: Sega Saturn 201
- BimP Gaiden: Shovel Knight Interview with David D’Angelo
- Episode 36: Mighty Final Fight
- Bimp Gaiden: Gregg Tavares
- BimP Gaiden: Diggin’ in the Carts (Japanese VGM Doc)
- Episode 37: Castlevania Bloodlines
- BimP Gaiden: Akihabara Virtual Tour
- Episode 38: Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
- Episode 39: Sega Net (Sega Dreamcast Online)
- Episode 40: Mike Mika’s Time Machine (Part II)
- Episode 41: Shin Shinobi Den/Shinobi Legions
- Episode 42: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
- Episode 43: 2014 Year in Review
- Episode 44: Bare Knuckle/Streets of Rage 3
- Episode 45: Jools Watsham (Renegade Kid)
Next Episode:
Brave Wave