You're a swell guy!speculawyer said:OK who wants a free copy of Bioshock for the PC on steam. First to respond with one nice statement about me gets it.![]()
DancingJesus said:Game Informer 8.3
If your interest lies solely with the single-player experience - and let's be frank, this is why we counted down the days until BioShock 2's release - I walked away from it pleased, but also unfulfilled. BioShock 2 eventually becomes the sequel I hoped for, but spends too much time getting there. [Issue#203, p.82]
speculawyer said:OK who wants a free copy of Bioshock for the PC on steam. First to respond with one nice statement about me gets it.![]()
I guess that wins. :lolBoards of Canada said:You're a swell guy!
Pimpbaa said:Hope we get some comparisons on the 360 and PS3 differences before it comes out. I would prefer to get this for PS3.
Wow, that's awesome! Thanks! That's a pretty darn swell thing to do. I'll be on Steam shortly!speculawyer said:I guess that wins. :lol
Send a friend invite to Speculawyer on Steam.
fernoca said:Woohoo! Got the call from Gamestop!...Twice!
zero margin said:Got the text about an hour ago
netguy503 inpersonal.
zero margin said:Ashley doesn't like the sound of my voice apparently. Slag.
Pimpbaa said:Hope we get some comparisons on the 360 and PS3 differences before it comes out. I would prefer to get this for PS3.
supermackem said:It run in 1080p on ps3.
The first BioShock looks fantastic on PS3 if you force the system to output in 720p. That's what I intend to do with BioShock 2.edgefusion said:It is most definitely not running at 1080p on the PS3, it doesn't even look like 720p.
Solo said:Pretty burned out on ME2 now, so this should provide a nice diversion in the next week or two.
Neiteio said:The first BioShock looks fantastic on PS3 if you force the system to output in 720p. That's what I intend to do with BioShock 2.
Neiteio said:The first BioShock looks fantastic on PS3 if you force the system to output in 720p. That's what I intend to do with BioShock 2.
Yep. It upscales itself to 1080p if the TV supports 1080p, and I recall 2K saying at their message boards that the reason for this is some TVs don't support 720p but they support higher, and they don't want to hurt this minority.Psy-Phi said:My TV generally switches to 720p when I play most PS3 games. Don't have Bioshock on PS3 as I own it on PC. Why would manually setting it matter? Does Bioshock PS3 try to upscale itself somehow?
Sounds like they're intense to fight. Which is good to hear. You enjoying the game? It sounds like it.edgefusion said:God damn Big Sisters are hard work, it doesn't help that their approach is nothing short of terrifying either.
JordoftheDead said:I tried it but it looked much the same to me. It still had that seemingly up-scaled blurriness that the 360 version didn’t have. It still looked good, but it wasn’t on par.
Jigsaw said:this was because of the blur filter,i heard they released a 200mb patch later to disable it and upgrade textur quality...though i never tried it as i was done with the game already
CoLaN said:someone is streaming bioshock 2 multiplayer here
CoLaN said:someone is streaming bioshock 2 multiplayer here
God's Beard said:Man, multiplayer looks like shit.
Yes.luka said:That looks pretty fun. Shame it only has matchmaking.
Does anyone know if the pc version has the same release date patch the original did to keep people from playing early?
If he meant it that way, he would've said "the shit."netguy503 said:as in....good?
darkressurection said:So, still no solid confirmation on any possible "downgrades" to the PS3 version. I haven't been able to really find any direct feed PS3 stuff, if there is some that I missed can someone post some links?
Well, from that walkthrough it doesn't look like it is too far off. I just wish developers weren't so cagey about releasing footage from the PS3 versions of their games. Even when there aren't any issues with the PS3 version developers seem to like to hide them away in the corner.AgentOtaku said:DL last months Qore episode. Lots of direct feed footage.
Or Watch this walkthrough...
darkressurection said:Well, from that walkthrough it doesn't look like it is too far off. I just wish developers weren't so cagey about releasing footage from the PS3 versions of their games. Even when there aren't any issues with the PS3 version developers seem to like to hide them away in the corner.
I guess that makes sense, but you would think that the piece of mind it gives customers would be worth the extra effort. But anyway, back on topic if any PS3 players want to add me for some MP action my PSN is monkyofdoom.AgentOtaku said:Thought I heard that one reason is that it's super easy/cheap/convient to capture 360 footage, whereas PS3 footage takes a bit more effort. That and 360's have easily detachable HDDs that devs take with them, not entire PS3s.
Ice Monkey said:ahhhhh totally missed out on the free bioshock with bioshock 2 and the four pack discount
Anyone still want in on a four pack?
If you're willing to lead there are lots of people who still want in I think.Ice Monkey said:ahhhhh totally missed out on the free bioshock with bioshock 2 and the four pack discount
Anyone still want in on a four pack?