Ogs said:Good stuff then, full speed ahead PC version![]()
Here's hoping, just put in the order, in store pick up in about an hour. Then we'll know for sure, last PC special edition in my area I think.
Ogs said:Good stuff then, full speed ahead PC version![]()
Otrebor Nightmarecoat said:Is it just me or the multiplayer is ruined by the lag filled servers on X360? If it didint have that much lag it would be good
rallyart said:The pc version is full of random crashes, graphics issues, and no matter what you try to do (playing on directx 9 or 10), there is no fix.
My rig:
i7 920 stock
xfx gtx 275 (drivers 186.18)
6 gb ram
windows 7 ultimate 64
Same thing is happening to me.Neiteio said:I'm atin Pauper's Drop, loving the game so far... But I think I'm experiencing some sort of glitch. I saved in theGrace; ever since, this suspenseful violin cue has been looping over and over and over and over... I've turned off the music... I'm tempted to start over from a save state at the beginning of Pauper's Drop... Does anyone know what causes this, and how to fix it???Limbo Room
EDIT: This is what I'm talking about.
These people experienced it too.
Does the loop ever end???
Dax01 said:Same thing is happening to me.
sam27368 said:Just finished, thoughts -
Loved the first one, but really didn't enjoy the second one. I was waiting constantly for the story to pick up but found it extremely dull. This certainly felt like a sequel for sequels sake. Also I think the ending was just as bad, just a little extended.
I got that bug, too. It's super frustrating because of how well the music is used to clue you in to any possible dangers lurking about. And so I spent all of that level being paranoid as hell :lolDax01 said:Same thing is happening to me.
Papercuts said:Do thuggish splicers EVER show up again? Aside from the area you get the camera, I haven't seen them at all. I just need one or two more to max that track but there has literally not been any in the last 2 whole areas, and I'm now nearing the end game.
JordoftheDead said:They do, but not until very late in the game. I had the same issue when I was trying to max out my research
Dax01 said:Just finishedPauper's Drop, and I loved the way the level wrapped up. Pauper's Drop did a better job of having an apartment for a level than Olympus Heights did in BioShock. The game's getting better the further you get into it. Right now I'd rank the levels as:
1. Pauper's Drop
2. Audonis Luxury Hotel
3. Ryan Amusements
Papercuts said:Really? I'm at Fontaine Futuristics now, are they coming up soon?
Mad_Ban said:Picked this up for PS3 and the game definitely feels harder than Bioshock 1, even on medium difficulty. It doesn't help the shooting mechanics feel 'off' in single player IMO.
JordoftheDead said:What bit are you up to? Without giving anything away, I would expect quite a few in a little while
Foliorum Viridum said:As for the difficulty, I knocked it down to Easy pretty quickly. I haven't died since I've done that - but that's cool, since I was dying far too much on normal. Wasn't nearly skilled enough for that.
My problem seemed to be a lack of ammo. I could have persisted - afterall, I have done all of the CoD games on Veteran etc - but this game had to win me over, so I didn't want a bad difficulty choice to fuck it over.JordoftheDead said:I really didn't find it too difficult. I played it on normal with Vita-Chambers off and only died once or twice, however I was thinking while playing that it's going to be very difficult on hard mode.
Papercuts said:Fairly early into it, I just fought my first Alpha model.
Foliorum Viridum said:My problem seemed to be a lack of ammo. I could have persisted - afterall, I have done all of the CoD games on Veteran etc - but this game had to win me over, so I didn't want a bad difficulty choice to fuck it over.![]()
Rez said:the more I play, the more I think I'm having more fun with this than I ever had with Bioshock 1.
the story and general scenarios in Bioshock 1 have so far been FAR superior to anything I've run into in Bioshock 2, but the actual act of playing has been so much more fun for me.
I'm starting to appreciate the way the levels are designed a lot more than I ever did in Bioshock 1. However, the levels aren't as interestingly furnished, you know? They don't look as memorable, but exploring them, fighting a big daddy/sister, heading through a set-piece 'funnel' moment or harvesting adam with a little sister is so much more fun.
All of this could be because of my newly found 'don't stockpile ANYTHING' mentality, I'll have to play Bioshock 1 again afterwards to actually find out for sure.
Papercuts said:I'm not sure how far you are, but it's nearly impossible for me to not stockpile now, I can't even burn through stuff fast enough. You certainly become god like at the end ala bioshock 1, only here it's not just shock + wrench.
Rez said:I think I'm right near the end of Siren Alley, but I've been playing for a really long time.
I use my powers and special ammo pretty insanely at the moment. I go out of my way to try different strategies, even if they aren't as effective as a shock+wrench (or freeze plus shotgun/melee). I constantly change up my tonics as well.
If I can't pick up an ammo type then I usually switch to that weapon and use it like crazy for a while (as I research an enemy type, probably). Usually I'm the sort of player that hordes and only uses an 'optimized' load-out/play-style, but with my current play-style, I'm finding that while there's still ample ammo and the like, I'm rarely having to leave much behind.
It could change as I get further into the game.
KaYotiX said:Yeah its Freeze + Drill
Solo said:Beat the game. Probably 8 or 9 hours to beat it w/most of the achievements.
Im gonna stick with an 8 for Bioshock 2 (the original is a 9.5 for me, for reference). The start of the game is terribly slow and poorly paced, but everything from Siren's Alley onwards is great, and the endgame is really fucking walking death, so once you've teamed up withEleanor, things are really awesome. I also liked the chance to see Rapture from aherperspective.Little Sister's
The game is completely inferior to the first in terms of the narrative and handing out any clever or unique twists, hence the 2 points Im not giving it. But the final 2/3 is a hell of a lot of fun, and the gameplay is much better this time, hence the 8 points I am giving it. All in all, a surprisingly good sequel.
Ridley327 said:That scene took place in 1958, whereas the fall of Rapture takes place a year later.
This2x4Skeleton said:I'm playing the PC version and haven't experienced any glitches on my end.
The only one noteworthy is sometimes your Plasmid hand will freeze/become unusable and I haven't found a way to undo it other than going to a gene machine and switching out the plasmid and switching it back in.