Drop the difficulty to Explorer till you're familier with it, then you'll have an aha moment with combat about 15 hours in... then you'll be wanting a difficulty between Balanced and Tactician - I reckon a Core difficulty could be the tahi there...The game is too overwhelming and hard. I have the PS5 version. I made it to the grove but there's just so much stuff to learn.
Off topic, but Divinity 2 is on a hefty discount @ Steam
Another one! Three years of early access, but it still gets two major patches and five hotfixes in the first month.Hotfix #5 is live.
Baldur's Gate 3 - Hotfix #5 Now Live! - Steam News
Version Number:
This fucking game man, GOTY. Easily. Best RPG I've played in years.
Hearing this is interesting because I have played most of my playthoughs on PC with a PS4 controller and I thought it was fine, however there were many moments where I switched over to play on my keyboard and mouse. I'm hoping console players can do this too.Don't think i've ever played a game more meant for PC over console lol still enjoying it but man it makes me wish I preferred mouse and keyboard
It is fine. But its nowhere near as intuitive scrolling through five menus and using the L stick to move in combat than i'd imagine it would be with a mouse and keyboard and all those actions right at the bottom of the screen. Battles and searching rooms like the cellar early in the game also would take a lot less cumulative time.Hearing this is interesting because I have played most of my playthoughs on PC with a PS4 controller and I thought it was fine, however there were many moments where I switched over to play on my keyboard and mouse. I'm hoping console players can do this too.
Also, yeah GOTY with basically no competition, which is a crazy thing because so many great games have released this year.
The fights are just kind of hard lol idk maybe I don't play enough "harder" turn based deep rpgs but I had no issues in games like Persona 5 or Midnight Suns but these fucking fights early in the game have been difficult for me even on the easiest mode. I'm maybe treating it too casually and could focus on better builds? I dont even know. But I just did the cellar fight which is pretty damn early and got wrecked.'Sup mates, I was just witnessing a bunch of people on... another forum having fucking meltdowns because they were getting curb-stomped even in the tutorial fights where you'd need to get brain worms to achieve a party wipe.
I'm here to check if mental retardation is spreader evenly between communities.
Ummmm, is there a back door out of the goblin fortress? I managed to off the 3 leaders and everyone inside, but when I exit via the main door I get swarmed by well over a dozen enemies.
You should just be able to fast travel to a waypoint you’ve encountered before. Open your map and check your button options, one should open up your waypoint list.
My friend who has never played a CRPG or 'PC RPG' game in his life fired this up on PS5 and is hooked.
He has no idea what he's doing but he's loving every second of it. Pretty much think's it's the best game he's ever played.
Yeah I cleared most of the stuff and need to go to underdark or mountainpass. I will do that after getting to level 5.Drop the difficulty to Explorer till you're familier with it, then you'll have an aha moment with combat about 15 hours in... then you'll be wanting a difficulty between Balanced and Tactician - I reckon a Core difficulty could be the tahi there...
Oh my god. I came back to this in the morning, and got past the limited-time-or-game-over part (it's actually only three turns) by using dash, but the thing that comes after is even worse. No chance to rest or recover the damage I took running past all those ridiculously tough (unarmed!) enemies.So I'm right at the start of act 3, and... what bastardry is this? I've got maybe five turns to reach an objective while defending myself against a swarm of fast enemies, and if I don't get there in time it's instant game over.
That's, well... a bit different to everything that came before. I've just seen as many game overs in this one scene - in my own goddamn camp, no less - as I have in the entire 88 hours I've played so far.
Oh my god. I came back to this in the morning, and got past the limited-time-or-game-over part (it's actually only three turns) by using dash, but the thing that comes after is even worse. No chance to rest or recover the damage I took running past all those ridiculously tough (unarmed!) enemies.
The beginning of act 3 is turning this game from one of the best things I've ever played into something I can almost see myself giving up on. It's so annoying. In a game that's all about choices, funneling you into something like this is madness. What the hell were they thinking?
Misty step! I'd forgotten about that one. I tried it again, and did make it to the portal in one go, but by the time I could activate the only character who has that spell, the enemies had swarmed me and done major damage. There's no avoiding combat there, they spawn close enough to start attacking on the first turn, and they get the advantage. I was trying not to waste spell slots for the next stage.I'm really confused with the issue. You just dash/misty step/fly/big jump past everyone in one turn without even bothering to fight, you only need to get one person to the portal to trigger the next scene. From what I remember this section doesn't start with combat and you can heal up with spells/potions before you move on, no?
Misty step! I'd forgotten about that one. I tried it again, and did make it to the portal in one go, but by the time I could activate the only character who has that spell, the enemies had swarmed me and done major damage. There's no avoiding combat there, they spawn close enough to start attacking on the first turn, and they get the advantage. I was trying not to waste spell slots for the next stage.
As for health potions, the boss fight at the end of act 2 took care of those, I have one small potion per person. My healing spells are weak. Fighting against a lot of enemies who deal multiple damage while evading half of my attacks is tough when your party starts like this:
Finished. 240 hours on steam, 170 on save.
Just in time for Starfield.
It was great. 9/10. But at the same time,
the ending left me a bit...whelmed. There is a lot of stuff that I expected to be there that wasn't there. Ending slides. Being able to talk with all my party members. A bit more closure. I only got to talk with Shadowheart, Gale, LeaZel and Karlach, and even those dialogues were short and to the point. Not a lot of emotional payoff or catharsis, to be honest.
Is it going to be my GOTY? Right now I actually can't decide between it and Jagged Alliance 3.
I have a save just before the sleep that initiates the attack, so I could keep reloading that if it might eventually let me move first. Hasn't happened in 5 or 6 attempts so far. If I can't get by without potions, there's a save after the boss of act 2, about an hour ago, with one trader left for restocking. Worse, I could go back before committing to the end of act 2, 3-4 hours ago.Any chance you can savescum to reload to an earlier save to reroll combat initiative on the portal part? Both playthroughs I started first and managed to just run myself over to the portal before they did anything.
What level's your party, what's your custom character? Is Shadowheart still trickery domain?
I have a save just before the sleep that initiates the attack, so I could keep reloading that if it might eventually let me move first. Hasn't happened in 5 or 6 attempts so far. If I can't get by without potions, there's a save after the boss of act 2, about an hour ago, with one trader left for restocking. Worse, I could go back before committing to the end of act 2, 3-4 hours ago.
Shadowheart is still trickery, and everyone is right at the top of level 8 - killing three invaders is enough to level up. Maybe even dropping the difficulty would see me through this part, but I'm loath to do that because the game hasn't been remotely hard until this point.
They've come out and said that originally they had more epilogue stuff, but they felt it was getting too long in the tooth so it didn't make it in.
That's hilarious. You make 200 hour long game and in the one place where it counts and you should do as much as possible, you go "nah that's too much?" Well, I expect I will load my save in a year in some Enhanced Edition and maybe it will get me proper closure.
I played on Balanced and had trouble up until my characters hit level 5 and got additional attacks. From there on (until the final fight) it was much easier. I probably re-loaded my saves more than most once my characters started dropping mid-battle and I wanted to avoid snowballing to a party wipe. I did it more to save time than to avoid "inevitable" party wiping.'Sup mates, I was just witnessing a bunch of people on... another forum having fucking meltdowns because they were getting curb-stomped even in the tutorial fights where you'd need to get brain worms to achieve a party wipe.
I'm here to check if mental retardation is spreader evenly between communities.
Yep I did the same, had a good laugh, reloaded and sent her to hell with Wyll.I'd romanced Shadowheart fully, ready to spend our lives together, everything. Karlach's new ending triggers and I pick the option to run off to Avernus with her to keep her company. Absolutely no input whatsoever from the woman I promised to spend forever with then just abandoned on a whim - it all definitely needs work.
I finally got past it! That one section took my Steam playtime from 88 hours to over 91 hours. Basically got lucky at the start, they only attacked Wyll before I got to the portal, so I could use all my healing on him in the next stage. Then I bypassed a couple enemies at the start of that, by jumping onto a ledge, one character at a time, and creeping along the edge of their sightline.Reload the save before the sleep and respec Shadowheart to life domain. Trickery is kinda shit, life gives you cure wounds which you can upcast for more healing, an out-of-combat mass healing (basically extra short rests which use spell slots) and at character level 9 you get a big mass heal in-combat. Without knowing what your main character is I assume your lack of healing spells overall is why you have no potions left. This will be more than enough to get you through. Good luck!
I finally got past it! That one section took my Steam playtime from 88 hours to over 91 hours. Basically got lucky at the start, they only attacked Wyll before I got to the portal, so I could use all my healing on him in the next stage. Then I bypassed a couple enemies at the start of that, by jumping onto a ledge, one character at a time, and creeping along the edge of their sightline.
Will definitely look into respeccing Shadowheart if it makes a big healing difference. Nobody else has healing spells that are worth more than a few points. I hope I wouldn't lose her spirit guardians though, that's been my cheat code in many a fight.
I cut her head off for a sword. I don't even use the sword now. No regrets.It is said that there are two kinds of people who play this game. Those who think Karlach is the best, and those who are absolutely fucking wrong.
I cut her head off for a sword. I don't even use the sword now. No regrets.
I first changed her domain to Life, but soon after respecced to Light domain which I highly recommend. Light both gives good healing but also makes her able to dish out some good damageI finally got past it! That one section took my Steam playtime from 88 hours to over 91 hours. Basically got lucky at the start, they only attacked Wyll before I got to the portal, so I could use all my healing on him in the next stage. Then I bypassed a couple enemies at the start of that, by jumping onto a ledge, one character at a time, and creeping along the edge of their sightline.
Will definitely look into respeccing Shadowheart if it makes a big healing difference. Nobody else has healing spells that are worth more than a few points. I hope I wouldn't lose her spirit guardians though, that's been my cheat code in many a fight.
Oh, I just saw this afer I finished changing her to Life. Never mind, I'll see how I get on with this version and maybe change again if she's not badass enough. It's good to finally have a proper healer, I really didn't know what I was missing.I first changed her domain to Life, but soon after respecced to Light domain which I highly recommend. Light both gives good healing but also makes her able to dish out some good damage.