Man alive, the accidental damage that turns friendly characters "temporarily" hostile is complete and utter bullshit. Happened to me once before, but this one just now is going to require some major cooling off time.
Early in act 2, I saved a bunch of people in an epic battle, and rather than return to camp I followed a prompt to talk to somebody nearby to resolve an earlier quest. Fine, he's standing right there in a barn.
So I talk to him, the quest updates, pretty cool. Then on the way out my perception uncovers a monster that was hiding in the form of a farm animal. I'm out of spells but it should be an easy fight against one enemy, so I cast a fire cantrip...
This sets part of the barn floor on fire, and the flame clips through a wall. The animals turn hostile. The quest giver turns hostile and attacks me, despite being a non-combatant with only 8 health. Forget that I just saved their lives, half the fucking settlement outside turns hostile. What the actual? My last save is an hour old, from before the big fight. Alt+F4. See you tomorrow.