Good morning one and all of the fabulous fellows, lady and water fowel of BritGAF. It is a particularly beautiful morning here in the Colonies, one such that I would wager even would place a smile upon the most dour, snaggle-toothed and inbred face should they care to visit their American cousins.
Such a morning is not unique to the American imperial outpost, but I am told also present even on the streets of London. This summer's morning must be significant to even those who pursue selfish pleasures and the less selfish who are busy in working business, forcing them to take notice of the gorgeous scene before them. I am told there is a light and springly air about the dirty streets which are accustomed to gaseous plumes of smog from city pollution and flatulence of the locals alongside a thick channel of running vomit from the local pubs and clubs which has been affectionately named 'the Thames'.
The final intoxicated soul who may find their way home in this afternoon after collecting his well-deserved taxpayer supplied stipend, roaring out their plans of grandiose appointment and wisdom; he gives way to a ranting vagrant whom has been left to his own devices after both local welfare and law enforcement have abandoned him, frothing at the mouth in some fever dream of women, warmth and food.
The intoxicated and incontinent population have begun to disappear from the fair streets, going off to bed and to spending their time on internet message boards for most of the day, whilst the sober, organized and leading population cranks the machinery by which the world is moved. The bully pulpits are happily deserted: the ill-contents too tired to move; and the selected thoroughfares of profligate misery are full and happily out of sight and out of mind.
You cooked it wrong Kent. You're a culinary clown my friend.
It is sad to see, Ninja in such a manner. At some pivotal juncture, he must have chosen to shelter himself within the artificial barriers he had for many years been erecting, between himself and all those subtle essences of humanity which will elude those too entrenched in the knowledge of the wise.
I wake up too early for what it's worth. xD
And to you, Donkey, I think only of goodness, to which I shall with faith hold you favorably in thought always, for you have always treated others with utmost kindness and brotherhood.
im going to wath cosmos by that carl sagan fella. how well does it hold up?
I must say beautifully and also admit my thoughts: Whenst I originally came to these lands of Britain, an rough common lad whose ugly heart bled ceaselessly for friendship, your kingly feathers were shared in friendship and every prosperity. Your fierce beak an embodiment of graceful bounty whenst thou speaks. It is your ways upon which the stones of the strongest London buildings are made, not more real, or more impossible to displace with your wings, than your presence and influence have been to me.
Currently eating porridge
Musha was the most practical of females for prowling about the thread. How she got from one topic to another was a mystery beyond solution. A lady so decorous in herself, and so highly connected, was not to be suspected of dropping over the banisters or sliding down them, yet her extraordinary facility of locomotion suggested the wild idea.
That sounds delightful ^_^
When you say totty...are you referring to females or males..or is there a healthy balance of both
Nice, I could do with one of those right now
but i dont have a Foreman grill
I was up at 7am.. but I felt horrible so i couldn't move :|
I would
But I don't live in London
There was a heavy ornamental piece of furniture near his desktop computer at his place of business, upon which Mr. Jack Hart Bennington had a very strong inclination to pitch forcefully at Mr. Thomas Lashbrook's head.