i guess i have to buy this game anyway now, my first "souls" game. can't wait to have my ass beat over and over again
Not a good analogy since metacritic is an aggregate.
Unlike a grade on a college exam, you're never going to get 30 plus different reviewers from around the globe to all agree the game is a 10/10.
I don't think that's ever actually happened, a 100% is an impossible bar.
Anything above a 90 should be considered "excellent", and there's no real difference between 2 points here or there. Hell, most reviewers aren't even using the same scale. One might give it a 4.5 out of 5, another a 9 out of 10.
What's the difference between a 93 and a 95 game
This little bullet point from Klepek's Kotaku "impressions" has me worried:
I've been on complete media blackout from the game (except for this one impression).... and searched through the whole thread for an answer (didn't find one): Is there any loot in the game? Are we not going to be able to play FashionBorne just like FashionSouls? Am I not going to freak out when I can't get a Black Knight Halbred to drop off the first one?!?!
Hidetaka Miyazaki: In terms of how many physical weapons there are, the amount is less than in a Souls game, but thats to some extent a decision made due to the game design.
The weapons transform so one weapon will have various uses and strategies that you can implement. You can also customise your weapon with Blood Gems. There are different types and you can slot in up to three at a time. One gem might have you use less stamina per swing, for example.
You can have many different combinations so actually the amount of weapons in Souls is absorbed in Bloodborne by this customisation element and how someone can tailor a weapon to how they want to use it. In a way, the variety is still there, but its absorbed down on a customisation level, rather than in the quantity of actual weapons, much more than in Souls.
Quality wise, probably nothing. Just means a few less reviewers gave the 95 game 6's and 7's.
What are the main contenders?
Bloodborne, Zelda WiiU and MGSV?
Witcher 3 also.
People complaining about graphics... I might be blind or maybe I played the wrong games last year. Bloodborne looks fantastic!
Huh, interesting.
So, completely unrelated, but I need about $460 dollars to pay for my child's medical bills or he will definitely be dead soon. I take paypal, thank you and god bless!
What are the main contenders?
Bloodborne, Zelda WiiU and MGSV?
Druckmann/Straley have not earned their 'GOAT' stripes yet. Yes, TLOU is wonderful but I think we should see how UC4 turns out before we carve their names on stone.
Think it can hang with the above three? Never played Witcher, looks to be a solid RPG. I got tired with Dragon's Age and felt like I should have waited for Witcher instead as it looks more interesting, especially when it comes to combat. Wont be able to afford Witcher at launch, but I'll definitely jump on eventually.
What about Tearaway Unfolded? That looks like a good underdog
Arkham Knight too
People complaining about graphics... I might be blind or maybe I played the wrong games last year. Bloodborne looks fantastic!
In fairness, this game looks nice but doesn't seem like it should be that incredibly demanding. I'm very (very) slightly disappointed that they couldn't manage a better framerate.
Not a deal-breaker by any means of course.
i guess i have to buy this game anyway now, my first "souls" game. can't wait to have my ass beat over and over again
I think there are complaints regarding consistency?
Those three and Xenoblade Chronicles X. I'm assuming the new Fire Emblem won't hit this year but if it does it's probably a shoe-in.What are the main contenders?
Bloodborne, Zelda WiiU and MGSV?
Where is that downgrade thread from yesterday? Does the game look very different from initial gameplay trailers?
What are the main contenders?
Bloodborne, Zelda WiiU and MGSV?
In fairness, this game looks nice but doesn't seem like it should be that incredibly demanding. I'm very (very) slightly disappointed that they couldn't manage a better framerate.
Not a deal-breaker by any means of course.
Huh, interesting.
So, completely unrelated, but I need about $460 dollars to pay for my child's medical bills or he will definitely be dead soon. I take paypal, thank you and god bless!
Weapons don't drop at random, so you don't end up with a speed run path that fails half the time, and you don't end up with a thousand broken short swords.
The loot you do get are consumables and upgrade materials.
I have four full outfits already and I'm only three bosses in. The FashionBorne will be strong.
Here's what Miyazaki said about the amount of weapons
Zelda: ALBW won Gamespot's in 2013. Very rare for a handheld game to pull off, though.Hmmm, when was the last time a handheld game won a bigger GOTY? To stay on topic, those numbers and reviews are amazing, but well-deserved, I love the game.
I wish I could get a better grasp about the length
Sorry to keep dwelling on this, but the people coming at 25-30 hours... did you guys rush straight through? Were there optional areas or something that you neglected? Is the Chalice dungeon somewhere a lot of resources went into, contributing to shortened length?
Also, I dont know if I was imagining it, but can you CREATE your own chalices, or are they just always randomly generated and sharable with friends?
There are no 6's and 7's though.
show me a game that has as much geometry going on as what im seeing atm in Yharnam. Good luck.
there is a metric ton of stuff on screen at all times. including sections with 7-8 enemies at once or more.
game is absolutely beautiful. Best art direction ive seen in a long ass time. I've stood and stared at the intricate carvings within the steel of a lamppost far too long sometimes lol. or all the statues around the first area, or the animations of the enemies. etc. brilliance
There is one 7 in the OP from a guy who hates these kind of games. Same website (gamereactor.se) has a second opinion giving the game 9/10.