Keyser Soze said:About the Scarecrow thing,.the "use the middle stick to dodge joker's bullet" confused me more than the glitch
I thought the entire sequence was brilliant and that part just set it over the top.
Keyser Soze said:About the Scarecrow thing,.the "use the middle stick to dodge joker's bullet" confused me more than the glitch
lothars said:I really hope they don't do something like that because I didn't think my console red ringed but I thought it was just a stupid way to start the scene and i can see why someone would think that but to me The Scarecrow scenes were alright but pretty meh overall.
Keyser Soze said:About the Scarecrow thing,.the "use the middle stick to dodge joker's bullet" confused me more than the glitch
Blindfutur3 said:Oh man, I loved them. The build up to them were some of the best parts of the game, where he's just messing with your head., but otherwise they were excellent.The part where it puts you on a '2D' plane and you have to make your way to the bat signal wasn't great
Calavera520 said:yeah that puzzled me too, does it actually make any difference?
Blindfutur3 said:Oh man, I loved them. The build up to them were some of the best parts of the game, where he's just messing with your head., but otherwise they were excellent.The part where it puts you on a '2D' plane and you have to make your way to the bat signal wasn't great
Calavera520 said:yeah that puzzled me too, does it actually make any difference?
shagg_187 said:Umm... No. Everything about the scarecrow scene was brilliant.
Oh and the dude you quote: Scarecrow scenes were ALRIGHT? Goddamn, You do NOT appreciate Batman in any way possible.
Batman: Arkham Asylum releasing on N64 CONFIRMED!!!Ferrio said:*smacks forehead*
I think the scarecrow sequences were the best sequences in the game. It was seriously a breath of fresh air. Tired of all those blockbuster sequences in the game. Tired of all those half-assed so-called "scary moments" in gaming where they just spawn a random character from the left (ALWAYS THE LEFT. ALWAYS!). Tired of those bullshit ways of story telling where they don't know what the fuck is going on or how to control it so they make it an explosive cutscene. Tired of sequences that make you jump by INCREASING THE DAMN VOLUME EVERY TIME.lothars said:I think Batman is a great game and I really like the combat but I do appreciate batman and I think the Scarecrow sequences were like the boss fights, not bad but not great.
shagg_187 said:Again, the most brilliant scene in the game:So Beautiful and Powerful. I almost forgot how awesome gaming used to be in the late 90s until I played this game.Batman seeing his parents die in Crime Alley. Becoming Young Bruce. Just laying down there with his parents dead.
Blindfutur3 said:This was the best part for me too. It was also the part where I realised just how good looking the game is.
Regarding the Scarecrow section. I don't know what it was, those sections looked great and 90% of Scarecrow's sectons were awesome, but there just wasn't much challenge and it just got tedious after a while.
shagg_187 said:The scarecrow sequence did SO MUCH justice to Batman Universe, it can't be compared to any other video game based on an IP as large as Batman. There was never a loophole, never a sequence created just to increase the game length and on top of that, a sequence so complex, to find it without a SINGLE glitch makes it even more immerse ... (fangasm here) ...
Bolded the key part.Ri'Orius said:So I didn't follow most of that, but on one point: Immersion? The Scarecrow sequences were cool, but they were never very immersive to me (with the exception of the glitch/restart business, and even then only the beginning).
Heck, I remember one of 'em, when it started, displayed as the name of the room you'd just entered "Gotham Alleyway" or something else clearly wrong. Before the sequence had begun to get creepy, I suddenly thought "Huh? Oh, must be a Scarecrow sequence." Which was kinda disappointing.
shagg_187 said:It wasn't meant to be a challenge as much as pulling you out of the combat and exploration. If there is one "weakness" in the game is that the player can NEVER admire the game's beauty since he is always using Detective Mode, discovering items and object and the only two instances they can truly admire it is 1. After the game ends, and 2. When Scarecrow fucks you up.
That said, I am indeed looking forward to the sequel (Yes, there will be Sequel!) and I HOPE Scarecrow makes a return.
MyEpitomeCliché said:Yes, it's finally the weekend, I'll finally have some free time, and I'll finally be able to play this game some more. Since we are on the topic of Scarecrow, is there more with him after thesequence? If so, fuck yes.2-D spotlight
Crunched said:Still don't understand the criticism of detective mode. If you didn't like it, why didn't you turn it off? Try thinking of a better excuse than "the game didn't force me to," because that's your fault, no one else's.
I know I can't be the only one who turned it on only when necessary. I mean, you can plainly see a grate, you don't need it to glow orange to know you can remove it :lolshagg_187 said:Why ofcourse, turn off the detective mode so you don't know which door to enter or what block of wall to rip apart or which ventilation shaft to enter or where the enemies are waiting for you or where to look out for the traces of nicotine or alcohol or blood or where E.Nigma is hiding his family jewels or how the Spirit of Arkham is fucking up with you. Surely, it would've made the game MUCH MORE BETTER since they are NOT forcing me to use it.
Sarcasm aside, Detective Mode is brilliant and the game cannot be the same without it but is is pretty much forcing you to use it except maybe when you replay the game and don't care about collectible.
ShockingAlberto said:Detective Mood forcing a sort of stress level so you can't use it constantly would have been a good way to implement it.
I honestly like keeping it on because it gives Batman white eyes.
Crunched said:I know I can't be the only one who turned it on only when necessary. I mean, you can plainly see a grate, you don't need it to glow orange to know you can remove it :lol
Pretty much the only times I made sure to use it were when I was in a room with armed guards (to check how many were left) and when I was lining up a riddler challenge. Those "forensic" trails are just fluff anyway, there's pretty much only one untread path for all those sequences which totally nullifies any "detective" work you might be under the illusion of performing.
Crunched said:Bolded the key part.
Ri'Orius said:Sure, there was a moment of confusion. But it was confusion based not on what was happening in the game, but rather what was happening in the UI. And once the moment of confusion was resolved, immersion was broken--I felt more like I was playing a game than that I was being Batman.
The moment was nice. The aftermath, however...
Coldsnap said:Anyone else play the game a bit but have no urge to go back and finish it?
You could have played it on easy, too, and things would have been even simpler.shagg_187 said:Don't get me wrong. I did try to play the game using as little of Detective Mode as possible but yes, it's a part of the game and you can play the entire game with Detective Mode on and complete it with ease, rather than not using it all and be clueless. Batman is all about gadgets, and not using his gadgets is blasphemy!
shagg_187 said:I guess every other game disappoints you since most of them don't even involve this "confusion". Shooters might be the most boring genre according to you for it's a simple "shoot to kill" scenario in most of them.
We're gamers, hyperbole is our first language.Ri'Orius said:But when one of the biggest immersion breaks in the game occurs in a segment that someone lauds as being immersive, I feel obligated to point it out.
Crunched said:You could have played it on easy, too, and things would have been even simpler.
But you didn't.
I hope.
That's sort of my point :lolshagg_187 said:I played on Normal. Easy is for pussies! I wish I played on Hard from the beginning but I avoided it for I didn't know how 'HARD' hard can be (and from reading other people's comments, hard was fairly reasonable!!).
Crunched said:We're gamers, hyperbole is our first language.
Crunched said:I guess that's what happens when players are given too much choice; they blame the game's design for not exploring the options they've ignored.
Not trying to attack you, was mainly addressing the argument. A few people here have been tossing it around.shagg_187 said:I did not blame the game design. I love the way it is and it would've sucked if it was any difference. I am not "complaining" but rather giving an after-though that you realize the true beauty of the game after you complete it!![]()
That makes us sound so obnoxious.Ri'Orius said:We're also message board denizens; we tend to be rather fluent in pedantry as well![]()
Coldsnap said:Anyone else play the game a bit but have no urge to go back and finish it?
:lol Gotta love gaming these days.lastplayed said:The boss fights are the biggest let down for me. They're so pointless and frustrating, I had to die on one of them before it told me what I had to do, that's really bad game design.
"Back in my day, we didn't have any 'o dem cheat codes or fancy in game hints! We didn't even have continues! We went up against bosses with no weak points and beat 'em with our bare mega busters, plotted routes out on napkins because there was no in-game map! Played for hours on end only to have it all ripped apart in an instant! Why? Because we were gamers, that's why! Say, did I ever tell you about the time I went all the way through Battletoads without even getting hit? I did? Oh, well it's time to hear it again."vazel said::lol Gotta love gaming these days.
lastplayed said:Well, whatever. I didn't enjoy any of the boss fights, and that's a failure of the designers, not me.
lastplayed said:Well, whatever. I didn't enjoy any of the boss fights, and that's a failure of the designers, not me.
Oh and where's my group hug?
Crunched said:I know I can't be the only one who turned it on only when necessary. I mean, you can plainly see a grate, you don't need it to glow orange to know you can remove it :lol
Darunia said:Getting better at freeflowing! Only 3 challenges left to 3 star, I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I really hate the cinderblock fools in Sewer extreme, always throwing their rocks offscreen dagnab it.
lastplayed said:The boss fights are the biggest let down for me. They're so pointless and frustrating, I had to die on one of them before it told me what I had to do, that's really bad game design.
Neiteio said:I love how huge an attention whore everyone at Rocksteady is, being all "Maybe we'll make a sequel if people like the game." :lol
Speaking of sequels, I'd like:
- A cold, rain-slick Gotham City setting, not open world, but with you exploring various corners of the city, reaching them by linear driving segments in the Batmobile.
- The return of, now infused with Titan. The hulks would be more hulked out than before; the other fellow, now as monstrous as his mindgames.Croc, Bane and Scarecrow
- A mob theme, with a coalition of crime syndicates led byand more. Imagine sneaking through the rafters of a room, watching the mobsters plot against Batman in a cigarette smoke-filled room below...Two-Face, Penguin, Ventriloquist (Scarface)
- Several encounters with, fighting her in some, working with her in others, chasing her across rooftops at one point.Catwoman
- A multiplayer component with Batman versus thugs; the thugs play from the first-person perspective and pack heat with limited ammo; Batman plays from the third-person perspective and tries to take them down Predator-style.
- Strong focus on dynamic lighting and shadows -- especially useful in the above, where Batman can take advantage of the darkness.
- Challenge Mode now featuring a plethora of unlockable characters.
- Other villains making their appearance as either direct bosses or forces driving the plot:Mr. Freeze, as the game's Poison Ivy-style elemental-driven humanoid; Clayface, with Assassin's Creed-style blend-into-crowd games of cat-and-mouse, followed up by monstrous transformations and boss battles; Mad Hatter, at the amusement park in a Wonderland-themed underground, hypnotizing and mind-controlling friends into foes; and more.
Hmm, I suspect there's more, but I'm drawing a blank here.![]()