Likewise. I get good speeds with Steam as well, typically maxing my connection out (105mbit).Downloading at 11.5 MB/s should be done preloading in 35 minutes. Origin speeds are fantastic.
Likewise. I get good speeds with Steam as well, typically maxing my connection out (105mbit).Downloading at 11.5 MB/s should be done preloading in 35 minutes. Origin speeds are fantastic.
Hint for when the game goes live; don't open all your battlepacks right away. The game senses what you prefer class wise and gears pack drops towards that. I tested it with several accounts during the beta. So if you absolutely hate recon, don't open your packs until you've played some assault or support, for example.
Hint for when the game goes live; don't open all your battlepacks right away. The game senses what you prefer class wise and gears pack drops towards that. I tested it with several accounts during the beta. So if you absolutely hate recon, don't open your packs until you've played some assault or support, for example.
EA has always had decent file servers. I remember downloading patches for BF1942 at max speed way back in 2003/2004.Likewise. I get good speeds with Steam as well, typically maxing my connection out (105mbit).
To buy or not to buy... Beta didn't run all too well on my rig, and tbh, I kinda liked BF3 gameplay more.
Interesting. I played a shitload of Engineer, got star etc, and barely touched the other classes yet my packs gave me support LMG crap.
Great advice. I love recon tho. Is there a certain level you recommend to start opening them?Hint for when the game goes live; don't open all your battlepacks right away. The game senses what you prefer class wise and gears pack drops towards that. I tested it with several accounts during the beta. So if you absolutely hate recon, don't open your packs until you've played some assault or support, for example.
Great advice. I love recon tho. Is there a certain level you recommend to start opening them?
I tested it by playing only one class on several accounts. The game would only drop unlocks for those weapons until you had unlocked most everything. The gold battlepacks contained a pile of shit that isn't terribly useful, but there's supposed to be one or two usable unlocks inside in addition to the XP boosts.
please send out dem keys, simplycdkeys :O
Hint for when the game goes live; don't open all your battlepacks right away. The game senses what you prefer class wise and gears pack drops towards that. I tested it with several accounts during the beta. So if you absolutely hate recon, don't open your packs until you've played some assault or support, for example.
Hint for when the game goes live; don't open all your battlepacks right away. The game senses what you prefer class wise and gears pack drops towards that. I tested it with several accounts during the beta. So if you absolutely hate recon, don't open your packs until you've played some assault or support, for example.
From my personal experience, I only played Engineer during the beta and received unlocks for Assault/Support in my Battlepacks.
Heh. I take pride in my BF3 playtime.
I had it perfectly sectioned off for awhile, but it got a little skewed towards support from playing smaller maps.
Battlepacks are RANDOM, they aren't weighted. You're just being lucky in getting one class over the others.
I'll be opening them one at a time. Opening the next one when the exp boosts from the previous one expire.
Several XP bonuses will be gathered, and activated at any given time. You won't loose them when opening new packs with new bonuses.
Hint for when the game goes live; don't open all your battlepacks right away. The game senses what you prefer class wise and gears pack drops towards that. I tested it with several accounts during the beta. So if you absolutely hate recon, don't open your packs until you've played some assault or support, for example.
Several XP bonuses will be saved, and activated at any given time. You won't lose them when opening new packs with new bonuses.
Just for fun, what was your accuracy in how many kills in BF3?
12,183 Kills
19.5% Accuracy
Plus, the most kills I have with a weapon in the knife (387 kills).
PS3 footage from all the maps is up again:
28,236 kills and 13,3% accuracy. I like to suppress the enemy, nuff said. :T
Most kills with G3A3 - 2,211.
Jesus, anyone experiencing TERRIBLE download speeds from the Origin client? I have a 50/35 Mbps connection and I'm getting 155 KB/s downloads (ETA 45 hours). I realize that living in Brazil must affect that, but I usually get 5.5 MB/s on Steam...
Is there any way to change the DL server? Or do anyone have the direct download link? Perhaps I can get better speed using orbit (download acelerator).
Anyone have premium and does it say its unlocked? I put in my code last night but I was tired and forgot if it went through, doesn't show as activated in my game list and when I put the code in now it says it was registered already, just double checking.
Most kills with G3A3 - 2,211.
If you right click BF4 > show game details, it should be there under expansions. It should also show up on your battlelog feed.
I am most likely being paranoid.
Yeah, they have to be manually activated. I won't be opening them all right away just to avoid raging at getting so many Battlelog layers. Silly idea on their part.
For the pilots earlier in the thread:
All helo unlocks for you chopper junkies
96,077 kills
M4A1 - 7,470
17.3% Accuracy
Yeah, I'm a pro.
Shout outs to Tanner Mayes
96,077 kills
M4A1 - 7,470
17.3% Accuracy
Yeah, I'm a pro.
I'm not really familiar with the names. Are we able to drop bombs on soilders now?
I'm not really familiar with the names. Are we able to drop bombs on soilders now?
Anyone else waiting for Premium to be on sale on Black Friday or around then?