Games Domain
My favorite quote:
Could this actually turn out to be good. Despite the beating the original takes, it wasnt awful, and with some adjustments could have been an excellent title. Who knows, perhaps this will do the trick.
My favorite quote:
Probably the most relieving aspect for players of the original is that there are absolutely no time limits any more. Gone are those stressful moments when the clock was ticking, and you risked starting a level over because of that pesky timer. Time crystals are also easier to find. In the last game, such power-ups were only available upon killing baddies that never respawned; now, whenever you're in dire need of a crystal, more enemies will appear, fueling your time-tweaking odyssey.
An added co-op mode accommodates two players for much more replay value. Puzzles that would normally only take one person are expanded. For instance, there's the deceptively simple challenge that requires you to freeze time and uncover several squares that are submerged in the water by running over them. But with limited time and more pieces to uncover than in the single-player version, it takes two sets of paws to complete the task.
Could this actually turn out to be good. Despite the beating the original takes, it wasnt awful, and with some adjustments could have been an excellent title. Who knows, perhaps this will do the trick.