Bisnic said:Just bought the game, am i right to assume that once again you get different endings depending if you rescue or not all little sisters?
j-wood said:Do the tonic levels stack on top of each other?
For example, I have eve saver 1 and eve saver 2. If both are equipped do their effects stack? Or is that pointless and I only need to have the 2nd version equipped?
No_Style said:There was an achievement NOT to do that? Awww....
Just checked on the Trophy and I need to save everyone.I killed Gil and Stanley on my playthrough.
Oh well. Need that No vita-chamber Trophy as well.
brandonh83 said:I have a feeling that this will be my "Silent Hill 2" of this decade. For me, last decade belonged to SH2 because of its unique and rich storytelling and Bioshock 2 hit many of the same notes for me as well. One thing that really struck home with me was this:
At the end, I was so desperately eager to fuck up Sofia Lamb. When the final battle was just a bunch of enemies that she summoned, I was a little indifferent to that because I was hoping we'd get to off Lamb like we got to off Fontaine. Anyway, at the end came the scene where Sofia is fucking drowning, and for whatever reason that I cannot put my finger on, it bothered me. I wanted to see that bitch burn through the whole story but when the time came I felt oddly sorry for the character and seeing her drowning got to me. And then something amazing happened-- Eleanor saved her, and the only reason being because I spared some other lives throughout the course of the story. When I realized that she'd be spared due to my actions, which had a positive effect on another character, that really blew my mind.
Papercuts said:I actually don't like how they determine this. If you save all 3, especially Stanley, I can see it...but you just need to spare one for Eleanor to save Sophia. I spared Grace since she didn't deserve death, but I don't think Sophia deserved sparing at all, especially if you condemn someone like Stanley for doing way less.
No_Style said:It honestly felt like one big expansion pack or side mission to me. This is not a bad thing though.
Patrick Bateman said:This is how I constantly felt and feel when I play Bioshock 2. Sure it's nice and better than most of the games of the same genre. But it's still more Bioshock 1.2 then 2.0.
And that for a full price.
Unregistered007 said:I just finsihed the game, I started out on Hard with Vita Chambers Off, but then I decided to turn them on since it was my first run, anyways Long story short at the endof the game I did not get the Against All Odds achievement. Is this a glitch ? Because I never changed the difficulty.
Unregistered007 said:Sorry but the game is Bioshock 0.5 or 0.6.
the team was totally clueless on how to top Bioshock so they made a generic blue print of Bioshock. I don't know about you guys but this is DMC2 of current gen.
brandonh83 said:I have a feeling that this will be my "Silent Hill 2" of this decade.
Feindflug said:Yeah the game has some problems with unlocking achievements - I didn't get the beat 3 big daddies without dying and I've killed almost all the big daddies without respawning at a Vita Chamber...
Very nice. It's Unreal Engine 2.5. Runs 1080p/60fps and everything maxed out on my mid-range rig.°°ToMmY°° said:how's the pc performance for bio2 compared to the first one?
Updated drivers did the trick. But still, people who aren't tech savvy probably wouldn't even think about updating drivers or know what the hell that means, quite a negative for PC gaming.ColR100 said:Windows7, along with 191.07 drivers. Updating those to 196.21 now. Will report back tomorrow with regards to if they work.
Also, out of curiosity, are people forcing AA through the Nvidia Control Panel or doing it some other way?
Cheers mate, but seems like I've had no need to do this. Will keep it in mind though if the game does suddenly start crashing again. Currently running it with AA and I've had no problems at all.dollartaco said:Col, I had the same problem you are having. I forced DX9 mode in the Steam shortcut and it fixed it.
In Steam:
R-click on Bioshock 2 > Properties
Set Launch Options...
type "-dx9" (w/o quotes) and click OK.
Worked for me. Good luck...
ColR100 said:Updated drivers did the trick. But still, people who aren't tech savvy probably wouldn't even think about updating drivers or know what the hell that means, quite a negative for PC gaming.
Nvidia should just do something like Microsoft does with Windows Update, for example having it auto download the update and then pop up with a notification saying new drivers are ready to install.
Papercuts said:I actually don't like how they determine this. If you save all 3, especially Stanley, I can see it...but you just need to spare one for Eleanor to save Sophia. I spared Grace since she didn't deserve death, but I don't think Sophia deserved sparing at all, especially if you condemn someone like Stanley for doing way less.
Koopakiller said:+the levels felt more open-ended. I actually got lost a couple times. Maybe I'm wrong but
Koopakiller said:Just finished it this morning
I liked parts of it more than Bioshock 1 but I thought that overall it wasn't as well put-together as the first Bioshock.
+the drill was extremely satisfying to use
+the levels felt more open-ended. I actually got lost a couple times. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't remember doing as much exploring in the first bisohock
+lots of secret tonics to discover
+thought the vidcam was a big improvement over the cam
-the story seemed pretty stupid to me
-harvesting bodies felt like a chore
-it was too easy. mostly because of the drill. In BS1 you just have a shitty wrench as a melee weapon so you really panic when you run out of ammo. In BS2, no worries, you don't even need ammo. Just stun them and drill em down
-while I liked the layout of the levels, the actual environments didn't feel as magical as BS1. looking back at BS1 (which I haven't played since it launched) I still remember most of the locations but BS2 is just a blur to me.
Solo said:This is incredibly high praise that I cannot agree with an any way, shape or form.
Obsessed said:I think someone in here mentioned that there was a New Game + option available for the PS3 version (via DLC). Was there any truth to that statement? I looked in the marketplace, but couldn't find anything.
Papercuts said:I actually don't like how they determine this. If you save all 3, especially Stanley, I can see it...but you just need to spare one for Eleanor to save Sophia. I spared Grace since she didn't deserve death, but I don't think Sophia deserved sparing at all, especially if you condemn someone like Stanley for doing way less.
Amir0x said:He says Home for the Poor "literally never comes up", but it's one of the maps I encounter most of all. I played three Home for the Poor maps in a row, and sometimes I don't like it because everyone is on top of each other from the start.
Amir0x said:Basically, you spend a lot of time searching for Last Splicer Standing matches, Team Adam Grab/Adam Grab, but the rest are frequently packed and work quite well and fairly painless matchmaking. It's not Gears of War 2's launch or anything.
Amir0x said:It seems depending on the mode, there are very few people playing.
PoweredBySoy said:Whoa, easy there, defense force. With the direction they took - meaning, the exact same direction as the first one - then I guess the right thing to do would have been not to write you in as a big daddy. If you're going to have me be playing a big daddy you can't just copy/paste 90% of the gameplay elements from the first one. At least not if you actually want to sell me on the whole premise. Where are my heavy footsteps? Why isn't there a button mapped to "Big Daddy Howl"? You'd think that would be mandatory! Even the option to harvest little sisters is still there. The first time I saw that I was thinking 'why the hell would a big daddy harvest sisters?'.
As for defending positions in an FPS, I guess Episode 2, 2007, comes to mind.
It's a good game and I'll finish it - but I'm still disappointed they squandered such an opportunity.
Amir0x said:Finally! Rank 40. I had a blast with multiplayer, truthfully. I will still play once in a while. It's cool that multiplayer had its own little ending and mini-storylines, though it was obviously put together kinda sloppily. Still, the multiplayer gameplay was fun enough in of itself to warrant playtime, and that's good for me.