You need to beat
Phumeru<Central Phumeru<Lower Phumeru<Defiled Phumeru<Ihyll
i beat normal and rooted Phumeru and Central and lower Phumeru
i am scared to enter Defiled Phumeru
Ihyll is same as great pthumeru ihyll chalice?
You need to beat
Phumeru<Central Phumeru<Lower Phumeru<Defiled Phumeru<Ihyll
i beat normal and rooted Phumeru and Central and lower Phumeru
i am scared to enter Defiled Phumeru
Ihyll is same as great pthumeru ihyll chalice?
Yeah Ihyll = Great Pthumeru Ihyll. Defiled is a bitch but I don't think there's a way around it.
I've beaten it on my STR ARC character who needs good gems to do damage (Cursed Nourishing) but I don't think I'm gonna dive into gem farming/dungeon delving with any of my 6 other characters any time soon.
i just beat the first boss,WTF,this is very hard
and i died to a some low mommy in level 2.
Remember when I wrote here last week? Being confused about what to do next and how to even play the game after 1 1/2 years without the game.
I just beat The Witch and Amelia with my second try. I am using now the holy sword as a 2H weapon. The damage with the R1 attack is great, but with the saw I felt like I had more control in a fight.
Kind of proud that I found my way back into the gane, bur still sort of afraid about the upcoming challenges. Feel like a total noob.
Honestly, Amelia is one of the harder fights in the game on the first playthrough, so if you can beat her then you shouldn't have too much trouble with the rest of the game, IMO. The Holy Blade is awesome btw, carried me all the way through my first playthrough.
How should I play with the sword? Because I am using more or less only R1, because the damage with R2 doesn't seem so huge and I kind of not get the timing for the attack. It takes to long and I miss sometimes my oponent.
How should I play with the sword? Because I am using more or less only R1, because the damage with R2 doesn't seem so huge and I kind of not get the timing for the attack. It takes to long and I miss sometimes my oponent.
i beat the watch dogs on that dungeon,it was hard but fun battle.
i got cursed and defiled pthumeru chalice,that made me wondering for a bit.
but then when i reached level 3 i realized something,i was playing at cursed pthumeru defilement chalice,not defiled pthumeru.
what the difference?
Almost finished a run maining the Saw Cleaver. Might be the best weapon in the game for me.
Almost finished a run maining the Saw Cleaver. Might be the best weapon in the game for me.
The Cleaver is generally considered to be one of, if not the, best weapon in the game just in terms of raw damage output and moveset.
same,i leveled it to 10,also Ludwig's Holy Blade at 10,but i use the Saw Cleaver the most.
Decided to use it after watching this speedrun where the guy just tears through Amelia. Managed to do it like that myself (obviously nowhere near as quickly or skillfully) and I was just blown away.
I've actually been trying to replicate some speedrun tricks for fun. I've managed to pull off the newer Forbidden Woods skip but I failed the Old Yharnam skip miserably haha.
A skill run with the cane and later on the Reiterpallasch was great fun. Or, what I think is really easy mode on most bosses, the Whirligig.
Or, what I think is really easy mode on most bosses, the Whirligig.
You can run holding circle. Nothing else affects your speed beside the position of the controller stick.Perhaps a silly question, but what governs movement speed in the game? Whenever I summon people, they seem to walk/run about twice as fast as me.
You can run holding circle. Nothing else affects your speed beside the position of the controller stick.
You should have read the messages in the dream 😬Oh wow.
I'm like 25 hours deep into the game (I'm at Yahar-Gul Chapel) and I never knew you could hold circle to run. That's embarrassing haha. I always have just rolled to escape.
Oh wow.
I'm like 25 hours deep into the game (I'm at Yahar-Gul Chapel) and I never knew you could hold circle to run. That's embarrassing haha. I always have just rolled to escape.
Nah, not embarassing at all! I can only think of one attack where I had to sprint to get away from it anyway.Rom's meteor shower.
Whirligig Saw is the best weapon IMO for most main game bosses.
Oh wow.
I'm like 25 hours deep into the game (I'm at Yahar-Gul Chapel) and I never knew you could hold circle to run. That's embarrassing haha. I always have just rolled to escape.
Whirligig Saw is the best weapon IMO for most main game bosses.
I don't even know what all weapons are in the game. Guess I need to search on YT.
Also Ebretias lasers.
The L2 attack in two handed mode is the best. You do an overhead swing that I'm pretty sure the second hit in the combo will knock down anything. Get in, get your two hits, then backstep. I used the Holysword pretty much until I got the Whirligig Saw and then the Holy Moonlight Sword, both from the DLC
just finished the battle of the century
Amygdala on defiled
holy shit that battle was intense
praise cowardliness and attacking from behind
Worth it!! nos you finished the hardest part of the game so far (without counting the DLC)
I've heard about this weapon before and it looked hella cool so it was the 2nd weapon I upgraded to +9 after the Axe.
Meh x1000.
Never could use it in an efficient way: the swings are super slow and have tiny reach and L2 just never worked for me.
I dumped it then an exchanged for Ludwig and never looked back.
I've heard about this weapon before and it looked hella cool so it was the 2nd weapon I upgraded to +9 after the Axe.
Meh x1000.
Never could use it in an efficient way: the swings are super slow and have tiny reach and L2 just never worked for me.
I dumped it then an exchanged for Ludwig and never looked back.
my friends are telling me Great Pthumeru Ihyll are harder
Pthumerian Descendant and Headless Bloodletting Beast are very very hard.
Of course! I'm forgetting Amygdala lasers as well.
my friends are telling me Great Pthumeru Ihyll are harder
Pthumerian Descendant and Headless Bloodletting Beast are very very hard.
I've lost count of how many times I've failed against the Orphan. Getting ridiculous.
Then I watched some NG+7 videos and generally people:
- fight him in the water (why?)
- backstab him all the time (I never backstabbed him)
- fight him in the water (why?)
Eh, those bosses are not really that hard after defiled, maybe Descendant
I found both of them difficult but not nearly as "yell at my screen in rage" as Amygdala or Watchdog.