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Yeah, it's all been echoed repeatedly. I mean, I get it, but it's not gonna magically fix things either, it's going to take time.There are actual reasons they locked the thread. It's an exact repost that's been reposted many times.
Meanwhile over on Reddit careful what you say about the Dev team you might hurt some ones feelings
But it still costs my free time.2042 is free to play this weekend on Xbox btw![]()
Meanwhile over on Reddit careful what you say about the Dev team you might hurt some ones feelings
He is talking about legacy features like a fucking scoreboard. Too much scope creep.Because it's way better game, I got BF 2042 for christmas and it's shit only thing good going for it, is the old maps through portal. Looks like something sewed in 6 months honestly.
Also fuck off Andy, as far as I know BF V had single player campaign, so what kind of ((scope)) are we talking about? Try harder
Wanna bet it won't be on PS+ by June 2022?Expect it on PS+ or Gamepass before June I'd say.
That is par for the course for the shut-in lemmings known as average redditors. Only one opinion allowed!!!Imagine locking down a community for having opinions.
"But hey, it's *your* fault, not ours. We're perfect, you (the paying customers) are the issue."
Also, "just create your own country bro."
Ditto, waste of cash.I bought it and can't stand it.
The expectations are literally all the shit they removed. Here's a massive list of them -
All we expected was a completed game.
What a stupid fucking tweet.
"The things you want take time to scope, design, and execute."
Are you serious, Andy? The community is rightfully pissed off because 2042 is a complete fucking disaster. You get no sympathy because the game should be 110% better than it is right now. Why should consumers have to wait for you to fix a broken product? Shouldn't they have got what they paid for in the first place?
Brutal expectations = delivering a functional game with features from previous games in the series. Cry me a river you nobhead, there was versions of this game you were charging £100 for.
Battlefield for that last couple entries have all released broken and fixed up mostly after 4-6 months. People are fine to get pissed but don't act surprised they released a broken game. It's been their MO for a while with battlefield. Very much was noticable on battlefield 4 release.
No I haven't bought it yet, since I'm waiting for fixes in the 1st 6 months to smooth out the bugs they always release with.I keep seeing these posts about the game being "broken" or unplayable. I suspect you've never played 2042 and are just saying shit? This is easily the most non-broken Battlefield release I can remember. The shitty thing is they finally release a Battlefield that doesn't still have major technical issues months after release....and yet it's saddled with all the other issues.
It'll be interesting to see what Dice plans to do with this going forward. Despite all the problems I'm still managing to squeeze entertsinment out of it but once Dying Light 2 releases I'll shelve it and come back in a few months. Hopefully they can sort themselves out, if not it'll be years before we see another battlefield ugh
I keep seeing these posts about the game being "broken" or unplayable. I suspect you've never played 2042 and are just saying shit? This is easily the most non-broken Battlefield release I can remember. The shitty thing is they finally release a Battlefield that doesn't still have major technical issues months after release....and yet it's saddled with all the other issues.
No I haven't bought it yet, since I'm waiting for fixes in the 1st 6 months to smooth out the bugs they always release with.
Yeah, that was my experience as well. For the first 24 hours there were definitely connection issues and stuff trying to connect to games, at least on PC. This was also that "early access" for folks that had certain editions. Portal was still broken at the time, so I never gave it a shot, unfortunately. But a day or two later the issue connecting to games was fine, and I literally had no problems at all playing the game. I just wish things gameplay elements were of course, different. Though there WERE certainly Battlefield moments that the game could pull off. I just didn't wanna go back in until they tweaked a few things. But it's been just long enough that I feel myself caring less and less.I keep seeing these posts about the game being "broken" or unplayable. I suspect you've never played 2042 and are just saying shit? This is easily the most non-broken Battlefield release I can remember. The shitty thing is they finally release a Battlefield that doesn't still have major technical issues months after release....and yet it's saddled with all the other issues.
It'll be interesting to see what Dice plans to do with this going forward. Despite all the problems I'm still managing to squeeze entertsinment out of it but once Dying Light 2 releases I'll shelve it and come back in a few months. Hopefully they can sort themselves out, if not it'll be years before we see another battlefield ugh
The expectations are literally all the shit they removed. Here's a massive list of them -
All we expected was a completed game.
Yeah, the game is far from broken. Missing features and some bad design choices? Yes, but I'm still enjoying it a lot.Lol at broken game. I bet most people shitting on it haven't even played it and just parroting disgruntled players from reddit. Been playing and loving this game.
At this point a next gen patch for BF4 would be great.People's demands weren't brutal they basically wanted a game like BF4 with next gen graphics and good maps that were on par with BF4's. What Dice and EA wanted was to make it a hero shooter so they can sell you operatives which will make it pay to win while maps were apparently an afterthought seeing how bad they are and how few of them there are.
The expectations are literally all the shit they removed. Here's a massive list of them -
All we expected was a completed game.