Some guys over at did some testing with Intel's CPU's with HT (Hyper Threading) with results with HT on and off. Looks like those of us with i7's (Me
[email protected]) made a wise choice in ignoring the slew of peeps saying it was a waste of money, yada, yada, yada and so on. ...just about everyone just 8 months to 12 months ago even to this day actually were saying getting a 3770k/4770k over a 3570k/4570k was/is a huge waste of personal argument was "next gen" games "might" just make good use of those extra threads so i ignored all the hasty opinions and bought myself a 3770k 8 months ago...low and behold, seems if this trend continues the "extra threads" will indeed be worth that extra bit of cash....peep the info below....i am soooo happy i went with my own opinion instead of going by the he said/she said drama about the i5s vs i7s
From - here is a direct link to this thread here
Now with some data:
PART 2 - Hyper threading vs non-hyper threading
This was quite simple to do and the reason I did it was because I was asked to try and see if those extra 4 threads made any difference.
To simply disable HT - I went into the BIOS and disabled HT on my I7 3770k - thus effectively rendering it an I5 3570k at heart - as pretty much the only difference between the two CPU's, those extra 4 threads.
NOTE: GPU before starting and within the game HT is ON: Huge dips is me ALT+TABing
Again, All the benchmarks here and below are just a few samples of the OP's results at
Another nitpick of mine are all the Windows 8 haters..again..everyone saying Windows 8 was garbage for gaming,etc,etc even before next gen games started to come out...well look below..seems Windows 8 IS INDEED BETTER than Windows 7 in terms of newer upcoming games..and yet again i ignored all the blatant opinions on Windows 8 in which a TON of people were saying avoid it like a plague, gut feeling was telling me Windows 8 would more than likely benefit with next gen games..and from the testing thus far it will!....And again...soooo happy i went with my own opinion instead of going by the he said/she said drama about Win 8 being junk for gaming.