Segata Sanshiro
Aside from the developer, literally everything about this game up to and including this thread's title actively repels me. Unfortunate, that is.
Gazunta said:There'll be a demo on all three platforms, yes.
Segata Sanshiro said:Aside from the developer, literally everything about this game up to and including this thread's title actively repels me. Unfortunate, that is.
Seraphis Cain said:Agreed. Especially on the thread title. It just bugs the shit outta me every time I read it. :lol
Gazunta said:It's up on Xbox LIVE Arcade now!
Steam version should be up in the next eight hours.
Xater said:This game has an official thread? I tried oit the demo this morning and this game is awful. The artstyle sucks and the moment I started to move I wanted to top palying. Who in their right mind thinks these fucking floating controls are a good idea?
ULTROS! said:The art style reminds me of Totally Spies for no apparent reason.
MvmntInGrn said:Tried the demo. I didn't mind the visuals and the dialogue was quirky but entertaining.
Level took me quite a while to beat. I accidentally triggered the end of the demo before I finished exploring the last large room too so I could have spent a bit more time playing. There are a lot of extra areas to find and the climbing mechanics let you explore almost everywhere.
Floaty controls are the biggest issue and it hurts both the platforming and the combat. Its less precise than I think most would want a 2D platformer to be. That said if the rest of the levels have as much exploring as the demo level did I think it'd be worth purchasing at some point. Had a lot of fun with it.
Drinky Crow said:who is this game's audience, by the by
well, besides dave halverson
Same impression I got, the controls need tightening up a bit.Giolon said:I played the demo on PS3 last night and had quite a bit of fun with it. My only complaint is the floatiness of the controls, but it was something I got used to. Tightening them up still wouldn't be a bad thing.
I found the demo level to almost be to large, with so many side routes it confused me somewhat. Would have loved the map from Shadow Complex! The dialogue scenes were actually quite amusing.Giolon said:It seems like this is a fairly straightforward platformer with the addition of being to climb on almost anything. It makes exploration fun, and a lot more work since you literally have to check everything from the floor to the ceiling. The game actually reminds me a bit of Shadow Complex. The voice acting and characters are kitchsy, but I was amused by them.
Same here, will keep the demo on my 360 a while and get back to giving it a second try.Giolon said:If I had to grade the game based on the demo alone, I'd give it a 2.5 / 5 stars. Who knows, if I'm bored enough this weekend I may end up picking it up on XBLA.
I wasn't nauseous, but I felt a little dizzy in my head, like it was difficult concentrating on the movements on the screen or something. Don't know what it was :/Giolon said:One thing though, there was something about this game that made me a bit nauseous while playing it (incoming snarky comments I'm sure...) - I think it was the combination of the floaty movement, the laggy camera, and the low framerate (I think it's hovering around 25FPS most of the time). I've been gaming for decades and I can't think of another game off the top of my head that caused this problem for me.
hikarutilmitt said:I played through the demo last night. And, before I type my thoughts on it, let me say that I'm neither attracted nor repulsed by the art itself and its... inspirations.
The gameplay is boring and floaty. The controls on a 2D platformer shouldn't need analog movement, as I would think maybe using the digital pad might make it more bearable, though still somewhat floaty. The way the camera sways is reminiscent of all of the annoyances I always had with some platformers like, well, Earthworm Jim (not calling EJ bad! don't hate!) where rather than keeping the character in center and occasionally shifting the focus, it swings back and forth and gives you nausea. A steady camera is a good camera. Kit has no weight, or at least doesn't feel like it. This seems like a dual cause of the floating movement and animations looking like her knees cannot bend.
The music needs some work. Boring. I can barely remember any of he music, menus, stage, cutscenes, nothing.
The level design is boring, repetitive and just plain ugly. Girders, rocks, the occasional flaming jet and then some doors. A level having a theme is one thing, but it cannot seems to decide what it's going to do. If maybe the level were shorter (good god it's TOO LONG) it wouldn't be as apparent or could be more focused, but I actually got bored and wondered when the damn thing would end so I could get on with the game getting any better or letting me down.
I love 2D platformers and feel that they are a lost art being only kept alive by games like MM10 and the occasional DS game. I like to attach myself to anything that tries to help keep things alive simply because they are some of the most raw fun gaming has ever had. It's one of the reasons I love the Valkyrie Profile series so much: it marries a fun battle system with a great map system. What Blade Kitten tries to do, I'm sorry, but it fails at every floaty, repetitive step of the way.
Exactly. Maybe I'm just not this game's target audience but the kind of dialogue and wannabe-internet-cool language this game uses is utterly, utterly repelling."Epic fail"? Really? This is like a wet dream come true for any teenage Hot Topic shopper who also browses 4chan and DeviantArt on their free time when not in school with their fellow black-hoodie-wearing-dyed-hair-skater chic friends.
Vic said:Floaty controls? This is bad.
Chakan said:I've enjoyed the demo. Reminded me of some old plataform games I used to play on PC. Like Jazz Jackrabbit.
That game is so cool. Too bad I can't run it now that I have Win 64bitGooboo said:Cat simulator? Been done. You need to seethis classic, Alley Cat from Synapse for the Atari computers. I remember trying to pay the hell out of it as a kid... and sucking at it.
akachan ningen said:I've been playing this a while. I'm pretty deep into the fourth level now.
combat is pretty good. avoiding hits from most enemies is just hard enough.
background design is really well thought out.
lots of opportunities for exploration.
music is very bland.
Kit isn't interesting enough. she's just sassy and energetic. that's not really enough.
the story seems to be going nowhere. (not really important though)
there's a lack of coolness to the overall aesthetic.
the levels drag on and then end with no fanfare. this game needs minibosses BADLY.
I read a lot of bad things about the controls but I didn't have too many problems with it.
I really hate the art direction in this game....
The platforming can be fun in short bursts and the presentation is very cute, but that cant save this game from its lackluster storyline and cyclical gameplay. If youre looking for a completely mindless platforming experience that drones on way too long but has a cute cat girl, you should still wait for a price drop. was the 4th link on a google search :lol :lolMassiveAttack said:I would recommend tracking down a used copy of Tail Concerto for PS1 instead.