Like, you probably shouldn't make a game in 2013 that suggests that.civil and labour rights for the oppressed is just a cynical ploy by violent anarchists who are indistinguishable from the oppressors and bosses they usurp
Like, you probably shouldn't make a game in 2013 that suggests that.civil and labour rights for the oppressed is just a cynical ploy by violent anarchists who are indistinguishable from the oppressors and bosses they usurp
Does this game have New Game +?
Does this game have New Game +?
Exactly! It's even sloppier and more "intellectually dishonest" when you consider the specific American racial and labor history that it's drawing on. And it looks even worse when you consider the contemporary political climate that the game is a loose allegory for. In terms of its ideology, Infinite is encouraging indifference, apathy, and nihilism: "Don't have a political position since everyone's after something."And in the case of, it's downright intellectually dishonest.Daisy Fitzroy's brand of social justice being portrayed as dangerous extremism that is just as corrupted as its antithesis
Like, you probably shouldn't make a game in 2013 that suggests that.civil and labour rights for the oppressed is just a cynical ploy by violent anarchists who are indistinguishable from the oppressors and bosses they usurp
And in the case of, it's downright intellectually dishonest.Daisy Fitzroy's brand of social justice being portrayed as dangerous extremism that is just as corrupted as its antithesis
Like, you probably shouldn't make a game in 2013 that suggests that.civil and labour rights for the oppressed is just a cynical ploy by violent anarchists who are indistinguishable from the oppressors and bosses they usurp
Will there be DLC costumes for 'Liz?
How far am I?
Lady Comstock zombie part starts
Exactly! It's even sloppier and more "intellectually dishonest" when you consider the specific American racial history that it's drawing on. And it looks even worse when you consider the contemporary political climate that the game is a loose allegory for. In terms of its ideology, Infinite is encouraging indifference, apathy, and nihilism: "Don't have a political position since everyone's after something."
And, worst of all, it arrives at that position by means of the exact same historical revisionism it accuses its villains of employing. The first Bioshock was smart, and it took a risk by having a political perspective, and by linking that perspective to core game design principles and mechanics. But Infinite wusses out and says all politics is bad, so let's just focus on ourselves and not care about anyone else or the world at large.
That's not the point. Like its predecessor, it's a game that puts politics front and center. But the problem with Infinite--in contrast to the first game--is that Infinite tries to criticize ideology by criticizing all ideologies. And it does so by rewriting history, all while claiming that it's the villains who do so. In terms of what the game is "about," it's a contradictory mess that has no ground left to stand on--which is fitting considering the setting.Help, this fantasy game doesn't go out of its way to exemplify my politics.
40% to go?
No.Help, this fantasy game doesn't go out of its way to exemplify my politics.
I think it was just a gameplay thing. Your tear choices have no consequence in the current game, they would have had it remained how it was shown.Something I noticed is that in the E3 demo Elizabeth seems to have difficulties opening/controlling the tears yet in the game she's just trowing them left and right like it's nothing. It feels like a huge part of the narrative that was cut.
You dont have to use Songbird on all the big Zepellins. You can use the sky rails in order to board them and sabotage the engine. At least, that's something you can do for the first two.
How do I beatI have no ammo or salts, and she keeps recovering health and summoning more allies after I die.Lady Comstock on hard?
You guys are noobs.
Bucking Bronco + Devils Kiss w/ Chain Pants
I didn't even know that I could do that.![]()
I just did that fight on1999 mode. Fire.
How do I beatI have no ammo or salts, and she keeps recovering health and summoning more allies after I die.Lady Comstock on hard?
It looks like I'm gonna have to restart. I wasted over $1000 on respawns, and right after respawns I have enemies with hand cannons and rocket launcher waiting for me. This is a fucked up fight, and not fun at all.
$1000 dear god. It took me 2 or 3 deaths max. Bump down the difficulty dude. Its too hard for you. Or you came there drained of salt and health which wouldn't help.
I've been having no trouble up until this point. Hard mode has been pretty breezy for the most part.
Does it criticize all ideologies or acknowledge that all ideologies ultimately must find life and expression in human lives, and human lives are notoriously messy.That's not the point. Like its predecessor, it's a game that puts politics front and center. But the problem with Infinite--in contrast to the first game--is that Infinite tries to criticize ideology by criticizing all ideologies.
I've been having no trouble up until this point. Hard mode has been pretty breezy for the most part. I had max health and salts too, I just didn't expect that kind of encounter. I came in with a hand cannon and sniper rifle.
How do I beatI have no ammo or salts, and she keeps recovering health and summoning more allies after I die.Lady Comstock on hard?
"Help, this fantasy game suggests that every kind of progress America made in the 20th century toward fulfilling both the spirit and explicit promises of its Constitution -- in terms of woman's rights, minority rights, even labour rights -- is just the corruptible, cynical and dangerously extreme flipside of white supremacy, exploitative labour practices, widespread bigotry, and religious zealotry. They're all as bad as each other!"
Hint: they're not.
I see A LOT of people complaining about difficulty, why don't you play normal? Is there an unwritten rule that says you have to play hard or insane to enjoy a game?
I played on normal and still found challenge, I'd play hard but Time is my most precious asset and I won't put up with some fights that are bullshit on hard but fair on normal, don't have the time to be stuck a day and a half in a spot, not because lack of skills, but because bullet sponges or a bullshit boss.
Does every copy of the game come with the original Bioshock included? My brother bought his yesterday and said it came with it.
I think its only the PS3 copy.
It's somewhat unbalanced scenarios that bring on the complaining. I think it's a valid criticism to complain about scenarios where there is a profound increase in difficulty that feels cheap or less than thought out.I see A LOT of people complaining about difficulty, why don't you play normal? Is there an unwritten rule that says you have to play hard or insane to enjoy a game?
I played on normal and still found challenge, I'd play hard but Time is my most precious asset and I won't put up with some fights that are bullshit on hard but fair on normal, don't have the time to be stuck a day and a half in a spot, not because lack of skills, but because bullet sponges or a bullshit boss.
Hell, yeah! It just feels so very right.
I'm currentlyon Hard... and, well, it really is. Not had much trouble till now (exceptdefending the airship) Pretty damn intense. The combat still has that chaotic quality of the original but with many more options available.with Lady Comstock
Really enjoying this, even if it isn't quite worth the scores it's been given. I've been paying close attention to the details throughout and I think I have a handle on what's going on... I predicted a few of the story developments (particularly regarding).Lutece's involvement
I'll see if I did get it right soon, I imagine....