Papercuts said:You need to figure out the spirit of arkham's identity.
lol, isn't it incredibly obvious who it is? At least I assume it is
Amadeus Arkham
Papercuts said:You need to figure out the spirit of arkham's identity.
Papercuts said:You need to figure out the spirit of arkham's identity.
TTP said:Penitentiary - Scan the floor in the room Warden was imprisoned.
R0nn said:lol, isn't it incredibly obvious who it is? At least I assume it isright?Amadeus Arkham
Totobeni said:uh , guys with CE , you can remove the batarange from the stand .
yeah .
memecomplex said:How'd you do it? Mine feels glued on. There's no give at all.
Totobeni said:well there is a little amount of glue but it's not strong at all .
just use a flathead screwdriver , put it in the hole on the stand to lose the Batarange from the stand , and then push it out .
Can you put it back in the stand easily?memecomplex said:Thanks!
untoldhero said:Can you put it back in the stand easily?
Bootaaay said:Ok, i've completed the game and done 239 of Riddlers 240 challenges - last one left, destroy 20 Joker Teeth in the Arkham Mansion. One problem, I can't find any - do they respawn at all? Because i've walked every inch of the place and there isn't a single set anywhere to be found - please tell me I don't have to start all over just because of 3 freaking Joker Teeth![]()
Saya said:How do you do the "mind your head" takedown in the silent knight challenge? I can't figure that one out.
fistfulofmetal said:Croc's lair was alright, but it dragged. Should have only had toI liked how it concluded though.collect like 3 samples instead of 6.
Dave1988 said:Press select. Every Medal requirement is explained in-game. For this you have to hit a guy in the head with a batarang then immediately afterwards do a takedown on him.
Nose Master said:Haven't played a game this polished in a while. Seems like the creators had a fucking blast making it.
PS:The fucking batjet flies through a wall just to drop off a gun? Really?
MiamiWesker said:I think I got 34 seconds on that. What i did was immediately run out of that roofed area you start in and shoot up to the ledge that was above you, jump over and there should be a guard walking right in front of you, use him to get the silent takedown. Next I immediately threw a sonic batarang (hit him so it explodes) at the guy across the hall standing in front of the explodable wall, as that is in the air, hook up to the roof next to you (the one with the explodable piece). There should be a guard walking out of the roofed area, hit him with a batarang, jump down and takedown. Immediately shoot up to the top of the wall in front of you, its the wall that separates that area from the small room with the explodable wall. Jump down into that small room and place the gel on the wall, all the other guards should be in front of it examining the dude you hit with the sonic batarang, boom. Level over.
yeah, lol. I'll post it:Valkyr Junkie said:Anyone else see today's Penny Arcade? :lol
Gryphter said:yeah, lol. I'll post it:
(Batman sees all)
Level 8 Boss said:And I was happy with my 53.39 seconds. You have any more tactics for the other challenges?
NewLib said:Has Rocksteady said anything about future DLC?
Papercuts said:Haha, holy crap. And now that you mention it, maybe it is possible without the vent. If you went right up the ladder, grapple up, gel the roof, line shot across, gel the wall, grapple up, then throw a sonic batarang down where that goes(if you can see it), then grapple across and gel it...I might actually have to try it like this, I'm just thinking in theory. Still though, I don't know an easier way to kick someone through a window, I used a sonic batarang for that too, and it takes too long to recharge a second one in that timespan.
Edit: Uhhh, kinda works? At 43 seconds I would've been able to do it, but 2 guards are walking over it, maybe need to do a different order. Either way, the first guy is only at 48 seconds, I seriously don't see how that is possible.
Gryphter said:yeah, lol. I'll post it:[IMG][/QUOTE]
Thanks. I'm on my iPhone and didn't want to hotlink it.
legend166 said:Wait what?
Then what the hell is the point of 4 save slots?
slasher_thrasher21 said:For all the bitching aboutI thought that segment was different enough, not very long, and unique. I liked it. Don't get the complaints about it going on too long. So five minutes is too long? Geesus people.Killer Crocs Lair
Nose Master said:Haven't played a game this polished in a while. Seems like the creators had a fucking blast making it.
PS:The fucking batjet flies through a wall just to drop off a gun? Really?
NewLib said:Has Rocksteady said anything about future DLC?
painey said:it was too long because it was out of ideas after 30 seconds. if they had mixed it up or made it more interesting instead of rinse and repeat then it wouldn't have dragged as much.
sloppyjoe_gamer said:Did anyone elses intro have random odd pauses while the building was being panned, up until batmans car comes driving by? It was almost like clockwork...while it was playing, the video would pause every 5-6 seconds or so, then resume.
Ive had no issues at all in the 8 hours or so playing the actual game, but i was wondering if anyone else saw what i did....