Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Facts. Saturn has way more great games in a diverse range of genres, arcade or longform, than most folks ever played on systems with the best attach rates (even counting rentals). Trolls who harp on WipEout XL not being as good as on PS (despite a larger draw distance, so similar to the Tomb Raider differences between the two systems) somehow don't have a problem with games that perform similarly or worse on PS/N64 because then it's somehow worth it to play them, it's only when a game on Saturn isn't 60fps that it's so important it becomes unplayable and it doesn't count
Noone said it's as powerful as PlayStation/N64 (in 3D) but it wasn't a gen behind or bad either.
Oh wow, out of the 6 3D action heavy titles here half are actually 60 fps! No way, Saturn sucks!
Saturn can't do lighting, don't see games like PDS (and the other half above) & think different!
Oh noes, why don't all games use pure polygons like on PS to be so much better than on Saturn?!
Who cares if a game's moving skies, water, flat ground or whatever isn't true polygons but uses other parts of the hardware? How stupid would it be to render it with polygons just to appease that thinking when it looks so great in many games using it correctly/artistically? Just earlier someone posted wireframe shots of how Tekken 3's flat 2D backgrounds actually use polygons when doing a similar effect years earlier on Saturn with VF2 and DOA (in all cases because neither Saturn nor PS could have the arcade full 3D stages) or later with Fighters Megamix was done with VDP2, so what when results are similar? If anything it means the PS was less efficient in that, having to use all those polygons just to have a 2D background that won't distort to hell and back as the camera moves or whatever. Of course at the same time, somehow they're not actually able to also appreciate Duke Nukem 3D more on Saturn for not using the essentially 2D build engine but Lobotomy's Slavedriver 3D engine instead. Or hate on PlayStation's great 2D like SOTN for using polygons instead of real 2D or whatever. Or hating RE 1-3, FFVII-IX, etc., lol, only Saturn is lame for using 2D with 3D.
PS: Quake II on PlayStation ranges between < 15 & > 40 fps and is never locked, it's uncapped as situations vary from looking at walls to encounters. It's hardly stable or consistent but to some (and DF) it's an incredible impossible port as the inconsistent/low fps yet great games on Saturn suck![]()
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