It was definitely not that long. It was approximately 12-13 hours if you explore. So this one is 3-4 hours shorter.Jonsoncao said:20hr+ if you wanna explore
It was definitely not that long. It was approximately 12-13 hours if you explore. So this one is 3-4 hours shorter.Jonsoncao said:20hr+ if you wanna explore
ChoklitReign said:It was definitely not that long. It was approximately 12-13 hours if you explore. So this one is 3-4 hours shorter.
kamspy said:So....about that Steam preorder sitting in my account with no favicon or preload.....
What's the latest a Steam new release has ever been pushed back? I haven't preorder a bunch of stuff from them, but when I did it all worked out pretty nicely.
Shouldn't this be playable at midnight tonight? I thought that's how it worked. :|
Pookaki said:Yes, every little sister is accompanied by a big daddy.
I took my time and the game lasted 22 hours on my first play through.Solo said:You are undershooting it and the other guy is overselling it. First game was about a 15-18 hour title w/ exploration.
Well hell, it was a while ago. Can't you measure the amount of time on one game in Steam?Solo said:You are undershooting it and the other guy is overselling it. First game was about a 15-18 hour title w/ exploration.
12 hours sounds perfect. After the 45 hours I put into one playthrough of ME2 I'm ready for a short game.edgefusion said:And when you get all of them from a level be prepared to say hi to a Big Sister.
I'm nearing the end and I've been playing for about 12 hours. I've been exploring every nook and cranny (collected 100 audio diaries) and just generally soaked up the view. I don't know how you could spend a whole lot more than that unless you just really really enjoy looking at stuff.
Campster said:Steam stuff is rarely playable at the exact moment people expect it to be released (see L4D2 breaking for a good hour or two), and given their track record I doubt this will be available at midnight.
That said I'm also surprised that there isn't even a preload option yet.
Muffdraul said:Could someone please do us all a huge favor and photoshop the Big Daddy on the cover to get rid of those damn Bomberman eyes? Not a perfect AAA job to use as alt cover art, just something I can stare at for a while to hopefully allow my brain to unsee the damn Bomberman. I'm only half-joking here, guys.
You know... except for the fact that 2K Marin had nothing to do with the MP since Digital Extremes worked on it.farnham said:looks like the whole inclusion of single player was a shot in 2k marins foot in the end.. this amazes me how great the decision of ken levine was for bioshock 1.. at that thime multiplayer was viewed as obligational (even metroid prime 2 had multiplayer :lol :lol ) without the whole multiplayer inclusion they probably could have made a better single player experience. not that the game turned out bad (it gets a 8 to 9 range across the board apparently) but man its disappointing considering how great the first one was..
farnham said:looks like the whole inclusion of single player was a shot in 2k marins foot in the end.. this amazes me how great the decision of ken levine was for bioshock 1.. at that thime multiplayer was viewed as obligational (even metroid prime 2 had multiplayer :lol :lol ) without the whole multiplayer inclusion they probably could have made a better single player experience. not that the game turned out bad (it gets a 8 to 9 range across the board apparently) but man its disappointing considering how great the first one was..
Dude. You havnt even played the 2nd one. There is nothing "dissapointing" atm due to you not playing it. Unless you are dissapointed in the fact it exists?farnham said:looks like the whole inclusion of single player was a shot in 2k marins foot in the end.. this amazes me how great the decision of ken levine was for bioshock 1.. at that thime multiplayer was viewed as obligational (even metroid prime 2 had multiplayer :lol :lol ) without the whole multiplayer inclusion they probably could have made a better single player experience. not that the game turned out bad (it gets a 8 to 9 range across the board apparently) but man its disappointing considering how great the first one was..
Ceebs said:Anyone post the Rock, Paper, Shotgun review? No numbers at the end so you have to read.
Corky said:but, how will I ever quantify the games aspects?
I want a 9.4 in funfactor and 9.6 in compellingness AT THE LEAST
also 9,1 sound
and 9,67 and 2/3rds in replayability
on a more serious note : any gaffers fancy teaming up and try out the team mp this weekend? T'would be nice to play with youz guyz
Sure, I'm not much of an MP player but I'll definitely give it a shot.Corky said:on a more serious note : any gaffers fancy teaming up and try out the team mp this weekend? T'would be nice to play with youz guyz
zero margin said:8 hours on normal seems pretty standard, maybe 10 but regardless it's in the ballpark. Playing it on hard should put it up to about that not to mention the time spent with MP. Seems like decent value.
hednik4am said:so Bioshock 1 pulled out what... a little under 800k in the firs tmonth last time around. Anyoe care to predict how they think it will do ?
Put me down for 650k 360 and 400k ps3
Roger @ GamingVice said:"Now would probably also be a good time to mention that the story in BioShock 2 absolutely carries the pedigree of its predecessor. Not only is the story this time around much more engaging and easier to digest than the one in the first game but many of the characters are also much more interesting. When you think of the original BioShock, Andrew Ryan, Atlas and, arguably, Sander Cohen are the only characters that were strong enough to resonate with many players after their initial play-through. And, at the time, this was fine since no only really expected a horror-shooter like BioShock to have such strong character development. However, in BioShock 2, I finished the game with the words of Ryan, this games antagonist Sofia Lamb, plasmid-inventor Augustus Sinclair as well as that of a few of the extremely interesting characters you meet later on in the game, still resonating in my head. In addition to the forced dialogue however, audio diaries make a return in BioShock 2 to provide even more story for players who really want to know more about what happened to Rapture in the ten years since the last game, the Lamb family, and who Subject Delta really is. Its also worth noting that the voice acting in BioShock 2 is absolutely divine. None of the various characters you encounter throughout the single-player experience sound forced in their performances and the sound clips in multiplayer are just enough to create atmosphere without distracting the player from blasting their opponents to bits. While Andrew Ryan once again remains a stand-out role ripe for monologuing, the performances of the Lamb family, Sinclair and one of the game later but most memorable characters (youll know who I am talking about once you play the game) also portray some top-of-the-line voice over work. Long story short, BioShock 2 will make you think with its story and characters but its story aspects wont distract the player from the core gameplay experience."
Ceebs said:Anyone post the Rock, Paper, Shotgun review? No numbers at the end so you have to read.
Yeah, it's kind of sad when the tone throughout the whole article is basically "THIS GAMES IS BENEATH US," and the arrogance is off the chartsjim-jam bongs said:That RPS post was fucking depressing.
whatevermort said:I'm a few hours in. It's a great game, so far; the mechanics are far better than the first game, with the shooting feeling tighter. It looks lovely as well - again, a step up from the first, even though the art style initially suggests it's the same game. But it's FAR more shooter than Adventure; the bits when you protect the Little Sisters are super-irritating, because I don't want to be acting that way in this universe. I'm enjoying the story, I'm enjoying the feel, but I'm less enjoying how far it's wandered from the Shock template that Bioshock 1 casually imitated.
[Also, some of the voice acting is appalling. I have no idea who thought that this awful Southern accent was fine - you know, the one that sounds like Ewan Macgregor in A Life Less Ordinary -and the voice of Eleanor on the tapes is horrific. Are there not enough young British actresses in the world that we need suffer through a bad approximation of the accent? Ugh.]
Oh, and the writing is super good still; anybody who thinks Levine is missing for that aspect is grossly wrong.
EDIT: I just saw the RPS article. Yeah, that's absolutely right; the System Shock 2 mechanics have all but disappeared now.
Dax01 said:Yeah, it's kind of sad when the tone throughout the whole article is basically "THIS GAMES IS BENEATH US," and the arrogance is off the charts
Disallowing what skepticism? All the OP basically says is that, if you aren't going to buy the game, don't post in the thread. How is that "disallowing" skepticism? That seems pretty reasonable to me.jim-jam bongs said:As arrogant as making an official thread on a massive gaming board then disallowing skepticism about the game in said thread? Because that's pretty fucking arrogant.
Dax01 said:Holy fuck, dude. SPOILERS.
Hmm, it is as I feared.Ceebs said:Anyone post the Rock, Paper, Shotgun review? No numbers at the end so you have to read.
Sorry to practically bite your head off, but I know whowhatevermort said:That thing I referred to happens in the first half five minutes of the game, maybe. It's very unimportant, and was just referring to one of the many many many audio logs.
Rez said:good write up on rps.
not seeing the 'arrogance' or inherent 'negativity', just honesty
Dax01 said:Disallowing what skepticism? All the OP basically says is that, if you aren't going to buy the game, don't post in the thread. How is that "disallowing" skepticism? That seems pretty reasonable to me.
Dax01 said:Sorry to practically bite your head off, but I know whoEleanor is (the daughter of Lamb and the former LS to Delta, but that's it), and I wondering how she was going to be incorporated into the game. It's just something I would've preferred seeing for myself.
Again, sorry for biting your head off. Glad to see you're enjoying the game.![]()
There's such a thing called "off-topic." The purpose of this thread is not to discuss your reasons for not buying the game, but to have a discussion with other people who want to play the game/have played it. What's the reasoning in posting in a thread about a game you have no intention of buying? Absolutely none. I have no interest in Beyonetta, but you don't see me posting in that thread - saying why I'm not going to buy the game.jim-jam bongs said:I'm sure it seems reasonable to you; after all, you wrote it. However, it's in no way reasonable to dictate that the terms of a public discussion be within your acceptable limits. If people have decided that they aren't buying the game for whatever reason, or that they are still on the fence, that's a worthwhile discussion to have. Far less worthwhile discussions happen on GAF all the time.
That's great to hear.eXistor said:I've just played for about 3 hours and I have to say it's better than I expected. It's still in a lot of ways an easy sequel in that it's basically Bioshock with some minor added features (for better or worse). That's not to say it's a bad thing, but I was always disappointed to pretty much know after finishing Bioshock 1 that Bioshock 2 was gonna be more of the same, even when it's super obvious they could make a whole different game and genre set in Rapture. Oh well easy money is alluring I suppose.
For what it is it seems a great game, easily on par with the first game. Hacking is so much better now and the attention to detail is as good as it's ever been. Reading this page it also seems to be a shorter game, which is great because Bioshock 1 was about 2 hours too long. Then again, it was only too long because the last few levels sucked.
Perhaps I was being a bit too harsh, but the way it opens and ends just leaves a bad taste in your mouth and kind of sours everything in between.Rez said:good write up on rps.
not seeing the 'arrogance' or inherent 'negativity', just honesty
Rez said:good write up on rps.
not seeing the 'arrogance' or inherent 'negativity', just honesty
Dax01 said:Yeah, it's kind of sad when the tone throughout the whole article is basically "THIS GAMES IS BENEATH US," and the arrogance is off the charts.
tuco11 said:ouch!
How long was Bioshock 1 I forget?
sam27368 said:There also was one good quote (good in the sense it's cleverly used) that the game felt sort of like a "straight to DVD release"
Xater said:That sounds really harsh. Basically if you wanted Bioshock 2 to go back to the System Shock route, you will hate this game. Shit, I kinda wanted that![]()