Unregistered007 said:ya don't give anything free..fking greedy bas*****.
Snapshot King said:That's odd. Whats your rig? I ran 1 like butter but 2 chops down in the thirties often.
stupei said:My question is going to get lost amongst entries. :lol
But am I wrong or do some people in the multiplayer have thatthing? I didn't know anything about the perks in advance, but that's crazy if true. One guy in a match with me was level 10 and he seemed to be doing that. (Spoilered just in case!)plasmid that lets you do the red mist disappear and reappear
Orellio said:Likewise for me. I had to turn my res down from 1080 to 1600x900 to keep my framerate steady with everything maxed. Don't remember having to do that for BS1.
Dax01 said:Wednesday 12:00 midnight PST, you can enter for a chance to win a BioShock 2 prize. Simply make a post telling me you want to enter, and I'll mark you down. Winners will be chosen at random (I'll figure some process out) and will be notified through PM, and if they don't have a problem with it, will also be announced in the thread. Further details will be provided in the private messages. This isn't restricted to just the US and Canada - it's global.
Dax01 said:Please ignore what I'm about to say if you're being sarcastic, but, why are you being such a jackass? Honestly, I'd thought having some sort of prize giveaway for GAF was a really cool idea. I still think it is.
Here's how it went down:
Me: "Hey, Liz, if possible, can you get a hold of some cool BioShock 2 swag so I can do a contest for the GAF thread?"
*and because Liz is EXTREMELY amazing...*
Liz: "No problem!"
Me: "Sweet!"
I just want everyone to have as much fun as possible with BioShock 2. Seriously: You're like Scrooge and "BAHUMBUG!" with Christmas except it's with this thread. If you don't like it, LEAVE.
Dax01 said:With a lot of people enjoying the game, I'm even more pleased to make this post.
Everyone, we're going to have a little contest. Starting from now until Wednesday 12:00 midnight PST, you can enter for a chance to win a BioShock 2 prize. Simply make a post telling me you want to enter, and I'll mark you down. Winners will be chosen at random (I'll figure some process out) and will be notified through PM, and if they don't have a problem with it, will also be announced in the thread. Further details will be provided in the private messages. This isn't restricted to just the US and Canada - it's global.
Huge thanks to 2K Elizabeth. This wouldn't have been possible without her!
Prizes Include:
- 10 Winners: 10 assorted sizes of Splicer Unite canisters. These canisters include a BioShock 2 t-shirt, posters, and a RedBull shot.
- Eight Winners: Prints for two of each of the four artist series prints. Pictures of which can be found under "BioShock 2 Wallpapers" here. Each print is about 12x14 inches in size.
Rez said:not to be snarky, I mean this in as inoffensive a way as possible, but it would be really sweet if everyone who's posting for this comp would actually post impressions when they play the game. we'd have so much more discussion.
for instance, here's my contribution after having played the first level: the rivet gun is a good gun.
Gigglepoo said:I finished the game a second time tonight. My advice:
Be evil
Rez said:not to be snarky, I mean this in as inoffensive a way as possible, but it would be really sweet if everyone who's posting for this comp would actually post impressions when they play the game. we'd have so much more discussion.
for instance, here's my contribution after having played the first level: the rivet gun is a good gun.
Truant said:Yeah, the rivet is my favorite. Upgraded that as far as I could, I think.
Almost never use the drill, seems kinda bugged. Sometimes it won't start even though I have fuel.
Truant said:Is the little sister icons bugged? I still see the 'Little Sisters in this level' icons even though I got both.
Bebpo said:I'm having the same experience as Narag with almost the same card. Bio1 was definitely not a smooth 60fps maxed at 1080p, Bio2 doesn't have a drop in sight at 1080p maxed.
i7, 3 gigs ram, 9800GTX+, Windows XP
I didn't know you could do this. I take it you just tap the 'fire' button?whatevermort said:I use the drill constantly, but barely ever spin it. I use it as I did the wrench in 1; hit them with a plasmid, dance in and thwack 'em on the bonce.
Snapshot King said:That's odd. Whats your rig? I ran 1 like butter but 2 chops down in the thirties often.
Rez said:I didn't know you could do this. I take it you just tap the 'fire' button?
Rez said:I didn't know you could do this. I take it you just tap the 'fire' button?