Truant said:Warp?
Solo said:Your neverending quest to putting BS2 over BS1 is admirable :lol , but no. Fontiane Futuristics isnt even as good as Siren's Alley or Persephone.
Rlan said:The main problem I've had with Bioshock 2 is that I've been straight-up running out of stuff by the end of the level.
mescalineeyes said:I never have this problem, but then again I hack stuff all the time. I think if someone walked in on me playing BS2 they'd probably see me hacking... and hitting all the blue things. yeahhhhhhhhh
Rlan said:The main problem I've had with Bioshock 2 is that I've been straight-up running out of stuff by the end of the level.
After killing a bunch of Big Daddies, doing 2 or 3 Sister defending minigames and shooting all the splicers along the way, I've got practically nothing left to hit the. I just died 10 times in a row because all I had was a few plasmids and an empty drill to hit her with over and over.Big Sister.
My fault for using far too much of my weaponry, but I don't remember having this problem at all with Bioshock 1.
Rlan said:I'm hacking everything too with flying colors, I don't know what's happened between the transition from Bioshock 1 to 2 that makes me crap :lol
Psy-Phi said:I just stand there and stick my drill in the big sister (lol, as I typed that...not intentional) and she goes down before I'm out of fuel.
:loluraldix said:What platform are you playing on? Drilling her and her going down for you sounds much better than having to fight her.
Trolling?Dax01 said:Fontaine Futuristics is a MUCH better level than Siren's Alley.I can't be blamed for the fact Alexander the Great is a better character than Sander Cohen.
Dax01 said:Fontaine Futuristics is a MUCH better level than Siren's Alley.I can't be blamed for the fact Alexander the Great is a better character than Sander Cohen.
uraldix said:Whatever it is, it affects me too. I am always running on empty for ammo. I am thinking of just harvesting the little sisters to conserve ammo.
Rlan said:The main problem I've had with Bioshock 2 is that I've been straight-up running out of stuff by the end of the level.
After killing a bunch of Big Daddies, doing 2 or 3 Sister defending minigames and shooting all the splicers along the way, I've got practically nothing left to hit the. I just died 10 times in a row because all I had was a few plasmids and an empty drill to hit her with over and over.Big Sister.
My fault for using far too much of my weaponry, but I don't remember having this problem at all with Bioshock 1.
Salz01 said:The overall experience just made me want to play 1 again. Which I prefer overall.
To get me interested in a 3rd one, they'd have have to do something dramatically different to the formula. I dont know how, maybe the POV of a Splicer would be kind of intresting. I kind of wanted the powers of the Houdini Splicers. Or being able to control a mob of splicers would be cool. Likewise, going in as a straight sequel to 3 is hard. They'll have their work cut out for them for sure coming up with a 3rd one.
catfish said:how far in the game are you? By the end of siren alley I have almost too much ammo. it's that level when you start getting too much of everything.
the beginning of the game was nuts though, I was dying at 80% of a little sister harvest, then I'd spawn in a vita chamber and have to take her back there to have her do it over again while I had no ammo.
badcrumble said:I think that if there's another Bioshock they need to have the Splicers much, much further degraded and barely recognizable as human anymore. It'll have to be more of a horror game - the one weird thing about Bioshock 2 is that Rapture really didn't seem to have decayed too, too much compared to what it had been 10 years before.
Yeah, they're definitely somewhat more degraded - just not as much as I might have expected.Dyno said:The splicers do seem more 'degraded' in the sequel, what with tumorous growths. The spider splicers show this the best, they are repulsive goblins now.
It seems some parts of Rapture are holding up better than others. Dionysus Park was really decrepit, with nature claiming it from the inside out, like a virus.
Sofia Lamb was fleshed out far more than to be just Ryan's foil.TTG said:Let's not get into what characters were more fleshed out or more interesting, it doesn't paint a particularly good picture for the sequel. Sofia Lamb is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the utilitarian "common good" ideology, she serves as the philosophical foil to Ryan and nothing more. On the other hand, Ryan goes down in history as one of the most interesting characters across all mediums.
Yeah. BioShock 2 shows the other end of the spectrum, both in Rapture and in ideology. The wealthy areas were shown in BioShock, while the poor areas were given attention in BioShock 2.Dyno said:What I like about Bioshock 2 is seeing the already established art design (because I think it was strong enough to have another go) with improved level design. I like the big maps filled with what are essentially small and medium scale dungeons. The residential areas in B1 were the weakest levels but in B2 places like Pauper's Drop are really strong.
Also, the new areas of Rapture really reinforce Andrew Ryan's vision and complete the telling of the overall story. Ryan's Amusements (read Indoctrination) was a very interesting idea as is the whole concept of Pauper's Drop, that even Ryan's utopia would require an underclass to the point where millions of dollars was spent to build an undersea slum. It's a perverse idea that makes Rapture all the more dystopic.
Rlan said:I'm hacking everything too with flying colors, I don't know what's happened between the transition from Bioshock 1 to 2 that makes me crap :lol
brandonh83 said:I've probably put over 10 hours in BS2 and I'm just at:lolSiren Alley
I feel sorry for those barreling through the game, there's a lot to see and a lot of details to soak in. Like the guy that beat it in 6 hours and gave it a 3/10, that's a borderline joke post. It might have actually crossed the border, though.
Took me about 12 hours to do absolutely everything on hard with vita chambers turned off. 80% of that time was probably spent in the first half of the game, because once I was about halfway through Pauper's Drop I never hit another snag. Never even came close to dying after that point.Solo said:BS2's unforgivable sin is the texture detail. Absolutely wretched. Even worse, it suffers from Mass Effect 1 syndrome, wherein when you enter a new area/load, sometimes the textures load into a blurry mess right away, and then 10-15 seconds later the detail starts coming in. I had one of the health vending machines (its a circus of values!) after I loaded one time that was just a complete disaster, and it took about a minute before the clown's face came into focus.
I dont know, mang. I took my sweet ass time with the game, found 114 audio diaries (apparently there are 128), found 11 of upgrade stations (apparently there are 14), and it still only took me 8-9 hours.
Solo said:BS2's unforgivable sin is the texture detail.
I haven't had any problem aside from the annoyance of having to quit game to enter Multiplayer.I NEED SCISSORS said:The GFW Live integration is such bullshit.
Firestorm said:I haven't had any problem aside from the annoyance of having to quit game to enter Multiplayer.
Orellio said:I feel like we are the only two people on the whole board who are actually supportive of GFWL integration in games.
My main issue is keeping the game up-to-date in order to save. My internet is painfully slow tonight for some reason.. the progress bar barely moved after about 10 minutes. It looks like I won't get to start it anytime soon as a result.Orellio said:I feel like we are the only two people on the whole board who are actually supportive of GFWL integration in games.
not really a plot-hole, it's vaguely explained by Lambbig_z said:sometime around the pillow scene it's briefly explained that if the little sister dies the connection with the big daddy is lost forever. as a result the big daddy goes insane and ends up dying. thats why the screen goes red and you grunt going through those tubes at the end, youre dying. kinda opens up a massive plot hole, since you died at the start of the game....
catfish said:I don't know if i'd bother playing it with no vita chambers... what happens when you die then? Also, wouldn't everyone doing this just use saving as a vita chamber anyway? THat's pretty much what I do with the chambers on :lol
Conrad Link said:Just finished it last night, great game!I really loved both Bioshocks.
Got the goodest ending also, I always play the good guy.
I spent ages trying to figure out a way to NOT kill Sinclair :lol
Hmm now to decide if I do a Hard run or not, what do you guys think is an easier run, Bio1 Hard or Bio2 Hard?
I'd like to complete at least one game achievement wise. And completing game on Hard is the only one I'm missing on both.