You and every other daft punk fan should be ashamed of yourselfs. Why are you guys supporting this group ?
Why should I be ashamed? what I have I done to "support" them beyond love their earlier work? I haven't even bought RAM...
You and every other daft punk fan should be ashamed of yourselfs. Why are you guys supporting this group ?
Why should I be ashamed? what I have I done to "support" them beyond love their earlier work? I haven't even bought RAM...
Fans of a cheesy band like Daft Punk?
Y'all should be ashamed yo.
Daft punks new album is trash, I can't wait to sail down the fans tears.
You and every other daft punk fan should be ashamed of yourselfs. Why are you guys supporting this group ? Clearly daft punk have lost there touch and can't make good music any more. All there doing now is dragging there name and there fan's taste through 100 miles of dirt.
Says the guy who thinks Eminem's Encore (and Relapse) are his best work.
Says the guy who thinks Eminem's Encore (and Relapse) are his best work.
Kent, when it comes to peddling your music in here, you seem to deal only in gross hyperbole. I'm invariably disappointed after being led to believe the following track is sure to be, "better than sex on sliced bread."
From what I gather, much like the Kaz avatars leading up to the Sony conference, they are to show support for upcoming Microsoft conference.What is with this 'Only on Xbox' avatar fad? What have I missed?
What is with this 'Only on Xbox' avatar fad? What have I missed?
I thought the same thing. I nearly asked, until I realised I probably didn't care enough to hear the answer.What is with this 'Only on Xbox' avatar fad? What have I missed?
Kid cudi's new album on the other hand is slammin
From what I gather, much like the Kaz avatars leading up to the Sony conference, they are to show support for upcoming Microsoft conference.
What is with this 'Only on Xbox' avatar fad? What have I missed?
boy am i sure excited for halo, gears of war and forza!!!!
...shiiiit. Why would you want to brand yourself as a single console owner?!
Ah well, to each his own.
You didn't answer my question.
u know its true you minx.
Haha, "minx", haven't heard that in a while.
Perfect description of Musha too, what a minx!
All great fucking games.boy am i sure excited for halo, gears of war and forza!!!!
I saw you in the post pics thread. Your hair is most excellent.Hey now, you haven't even met me yet
...shiiiit. Why would you want to brand yourself as a single console owner?!
Ah well, to each his own.
You should be ashamed for following a group who put out such a mediocre album
All great fucking games.
But I'm guessing this is that thing where you cleverly deride the game under the guise of feigned enthusiasm.
I don't "follow" anyone, they are musicians who's earlier work I liked, that's it. I even said the album was meh, tell me, in what way have I brought shame upon myself?
You said it, how am I ashamed? what, is it the way I talk? what?
How the fuck am I ashamed?
During our steam chat about daft punk i caught some vibes that you were a hardcore daft punk fan.
I looked forward to bringing up how bad there new album was as i was listening to it.
Nah man, that's damn good reasoning.they're good, but tired games. all of which have reached their man years ago. i'm looking to spend my money on games that are fresh and try something different, so for me, putting 30 quid or 1500 baht on a game that plays like every other game just seems kind of wasteful.
but if you enjoy it then fair play suppose i cant criticise you on that element.
You need a hobby.
Hey Dave, Vita is getting Terraria...
You crazy. The PS3 is a beast. I have a PS3, 360 and Wii-U under my TV and they look like 3 little plastic bouncers guarding my receiver.I only have 1 console rigged up to my TV, Fuck a messy TV stand with all sorts of consoles and wires all over the place. Today i was enjoying playing Amped 3 on my xbox 360, Cutting shapes on the hill side. Crystal clear HD graphics. The snow and backdrops look so damn fresh.
Having a ps3 rigged up to my set up would be like a dark depressing cloud raining all over my awesome sitting room.
I.... I'm not sure what to do about this...
I know man. I'm equal parts happy and worried. I'll become a fucking hermit or something. When Terraria was first released, I was pulling all nighters and then going to work half asleep. Game is like crack. I dread the idea of having it on a sexy portable. It might push the missus into a Vita too, given that she's put hundreds upon hundreds of hours into the PC version.You need a hobby.
Hey Dave, Vita is getting Terraria...
You need a hobby.
Hey Dave, Vita is getting Terraria...
i just retro game nowadays, just satisfying.
The verse at 2 minutes in is the most mind blowing verse to ever be recorded. No other artist could pull that shit like slim did.
I have a hiking hobby
From what I gather, much like the Kaz avatars leading up to the Sony conference, they are to show support for upcoming Microsoft conference.
boy am i sure excited for halo, gears of war and forza!!!!
All great fucking games.
But I'm guessing this is that thing where you cleverly deride the game under the guise of feigned enthusiasm.
I saw you in the post pics thread. Your hair is most excellent.
I did a little dance.
I saw you in the post pics thread. Your hair is most excellent.
I did a little dance.
I'm excited for Halo :|
But you can make the same joke about the PS4. OMG Watch Dawgs and Killzone! Excited for Killzone even though the others were kinda crappy! Yaaaaay!
Gimme PS4 Ratchet and Clank. Gimme.
they're good, but tired games. all of which have reached their peak years ago. i'm looking to spend my money on games that are fresh and try something different, so for me, putting 30 quid or 1500 baht on a game that plays like every other game just seems kind of wasteful. need to be careful with cash too, so im just really picky with what i buy nowadays.
but if you enjoy it then fair play suppose i cant criticise you on that element.
The escalation of the Kaz stuff was funny, "Only on Xbox" is just boring
Gimme PS4 Ratchet and Clank. Gimme.
Third had a lot of flaws, but the second one was great.
This sentence doesn't really fit in a discussion about how stale video games are getting.