Windom Earle
EC, any word on performance?
Just got into the game. When elevator shots look this good, you know next gen is here.
Middle of the game, power goes. Tons of houses without power thanks to this storm ... Great timing.
Uh, so how do I make multiplayer work now? Got SP up and running, but if I don't want to use a proxy to play MP Origin will tell me that it isn't unlocked yet?
Less playing more screenshots guys!
Middle of the game, power goes. Tons of houses without power thanks to this storm ... Great timing.
Yea, that would have almost been too good to be true. I've got a decent amount of space on my SSD left, but if its like 40-50GB's, it might be an issue once the expansions/patches start hitting.22gb. Edit: sorry, that's the compressed download size only.
So even though somebody is telling you that their customer service is fine, you'd still just file a grievance through Paypal? Geez.Well I'm not too fussed I'm sure paypal can sort it if needed. I just want to get this horrendous preload out of the way.
Sorry to jump in suddenly, but has nvidia released any beta drivers for bf4 since beta?
Those drivers gave me a BSOD, and I haven't had one of those in years.
OK, gonna need to know. Object motion blur or not.
Some screenshot evidence would be wonderful!
Those drivers gave me a BSOD, and I haven't had one of those in years.
A couple more, not the best screenshots but man this game is gorgeous.
EC, any word on performance?
i5 2500K @ 4.3GHz
GTX 770 4GB
Ultra everything, except post-AA set to off
Framerate anywhere between 30 - 60. Closer to the latter than the former, occasionally going over. Highly dependant on what's going on. One scene in particular sent my framerate below 30, probably due to the dynamic lighting/whatever the fuck Frostbite 3 does.
Engine is truly spectacular. Mass Effect 4 and Dragon Age 3 are going to look incredible.[img]
dem jaggies
You may or may not get it but I seemed unlucky, happened within 10 minutes after I installed them.WUT? oh damn, guess i will use the previous drivers then, thanks for the heads up.
OK, gonna need to know. Object motion blur or not.
Some screenshot evidence would be wonderful!
Very subtle, but you can see the characters and weapon has motionblur
OK, gonna need to know. Object motion blur or not.
Some screenshot evidence would be wonderful!
I'll be slapping SweetFX on this game if it still works like it did in BF3 =)
Link to Gallery showing ALL of the Conquest Large - 64 player versions of the maps:
Credit goes to "Tovarisc" on the MordorHQ forums.
dem jaggies
Whoa. If PS4 looks anywhere near this good...Check the glove and the slider (bonus bullet in shot)
Very subtle, but you can see the characters and weapon has motionblur
Check the glove and the slider (bonus bullet in shot)
Whoa. If PS4 looks anywhere near this good...
Need someone with 6870/7850/7870 to give their performance numbers, if I can't run it in high with ultra textures in 1080p I might just cancel my order.