God damn at that PS4 tech breakdown and God DAMN at this weeks Alt girl on Front website
What the blazes is that avatar?
You mean Lucy Chambers? Nope.
Now Lucy Collett on the other hand...
There's a post on reddit showing the 2013 miss Korea contestants and its really creepy. They all look the exact same because of the plastic surgery.
There's a post on reddit showing the 2013 miss Korea contestants and its really creepy. They all look the exact same because of the plastic surgery.
make a thread on GAF man for the laughs
CHEEZMO;55269312 said:Taeyeon's cuter than all of em.
It's our glorious leader
4:50pm - looking forward to going home.
4.55pm - US call comes in asking me to process something asap.
7:25pm - I'm finished and heading home.
Rrrrrrrrrage! Never work in a company that's based worldwide and operates 24/7. Just...don't.
New Xbox announcement comes in just before my bday though. That made me smile![]()
CHEEZMO™;55269312 said:Taeyeon's cuter than all of em.
Seriously though, who the hell is that?
Stop fighting in this thread.
why are you watching kpop videos with sound though
To wash Coldman's bs away
double wash away this madness
I prefer the girl from Gentleman. Anyone know her name?
First gym session in a month: feelsgoodman.jpg
nope Tiffany or Yuri easy
Why was Captain America so cool with being in the 21st century in The Avengers? Like he just rolls with it and doesn't ask much even though he's way out of his depth.
I guess it is implied there's a decent gap between CA and the Avengers. They should really have made the second CA film before the Avengers.
I like yuri. Oh we're talking about different things. My mistake.nope Tiffany or Yuri easy
Why was Captain America so cool with being in the 21st century in The Avengers? Like he just rolls with it and doesn't ask much even though he's way out of his depth.
Wouldn't have killed them to throw that in somewhere and it explains why that blond stood out in the film. He difficulty grasping the world and how it now works should have been something that lasted throughout the film.
The real answer- same as to why they ignore Thor's girlfriend- is that Whedon didn't want to step on the toes of the people making the Phase 2 sequels. Awkward, but eh.
Hopefully Cap 2 will have plenty of "man outta time" stuff going on.
Why was Captain America so cool with being in the 21st century in The Avengers? Like he just rolls with it and doesn't ask much even though he's way out of his depth.
I get the feeling this universe is going to go full retard real quick because of trying give each film series a strong identity that doesn't rely on the other avengers, and then doing the same with the avengers assemble films.