azentium said:The font is fine. I think people are having a difficult time reading it because the backwards "e" is used excessively.
ZealousD said:The word "THE" looks kinda like it says "TITS"
No worries. I don't know why this happens but I've seen it in a few clips on the interwebz as well. For example, i saw it happen to a guy who was about to throw a concrete block at Batman's head. Perhaps it's an indicator for a one hit kill sort of thing?Callibretto said:guys, I need some help. have anyone notice some red flashes appearing for a split seconds every now and then in the PS3 version demo? I thought it was some kind of effects at first that's a little bit distracting, but after playing the pc demo and didn't find anything like that. I start to fear that the problem is my ps3.
EzLink said:Here are a few random details I noticed from the demo:
-Batman's costume gets a small rip in it near the right shoulder after the "explosion" you feel while crawling through the first vent
-After doing an inverted take down, the goon will hang there and can still very much thrash about, sometimes with a heart rate that stays all the way up at what seems to be the max (157... I've never seen anyone higher than that), but after several seconds will suddenly drop down to 30-32ish and become unconscious. That' can't be good for you
-The "scripted" dialog isn't always the same. While crawling through the vent to the last room, there are a few different ways the Joker begins his PA announcement about Batman being loose in the asylum
-Some of Batman's dialog is internal. When he talks about Harley thinking he is trapped in the Zasz room and how she never was very bright, and also when you first encounter armed thugs and you hear Batman say "the direct approach is suicide", if you look you can see that his mouth isn't moving. You are just hearing his thoughts
I checked this out the other day and it blew my mind, its so crazy that they added this in.LabouredSubterfuge said:As I mentioned in the previous thread, you can actually see the unconscious foes still breathing (their chests expand and contract) compared to the completely still dead bodies strewn around.
I gather he gets more beat up as the game goes on. In the latest gadgets trailer, you can see him with scratches on his left arm and blood on his chin.EzLink said:-Batman's costume gets a small rip in it near the right shoulder after the "explosion" you feel while crawling through the first vent
To blow your mind further: if you examine any goons you took out with bone-breaking attacks, you can see the broken bones in Detective Mode.Darkflight said:I checked this out the other day and it blew my mind, its so crazy that they added this in.
Shake Appeal said:To blow your mind further: if you examine any goons you took out with bone-breaking attacks, you can see the broken bones in Detective Mode.
Ephemeris said:That's a takedown move I believe; you can do one once your combo bar passes 5x. But it's only available while the chain is still intact.
Pro-tip: If you feel like you're gonna mess up the combo, hit both buttons immediately after getting 5x, even if you're not near the guy. Bats runs towards the nearest person (even if they're halfway across the room) and does it on 'em.
Sipowicz said:i dont really understand what you mean by takedown move. i thought takedown move is when you press right trigger and the yellow button if the enemy is on the ground. it makes him jump on them and punch them in the face
so you're saying to to do a 5 hit combo then press red/yellow together? i'll try it now
Htown said:Yeah, Batman's attack range is insane.
I think the move is called a combat takedown, and you can even do it on dudes that are laying on the ground, as long as they're still conscious. You can use one every 5x during the combo, so you can do one when you get to 5 hits, 10 hits, 15, etc. I've gotten my combo up to 13x on the second group of guys in the first demo room.
These moves are awesome, I've seen Batman like, headbutt a dude and then snap his arm, or leap across the room, grab a dude's leg and put him in a brief like boston crab wrestling move and then snap his knee or some junk. They're RIDICULOUS.
Callibretto said:these red color only show up for 1 frame and appear randomly here and there.
I can't believe I missed that. :lolh3ro said:He's having problems with his PS3. (Those are pics from the PS3 version)
Shake Appeal said:To blow your mind further: if you examine any goons you took out with bone-breaking attacks, you can see the broken bones in Detective Mode.
Kintaro said:Okay, dehyped =/ Just realized the PC version comes out weeks after the consoles versions. I'll rent it and maybe buy the PC version down the road for $20 or something.
When will publishers realize holding back the PC release is goddamned stupid? Just cost them a sale. =(
Nelo Ice said:i think physx is reason why the pc version is delayed
Kintaro said:Okay, dehyped =/ Just realized the PC version comes out weeks after the consoles versions. I'll rent it and maybe buy the PC version down the road for $20 or something.
When will publishers realize holding back the PC release is goddamned stupid? Just cost them a sale. =(
EzLink said:Yeah, I'm sure it's a bummer having to go through another month long delay :/
But at the same time, if you aren't buying it now because you are impatient, you couldn't have been too excited for it in the first place
Kintaro said:There's a thing called hype. You're hyped to buy something coming soon. The version I was hyped for it was pushed back. So while everyone else gets to play, I don't. Unless I give in and buy it or rent it. When the PC version hits, it'll be inbetween others games I'm interested in. Thus, the hype is lost and it's back to the $20 pile which is impulse buy.
It's really not a hard concept to figure out. I'll be playing it, I'll just be renting instead of buying. =P
Many publishers believe that if they release the PC version of a game simultaneously with the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 version, they run the risk of PC piracy cannibalizing the sales for all three platforms. However, they don't recognize that delaying it will ultimately lead to many potential customers losing interest in the game. This in turn leads to considerably lower sales on the PC platform. So, in short, it's a shortsighted method that publishers use to prevent piracy from effecting a game's sales numbers.Kintaro said:When will publishers realize holding back the PC release is goddamned stupid? Just cost them a sale. =(
EzLink said:But at the same time, if you aren't buying it now because you are impatient, you couldn't have been too excited for it in the first place
azentium said:Not necessarily. For many, this would be a great end-of-summer title to play before the holiday rush comes into full effect. However, because the PC version has been delayed,many might be more inclined to buy a game which is going to be released at the same time that they are even more hyped for.
EzLink said:Yeah, I know some people are like that. But when I said you couldn't have been too excited, I meant that if there are other games that you are prioritizing above this particular one then it isn't on the top of your hype list. Which is probably a good thing, because delays are sucky enough as is. It's so much worse when it's something you are absolutely dying to play
Mutagenic said:I have all of TAS on DVD and this makes me wanna jump back into a few of those.
EzLink said:So the stars must have aligned properly just now because I was in the final room of the demo on the last goon, and right as he walks under the gargoyle I'm on top of he shouts "Where are you?!", to which I whisper "Here" before doing an inverted takedown :lol :lol :lol
GTFO!KingDirk said:I had not seen those character designs before reading that OP...
The designs are very 'Tim Burton's Batman,' except instead of looking like the 80s film it's like they're 'interpreting' the characters the same way Burton's interpreting Alice in Wonderland. Not a fan.
taoofjord said:Everyone should buy this!
The box it comes in is gorgeous.
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