I tried the multiplayer earlier this week, and I could not find a single game
Of course, Binary Domain had a lot going against it. For one, it's called Binary Domain.
i'll be starting this game tonight finally. i'm sure it has been said, but this game has the coolest install screen ever.
That's fair, that and the box-art make it look amazingly generic, anyone who doesn't already know this games pedigree is hardly being compelled to give it a try.
Better than Snake smoking?
I can't read kanji, but the text of the message starts with "Binary Domain no network game", and the ending ("shimasen ka?") is typically used for invitations, so if I had to guess, I think this guy's inviting you to play Binary Domain with him.Sorry for the off topic, but can one of you japanese speakers translate this message for me?
I got this today via PSN and i assume it has something to do with Binary Domain, since i have played some MP yesterday and the lobby was full of Japanese players. The button below said "Join" when i received the msg, so i'm guessing it was an MP invite. I don't have the guy on my FL though and i haven't been playing BD MP today, so i'm not sure if that's what it was.
Thx in advance!
I can't read kanji, but the text of the message starts with "Binary Domain no network game", and the ending ("shimasen ka?") is typically used for invitations, so if I had to guess, I think this guy's inviting you to play Binary Domain with him.
Somebody who took more than one year in Japanese (and did better than barely passing it) could give you a much better translation, though.
Alright, that 'love scene' was the worst fucking thing I've seen in a videogame in a long time. Where did that come from. It was so incredibly cringeworthy that I was waiting for some kind of punchline to turn this into a joke. But it didn't happen. Haha, so awful.
Responding to your mates is pretty bad and annoying, too, and it even breaks the pacing of the game here and there. I pretty much try to ignore it as much as I can.
Besides that it's still a cool game, though. I just discovered the shotgun. So awesome; I wish it could upgrade it even more. :0
tsar runner boss was pretty intense. i didn't feel the pressure on the other boss fights, this one was the best. i'm already on my 2nd run, trying to max trust with other party members and clearing the hardest difficulty. best cover shooter action i've played, but i'm missing some serious vanquish speed and lunacy.
Alright, that 'love scene' was the worst fucking thing I've seen in a videogame in a long time. Where did that come from. It was so incredibly cringeworthy that I was waiting for some kind of punchline to turn this into a joke. But it didn't happen. Haha, so awful.
I have seen them and they were much more tasteful, believable and had at least some kind of progression. Which is not to say that they were good, but at least they didn't come out of nowhere.
I found it really hard to figure out where you were supposed to be shooting it, takes too damn long to put down. Which is a complaint that extends to most bosses in this game, once their armour is blown off (which is almost right away), there is little indication as to whether you are actually damaging them. That sequence specifically boiled down to a battle of attrition for me.
sigh, i think the -all nanos- trophy bugged on me. i triple-checked and bought everything. i assume it didn't unlock because i didn't add shindo to my party manually.
Did you get thetrust booster one from the shady guy in the slums before you go see Mifune?
absolutely. i got everything for dan, my inventory was full.
huh, seems odd then.
I'd really like to platinum this game, but it's a bit said that i'll have to resort to trophy boosting with the online portion due to how dead the community is already. I wish they made those challenges optional, at least partially like in the Yakuza games, because some of them are nearly impossible to get, even if the community was lively, much less in the current state of the MP. Multi kills? I had a hard time getting them in the SP, how in the world am i gonna get 4 opponents in a group, at the right time, with the right power weapon, 20 or 25 times? I highly doubt it'll happen even once for me.
yea, the multiplayer trophies are tedious. i don't think i'm gonna get those.
you can farm the multi-kills here in single player:when cain gets control of the mega robot, two ships will appear and drop off a group of robots. shoot them as soon as they open their doors. you can restart the checkpoint right away and repeat. doesn't take long.
Game comes out tomorrow on Steam and it's nowhere in the top 20 :/
Game comes out tomorrow on Steam and it's nowhere in the top 20 :/
I don't think they had great expectations for Dead Souls, it was mostly fan service while trying to make some minimal profit, but BD bombed hard indeed.Well, I just hope Team Yakuza will continue to be top SEGA studio in Japan.
After huge bomb like BD and Dead Souls, it's more than clear that we are not going to receive anything new from them in Europe/USA![]()
I bought the game as soon I saw it would be released today, and it said (before midnight) that the game would be unlocked in 16 hours. It's 8PM here and now it says ''in 9 hours''.It's not even in the Coming Soon section.
I'm sure SEGA's complete lack of publicity for this game hasn't helped. Not to mention the strange release date shenanigans they pulled yet again.
As for the other trophies, i'll try to get the ones that don't involve completing all the challenges and after that i'll see how far along i am with the challenge list to determine if it's worth bothering to boost the rest of the challenges.
I got two keys from GMG but not unlocked yet. Apparantely it is downloading for some people over at the Steam forums, so yeah, looks like we didn't get Renegade Ops'd after all.
The main problem is multiplayer is almost dead and most of the time only TDM + Team Survival rooms are available. Those are really fun. You need to take a strategic approach. Sadly there is no proper matchmaking, which means sometimes level 50 guys get together in one team and slaughter the other (low-level) team. Pretty sad.
The most problematic challenge is 30 wins on Free For All mode, because of the empty multiplayer. And it's a pain to boost, because with 6 players it takes around 30 hours in total (you need 6 players to start a game and it takes 6 hours for one player alone).
It's a real shame, because if there were many matches going, the challenges would be okay. I have done plenty of challenges, survival wins down to 1, TDM wins down to 10 or so. I'm level 44 now. And I also got to 45th wave in Invasion on my 2nd try. Invasion is also pretty hard, because you need to beat 50 waves, and at around wave 40 it gets pretty insane. You need 4 really great players to beat it. And those players should be around level 42-43 at least to enable the nano for having 2 additional medkits (which combined with the other medkit nano results in having the ability to grab 5 medkits in total). Another problem is: no continues. If the team dies, it's over. And getting to round 50 takes around 3 hours.
I will get this platinum hehe