First time making GIFs...I need to learn how to make my photoshop let me import videos. The quality in these suck lol
I was hoping to snipe both with that one sniper shotlol
First time making GIFs...I need to learn how to make my photoshop let me import videos. The quality in these suck lol
I just bought it at GMG for 37.50. Used a code they giveDoes premium ever go on sale? I picked up the game with China rising expansion for a decent price, so $50 seems pretty steep.
First time making GIFs...I need to learn how to make my photoshop let me import videos. The quality in these suck lol
So I bought the Xbox One version since that's where all my friends are playing. God damn I suck on consoles now. Guess I just got used to the PC, but I can't aim for shit now.
X1 controller is fine for me, I don't have problems with it.I tried playing for a bit on the xbox.
I couldn't get used to the controller coming off the dualshock 4 lol, i really just don't like it, its hard to explain, but i would rather have the option to use my 360 pad on the xbox one.
The sticks are a little too small and raised for me as well as the weird travel distance on the trigger, i just couldn't get a handle of it.
X1 controller is fine for me, I don't have problems with it.
I think photoshop only supports mp4, at least that's the only format that works with my photoshop CS5 when making GifsFirst time making GIFs...I need to learn how to make my photoshop let me import videos. The quality in these suck lol
Quite an improvement over BF3s ... also dat singapore level.Just finished the SP campaign.
That was great.
Just finished the SP campaign.
That was great.
Quite an improvement over BF3s ... also dat singapore level.
So Zh1nt0 is no longer a Community Manager so... who is it? Wanna ask if theyre ever gonna fix the emblems.
Damn good shot regardless man
Still a good shot, don't want to see me sniping![]()
File > Import > Video frames to layer
Pretty sure that's it.
File>Import>Video frames to layers
GifCam is pretty decent for creating Gifs
I think photoshop only supports mp4, at least that's the only format that works with my photoshop CS5 when making Gifs
Damn so many conflicting opinions on the campaign....
One level should make you snipe from a roof above a capture and auto-kick you from the sp campaign for being useless. Possibly delete a weapon unlock everytime as punishment.
Fucking hell, I'm having one of the worst days when it comes to lag. I'm losing 90% of my head to head battles no matter what. I mean, I get insta killled before the enemy has even stopped running and raised his weapon. I'm getting so many straight up bullshit deaths that I can't play this shit anymore. In some cases, I drop dead immediately and start hearing the gun shots only after I'm dead... how fucking bad I'm lagging then?.
And finally started playing Conguest this week after spending most of my time playing just Domination or TDM. How fucking crap is Operation Locker. God damn, that map is garbage unless you want to rack up some medic points etc..
This is exactly what's happening to me. I'm working on marksmen ribbons and, on my end at least, I'm firing a clean headshot at a sniper facing me. I'll hear the gun go off on my end after I fire, hear his gun go off after I fire, but then I'm dead and he's alive. Happening so many times I just shut it off. And going one-on-one I'm getting what looks like one-shotted from assault rifles.
It's really frustrating; I'm not good at this game but I'm better than when I started a few weeks ago...but this wasn't happening to this extent back then even. I don't get it.
It's been the worst since the weekend to today. My roommate who's getting interested in getting the game watches me play a lot and he said the same thing - that he has no idea how I'm dying so fast. Like, my deaths with assault weapons / carbines often are as sudden as if I were sniped in the head.
Operation Locker is incredible if you want to level quick. Premium XP event + 200% XP Booster + having an MAV inside constantly spotting/motion sensing or, as you said, med boxes and defibbing. A good player can rack up a few hundred K xp with those boosts in that situation.
Fucking hell, I'm having one of the worst days when it comes to lag. I'm losing 90% of my head to head battles no matter what. I mean, I get insta killled before the enemy has even stopped running and raised his weapon. I'm getting so many straight up bullshit deaths that I can't play this shit anymore. In some cases, I drop dead immediately and start hearing the gun shots only after I'm dead... how fucking bad I'm lagging then?.
I know it shows the wrong amount, but it's almost like it only happens to taunt you... >
Moon jump! I wish I knew what that looked like to everyone else. It wasn't intentional BTW.
Just finished the SP campaign.
That was great.
There's your answer.
I know BC2 wasn't known for its CQ maps.
But I quite miss Panama canal, wouldn't mind seeing an upgraded version in the future.
I know BC2 wasn't known for its CQ maps.
But I quite miss Panama canal, wouldn't mind seeing an upgraded version in the future.
If they do a single player campaign in the next one, I hope it's built to teach players the basics of cq, the basics of kit items with how/when/why you should use them.
No. Most weapons don't.Also, are does every gun give you a instant kill on a headshot?
That's because the game is unfair and frustrating.haha, I don't want to sound like I'm blaming lag for being terrible. I AM terrible. But the some of the deaths I've had in the last couple of days have felt really unfair and frustrating.
Balancing feedback, eh? I don't even know why "buffing anti-air capabilities of attack boats" is even there. In almost every match that I've been in, the attack boats have been completely dominating land, air and water. Though voting seems almost 50/50, so *shrugs*
anecdotal evidence is the best evidence!
No. Most weapons don't.
GifCam is pretty decent for creating Gifs
Im pretty sure every time i die to an MX4 its due to a one shot, I'm almost positive.
Nothing kills me quicker and that gun was a big hitter before the initial one shot bug patch.
GIFcam is too limited, I feel. Imageready gives you a lot more "editing" and cutting for flow-ability.
I made like a 30sec-1min .gif in .gifcam and it wanted liek 30megs or so from the 30FPS and frame-skipping option it did. Insane for what it's supposed to be removing a lot of data from.
Serious question: Does anyone else here get killed by players with 0 health after a firefight? I don't know why, but I'm always the one dying and the other person lives with a literal 0 in health. What gives? (PS4 here)
This should have been "fixed" with the last update but I get the same thing on PC as well.Serious question: Does anyone else here get killed by players with 0 health after a firefight? I don't know why, but I'm always the one dying and the other person lives with a literal 0 in health. What gives? (PS4 here)
So this is my first battlefield since 2 on PC. I have just been playing conquest large since launch.
What other game modes are considered best to play? Which game modes do get get the highest percentage of people playing properly? I mean like people actually spot, communicate, coordinate attacks and so on.