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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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Holy moly, "When Bjork met David Attenborough" is on tonight. Two of my favourite people in one show! That should be good.

Acrid, do some sit ups. Skip the fried bread.

Musha, I'm looking forward to seeing it! Hawt.


I don't recall eating fried bread maybe that's the problem.

As for sit ups, the cough I had that lasted for at least a week probably forced me to do hundreds already, could explain it. :p

Music, heck I need to go back to the first game's soundtrack because apparently it's as good.


I was sensible last night, didn't get absolutely shit-faced which was good. I actually lasted the entire night, made the mistake of walking a friend home and then realising that the walk and the drive between mine and her house was completely different and that there was like a 30 minute difference. So, I ended up strolling in casually around 3.45/4ish. Was a pretty good night apart from one guy who I nearly ended up in a fight with (not due to drink reasons, due to the fact he was an absolute cunt)

I think I made some new friends, and was generally quite pleasant to everybody :) Saw one of the ex's mates whilst there, so I decided to have a catch up with her and buy her a drink as well.


I don't recall eating fried bread maybe that's the problem.

As for sit ups, the cough I had that lasted for at least a week probably forced me to do hundreds already, could explain it. :p

Music, heck I need to go back to the first game's soundtrack because apparently it's as good.
Nice Acrid, it reminded me of Amon Tobin:

Amon Tobin - El Cargo

So fucking good, the drums are just incredible!

And yeah, I forgot how painful sit ups are, jeez. I'm ok with the rest of it, cos you're standing or sitting fairly comfortably. But when you're on your last set of sit ups, and you can barely bring your back off the floor, damn you need to just sit and chill for a minute or two!

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Situps are the most pointless exercise

I love thunder storms, and they're abundant where I am in Thailand, however the unpredictability of whether I'm going to lose power makes them absolutely shit.

Only 6 weeks left.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Kent you know what's up, GG is amazing on a hot day. Dangerous though as you can't taste the alchohol in it.

It's a good thing you can taste the ginger in it so chugging the shit is out the question :p Quid for 500ml of the stuff from my local



Where are his obliques? Every single complex exercise works the abdominals in some form. Spending time working the abs on their own is pointless and a waste of time. Especially as they will never get big enough to show, they only become a six pack if you get to about 8-9% body fat.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Where are his obliques? Every single complex exercise works the abdominals in some form. Spending time working the abs on their own is pointless and a waste of time. Especially as they will never get big enough to show, they only become a six pack if you get to about 8-9% body fat.

Stop trying to wriggle out of the sit ups yo and get on that floor!



My optician is absolutely gorgeous, goddamn. When she turns the light off to start the examination and leans right in with her eye torch thingy, speaking all softly, "that's good, now look back at me".

"Oh, uh OK." Hnnggg.

My dentist is hot as fuck. I went for the first time in thirteen years or so and only needed two fillings and a replacement. Shit's free while I'm on the dole.
So I can be top of the page! (For us 50ppp anyway)

So, it didn't quite come out as silver as I'd hoped, even with a shit ton of bleach on for 2 1/4 hours it will still only go as light as it can. But I'm pretty happy with it.

Camera phone can't actually pick up the exact colour no matter what room I stand in, it's actually a bit lighter than it looks here.

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