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Battlefield V has double the player-count of Battlefield 2042 on Steam / EA Director of Comms for shooters says expectations are “Brutal”


Gold Member
So do you think 128 players has made this game any better than bf4?

At no point yet have I personally thought wow these additional numbers have really improved the experience.

There’s definitely going to be a sweet spot, but I don’t believe 128 players has made the game great.
For me, online gaming has never been a numbers game. I like COD at 6 vs 6 or 8 vs 8. I didnt mind 9 vs 9 in those old games. When it's bumped up to that blitz mode at 16 vs 16 or whatever and it's a chaotic mess. But, hey some people like games with more quantity of stuff in it.

It's like open world games. Devs always go bigger. Not too often you see a dev say their next game will have a smaller land mass and less locations to check out. But is having more grasslands and extra repetitive dungeons mean the game is more fun because it has more? Not to me.
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Let it burn
So do you think 128 players has made this game any better than bf4?

At no point yet have I personally thought wow these additional numbers have really improved the experience.

There’s definitely going to be a sweet spot, but I don’t believe 128 players has made the game great.
It didn’t make it worse either?


Is this game laden with microtransactions? If not, I expect that’s next on the roadmap followed by free to play.

Airbus Jr

I actually think 128 players makes it worse, especially when it comes to Breakthrough which was already a clusterfuck. The 64 player mode improved that game mode a lot for me.
I read some comments on youtube

The player said it was the map design that makes 2042 sucks

Vehicles are too OP in 2042

Infantry player are in big disadvantage

When get in the midlle of the map they can sudendly get hit and mowed down too easily from any direction by tank/ attack helicopters

(I dont know and cant tell from experience cos i didnt played the game just heard what they said)
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
BuT iTs Also On oRiGiN

What a fucking dumpster fire. I'm glad the players call this shit out, but didn't people try out the beta?

Why did anyone buy this shit when you could try it for free?

I thought about buying it for 30 euro, but the maps looks so bad and bland. Glad I dodged the bullet.
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I don't blame the players for DICE/EA's failure to launch a good game at release. If you fix it six months or a year later, many have already moved on.

Also, BF1 was pretty universally beloved at launch. Cuz it was excellent.

People were excited about BF1 because they were mad about COD doing advanced movement again, and holding MWR hostage. I wanted to love BF1, but by February of 2017, I was back to COD.


Gold Member
BuT iTs Also On oRiGiN

What a fucking dumpster fire. I'm glad the players call this shit out, but didn't people try out the beta?

Why did anyone buy this shit when you could try it for free?

I thought about buying it for 30 euro, but the maps looks so bad and bland. Glad I dodged the bullet.

I also considered doing that. Indeed, that's what I did with BFV when it got a price cut after just one month.
BFV wasn't great, but for half the price, it was kind of worth it.
But BF 2042 has little to no redeeming features. So I also dodge a bullet by not purchasing it.
It was a real shame, I was really hoping this was going to be the return of the franchise to greatness.


Andy need to go back to Gamer Informer talkin' that bullshit. A whole bunch of people paid real life money for this garbage. Not tryna hear a whole bunch of excuses. When games are well made, you'd want praise. When that shit is a toilet bowl like 2042, expect to hear the backlash. For those who actually got finessed and purchased 2042, I truly hope they do fix the game for y'all.


I still regret buying this instead of vanguard.

Such a terrible game. On console, aiming is fucking he'll, it does not feel right compared to other shooters.


Game has issues but most of the discussion has turned away from being constructive in most threads, especially on the official reddit. It's is a mixture of people regurgitating the same hit pieces and one liners so they can pat eachother on the back and feel like they're accomplishing something instead of maybe playing something they actually enjoy (crazy idea I know).

But honestly I doubt most of these people have even played the game or are currently playing it. But it's always the same thing, the past BF game was shit until the new one releases and then the old becomes the greatest thing ever and we pretend as if only the current one has issues, it's tiring and played out.


Dr. Claus

Game has issues but most of the discussion has turned away from being constructive in most threads, especially on the official reddit. It's is a mixture of people regurgitating the same hit pieces and one liners so they can pat eachother on the back and feel like they're accomplishing something instead of maybe playing something they actually enjoy (crazy idea I know).

But honestly I doubt most of these people have even played the game or are currently playing it. But it's always the same thing, the past BF game was shit until the new one releases and then the old becomes the greatest thing ever and we pretend as if only the current one has issues, it's tiring and played out.


I intimately remember the early days of Battlefield and this is some revisionist shit if I ever saw it. The vast majority of the playerbase were excited for 2, 2142, Bad Company 1 and 2, and BF3. At *most* there was some tepid response to BC1 and 2 due to them seemingly having console-focused design.

This seems like some trash a fanboy came up with to try and dismiss legitimate criticism against DICE and their piss poor handling of the franchise.


Gold Member
Game has issues but most of the discussion has turned away from being constructive in most threads, especially on the official reddit. It's is a mixture of people regurgitating the same hit pieces and one liners so they can pat eachother on the back and feel like they're accomplishing something instead of maybe playing something they actually enjoy (crazy idea I know).

But honestly I doubt most of these people have even played the game or are currently playing it. But it's always the same thing, the past BF game was shit until the new one releases and then the old becomes the greatest thing ever and we pretend as if only the current one has issues, it's tiring and played out.

Any game can have cherrypicked narratives.

But what is fact is Battlefield 3 had about an 85 MC score and sold 15 million copies. A game that came out 10 years ago.

BFV and 2042 have worse ratings. BFV sold much less than BF3, and 2042 will too. It's now a matter if 2042 sells less than BFV.
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Game has issues but most of the discussion has turned away from being constructive in most threads, especially on the official reddit. It's is a mixture of people regurgitating the same hit pieces and one liners so they can pat eachother on the back and feel like they're accomplishing something instead of maybe playing something they actually enjoy (crazy idea I know).

But honestly I doubt most of these people have even played the game or are currently playing it. But it's always the same thing, the past BF game was shit until the new one releases and then the old becomes the greatest thing ever and we pretend as if only the current one has issues, it's tiring and played out.


That's a cute meme, but it's not completely accurate. The issue with BF2042 is that it's a glitchy mess. The fact Dice has a history of releasing glitchy messes isn't a mitigating factor.


I’m sure the majority of the dev team realizes the game sucks. I’m sure most of them wouldn’t have shipped it the way it is, but they don’t get to make those calls. So yeah, let em have their holidays. They shouldn’t be on the hook to crunch on their time off and fix it because some exec who has no idea what a good game looks like wanted it released.

Sucks for those that bought it, at the same time this game had (multiple?) beta weekends. It took about 10 minutes of playing to realize the game sucked.


That's a cute meme, but it's not completely accurate. The issue with BF2042 is that it's a glitchy mess. The fact Dice has a history of releasing glitchy messes isn't a mitigating factor.
I purchased my launch PS4 cause BF4 was available day 1. What I wasn't aware of was the fact that it wouldn't work for well over a year after. Again to pretend that previous entries were suddenly these glitch free experiences proves you're wearing rose tinted glasses. Also shocker people love to say "fuck 2042 I'm going back to BF4", yea it only took a few years for it to be held up in such high regard.
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Game has issues but most of the discussion has turned away from being constructive in most threads, especially on the official reddit. It's is a mixture of people regurgitating the same hit pieces and one liners so they can pat eachother on the back and feel like they're accomplishing something instead of maybe playing something they actually enjoy (crazy idea I know).

But honestly I doubt most of these people have even played the game or are currently playing it. But it's always the same thing, the past BF game was shit until the new one releases and then the old becomes the greatest thing ever and we pretend as if only the current one has issues, it's tiring and played out.

Pretty much everything you said is wrong. I visit that sub daily and a majority of the posts are detailed critiques of issues with the game followed by some memes that drive the points home.


I intimately remember the early days of Battlefield and this is some revisionist shit if I ever saw it. The vast majority of the playerbase were excited for 2, 2142, Bad Company 1 and 2, and BF3. At *most* there was some tepid response to BC1 and 2 due to them seemingly having console-focused design.

This seems like some trash a fanboy came up with to try and dismiss legitimate criticism against DICE and their piss poor handling of the franchise.
The meme obviously isn't using direct quotes and isn't boiled down to a science, but it's pointing to a broader issue in that every single entry there is always a portion of the Battlefield community, just like any community that dogpiles when any changes are implemented no matter how big or small. I have been VERY vocal about my issues with 2042, hell I am STILL vocal about my issues with 2042 cause there are plenty. It's just crazy to me there can be at any given time three different threads concerning the game but they all essentially say the same shit by the same people and I sit back wondering why won't they just spend their time with something they actually enjoy.

When I realized I wasn't happy with my last wife I didn't stick around and continue to discuss and mope around about how sad and miserable I am, I got a divorce and moved on and now I am much happier, just seems like a simple rule. This isn't me defending DICE or EA, especially not EA cause again I have explained that they're probably to blame mostly for why 2042 has the issues it currently has. But we are about to head into a pretty amazing first quarter of games so hopefully people can find something they enjoy instead of circling the drain of something that apparently makes them unhappy.


Pretty much everything you said is wrong. I visit that sub daily and a majority of the posts are detailed critiques of issues with the game followed by some memes that drive the points home.
I hung around in it near launch for weapon/specialist tips and dipped out after the first week or two cause no joke it seemed every single thread was pretty much an antagonistic topic for people to word vomit with either very little or zero intelligence. It could have changed recently but like I said I haven't been there in awhile. I go to low sodium 2042 now, you can still discuss issues but they expect you to behave like an adult which is a hard barrier of entry for some on the internet.
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All they had to do was make a better looking BF4 with some general non-invasive gameplay improvements and they would have knocked it out of the park. That's all they had to do.

Needless to say, they tried their own "modern gaming" bullshit and fucked it up for the 2nd entry in a row.


Gold Member
All they had to do was make a better looking BF4 with some general non-invasive gameplay improvements and they would have knocked it out of the park. That's all they had to do.

Needless to say, they tried their own "modern gaming" bullshit and fucked it up for the 2nd entry in a row.

I don't see any hope for the I.P. going forward. All I can picture hearing in their board room talks is "We want an Apex/Fortnite free to play Battlefield game. Monetize everything, the players will be upset but ultimately play(you know it) and we have our stockholders to please".

However, it really falls on the gamers out there who continually support this bullshit every single time of release and just hope the game is patched to playable state. I'm not perfect but a lot of you gamers are really fucking up the future here when you support this behavior by publishers/devs. Stop supporting this bullshit!
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From Tom Henderson: So far 87% of Battlefield DICE Designers joined after BF1; 58% joined during BF2042

I assume the BF5 woke movement in the company killed the company entirely. most people of value probably fled before they got shot by EA into the gutter as they probably already saw it coming after BF5 PR solutions.

Also people need to realize, the last good battlefield they pushed out was 3 ( 4 was a map pack ) and that's 11 years ago. The IP is dead.
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From Tom Henderson: So far 87% of Battlefield DICE Designers joined after BF1; 58% joined during BF2042

I assume the BF5 woke movement in the company killed the company entirely. most people of value probably fled before they got shot by EA into the gutter as they probably already saw it coming after BF5 PR solutions.

Also people need to realize, the last good battlefield they pushed out was 3 ( 4 was a map pack ) and that's 11 years ago. The IP is dead.

Add 1 to the good BF list. 1 was the beginning of the woke stuff but it was an incredible game.


I played BF1 the most actually, however its not really a good battlefield by itself, i would put it more in line with a spinoff such as battlefield bad company 2. The air solution just isn't good.
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Yea, I love going back to BF1. They've all had questionable design decisions, but the good outweighed the bad in 4, and 1. BF3 was trying too hard to be COD. BFV was bad because of the fort building.

Only complaint I have about 1 is not enough base maps and spawning vehicles.


Battlefield has been shit for years. They need to just kill the franchise or take 4-5 years off to develop something people actually want to play.

Also in before the mental degenerate fanboys come crying about how the game is totally amazing and everyone are just haters.
What BF title do you consider shit, besides 2042? Battlefield 1 was a massive success and also my personal favourite BF game, next to BF 4. BF V is also good in its current state, although map design is a bit lackluster.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Game has issues but most of the discussion has turned away from being constructive in most threads, especially on the official reddit. It's is a mixture of people regurgitating the same hit pieces and one liners so they can pat eachother on the back and feel like they're accomplishing something instead of maybe playing something they actually enjoy (crazy idea I know).

But honestly I doubt most of these people have even played the game or are currently playing it. But it's always the same thing, the past BF game was shit until the new one releases and then the old becomes the greatest thing ever and we pretend as if only the current one has issues, it's tiring and played out.


This is the most laughably terrible attempt at gaslighting in gaming I think I've ever read. Lol.


It's also pretty amazing to hear the laundry list of issues and missing components when read out loud - and keep in mind, this isn't even an exhaustive list (despite the title claim):


BF4 was hard to beat, but BF1 was a respectable entry for the franchise. It had some great hooks.

That one BF1 map where the two sides start relatively close in the forest, train tracks in the middle, but due to the hills and winding paths it's a brutal close quarters affair most of the time while engineers rain down mortar fire? Thirty seconds of that is better than the entirety of 2042.
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Hipster Princess
This is the most laughably terrible attempt at gaslighting in gaming I think I've ever read. Lol.


It's also pretty amazing to hear the laundry list of issues and missing components when read out loud - and keep in mind, this isn't even an exhaustive list (despite the title claim):

That one BF1 map where the two sides start relatively close in the forest, train tracks in the middle, but due to the hills and winding paths it's a brutal close quarters affair most of the time while engineers rain down mortar fire? Thirty seconds of that is better than the entirety of 2042.

Was just about to post this.

But hey, you know hating on 2042 is just a trend yea
trying not to laugh GIF


This is the most laughably terrible attempt at gaslighting in gaming I think I've ever read. Lol.


It's also pretty amazing to hear the laundry list of issues and missing components when read out loud - and keep in mind, this isn't even an exhaustive list (despite the title claim):

Power Rangers Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

They better just close the subreddit. Too much toxicity 🤣🤣


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Was just about to post this.

But hey, you know hating on 2042 is just a trend yea
trying not to laugh GIF

The crazy part is that very fundamental things such as hitreg still isn't fixed. Hitreg being broken in any significant way beyond alpha in a shooter is unforgiveable itself, really.

We're essentially two months out from release (more really, since it was put to the test in beta and early pre-order access as well) and they still don't even have something as simple as a road map for minor items. Then we have to consider that almost nothing they promised they would fix has been addressed yet - they've only made minor adjustments to specific elements, such as bullet spread for guns X or Y, or a change in splash damage for vehicle N, etc. Hovercraft still climb walls, people still randomly take to the sky when leaving the water like it was a techno music video, people are still running through walls over the place, etc, etc, etc (I mean hell, we all just watched that video).

It really feels like they released the game and then left two people to maintain it. "Yo we out on winter break for a month or two... uh... Todd and uh ..... Sven .... yea, Todd and Sven, you two keep working on patches or something. That's not enough people? Well I don't know then, reduce bullet spread. Use a fancy term or phrase so some players think it's actually significant work and not ten minutes of testing and ten seconds of adjusting values in a script. Call it "bullet bloom", yea! Bloom sounds cooler than recoil. Anyways peace out cousins see you in the second week of January" -Some designer who has likely already been fired, November 20th, 2021


CliffyB's Cock Holster
The fans begged DICE to delay the game more. We pointed out everything that was missing. The game was broken at launch. Yea you should work over the holidays if you take peoples money for that shit.

99.9% of the people making the game aren't taking any consumer's money, they are either contracted or salaried employees. Similarly they have no say in the publishing side, so you can't even hold them responsible for the launch timing - that stuff is decided waaaay above their paygrade.

So by saying what you're saying the inference is they are obliged to mistreat and abuse their employees to make the fanbase happy.


After BFV burned me bad at launch I swore to not preorder another BF again. So glad I skipped BF2042 as it’s shit to put it politely. Lucky I have EA access so tried it out and well saved myself £100 🙌

May reinstall BF1 as BFV I didn’t like the way it felt, couldn’t get into it. But then again maybe it’s been fixed since I last played it 🤷‍♂️ (Was a long time ago I played it as at launch it was dog shit and broken)


I purchased my launch PS4 cause BF4 was available day 1. What I wasn't aware of was the fact that it wouldn't work for well over a year after. Again to pretend that previous entries were suddenly these glitch free experiences proves you're wearing rose tinted glasses. Also shocker people love to say "fuck 2042 I'm going back to BF4", yea it only took a few years for it to be held up in such high regard.
Very good point. I just doubt 2042 will get anywhere near the post launch dlc 4 got. I could be wrong.

I actually like 2042, my main issue is the destruction isn't as good as 4.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
This is the most laughably terrible attempt at gaslighting in gaming I think I've ever read. Lol.


It's also pretty amazing to hear the laundry list of issues and missing components when read out loud - and keep in mind, this isn't even an exhaustive list (despite the title claim):

That one BF1 map where the two sides start relatively close in the forest, train tracks in the middle, but due to the hills and winding paths it's a brutal close quarters affair most of the time while engineers rain down mortar fire? Thirty seconds of that is better than the entirety of 2042.

Yeah that's Argonne Forest. Fantastic map for Conquest. It's basically Metro WW1 style except either side can push to the other spawn.

Between that and Amiens those are easily my favorite maps from BF1.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
At this point I could see Dice pulling support before Christmas this year. They pulled support for BFV because it had player count troubles as well, but compared to this BFV was a smashing success.

Look at these numbers

EA and Dice have basically taken one of their most financially successful and most popular franchises and thrown it into the trash in favor of chasing fads and trying cash in on the "gAmEs aS A SeRVicE" bullshit. BF4 was the most financially successful battlefield game they ever made and it didn't have a Battle Royale mode and it didn't have a seasonal model.

Imagine that! People just logged into the game and just.....played it.

What a fucking concept!


The only thing bad about BFV atm are the cheaters. There are so many on EUW. I report them most of the time but i dont think something will change


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
The only bright side to all of this that I can possibly see coming is that some studio somewhere whether it be big or small is going to look at all of the upset players that are abandoning the battlefield community and they might decide to make a battlefield clone of their own and then maybe we will get an actual Battlefield game again. And whoever that studio is will make a monumental pile of cash.

It's probably a bit too much to hope for and even if it did happen it's several years away, but a guy's got to have some kind of hope right?
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