I'm now about 2/3rds of this game and feel I have played enough to give a review. This is coming from the perspective of a DM who has been playing DND since 2002.
What I like:
Great Story that takes full advantage of DND's lore: Fantastic premise for a game. The core concept has a neat race against-the-clock pressure to it that works well. Some pretty decent twists too. Really delves into some of the cooler and weirder aspects of DND lore, like some Spelljammer stuff for example. Side quests are mostly good too
Great cast of characters: Cool heroes like Wyll and Shadowheart. Karlach is best girl though. The stories are really neat and fun, with lots of genuine drama and dilemas.
Great use of DND mechanics: Best use of implementing DND's ruleset into a game. Really scratch's on the system's quirks and flexibility. Even though there are changes to rules for some things, it's pretty faithful (and fun). It feels like I'm playing real DND
Interactivity: The world feels so alive due to how much you can interact with it
Great production values: From art direction to music to voice acting. I love the way the game looks and sounds.
Branching paths: You can play through this game so many times and have different playthroughs. It's amazing in that regard. My playthrough is completely different from anyone elses.
What I dislike:
How Relationships are Handled: Way too much emphasis on sexuality. You can't just be friends with people. You either have to fuck them or reject them. There isn't a "BFF" option. I hate this sort of post-modernist view of relationships. Sometimes you just want to be bros. Not everything is about sex. Fortunately it's a small part, but it is a part. This does seep into the main story though. There is a character that you basically can't "save" unless you're someone's lover. It's much harder to do so unless you fuck someone.
What I Hate:
How glitchy the game is. This game shouldn't have been released yet. It's endemic of how terrible Western developers are with releasing a QA game. Larien has been good about releasing patches but it's still a mess. Iv'e had crashes. Once guest character permadied because I couldn't access their abilities and they got ganged up on. I've had spells not do anything even though, for example I've summoned a sacred weapon. It's turn never comes. I've had quests glitch out and become unable to be completed. You name it, it's happened. A year from now it may be better, but for now it's a mess. Sometimes I can't tell if something is glitching or I'm doing something wrong.
The autosave sucks: It might as well not even be there. I've lost several hours of progress because of this. I eventually started save spamming.
Inventory management is a mess. There should have been a better way than this.
The game does a horrible job of letting you know you're about to go into large fights. There was one fight in Act 2 where I got completely blindsided. Fortunately I lost because if I had won the fight, I don't think I would have liked what happened next
Summary: There is a lot I like about the game. It is a masterclass from a game design perspective. However, it's marred by really shitty quality control issues. Maybe in a year from now, it will be a 9/10 game when Larien finishes patching it. They've already done amazing work in the month since I started. But for now, it's a 6.8/10 game for me. Those glitches really add a layer of frustration and cause me not to trust it. While that score makes it sound like I hate the game, I don't. I actually love it. I continue to play it despite the issues it has. If it was a lesser game I wouldn't deal with this. No way in hell should this game be GotY though. Maybe next year it will be. I wish I had waited.