The current world record (according to Guinness World Records) for the plank position is 3 hours 7 minutes and 15 seconds, set in Newport, Kentucky on 20 April 2013 by George Hood.[9]

EDIT: new hair looks cool Musha!
The current world record (according to Guinness World Records) for the plank position is 3 hours 7 minutes and 15 seconds, set in Newport, Kentucky on 20 April 2013 by George Hood.[9]
Sorry but I'm going to have to dp
So I can be top of the page! (For us 50ppp anyway)
So, it didn't quite come out as silver as I'd hoped, even with a shit ton of bleach on for 2 1/4 hours it will still only go as light as it can. But I'm pretty happy with it.
Camera phone can't actually pick up the exact colour no matter what room I stand in, it's actually a bit lighter than it looks here.
Musha is our queen of hearts <3you look like princess Diana
at the cinema on my own... this is an achievement
expect a Tashbrooke review of the worlds end tonight
I heard it had to much action.
I fail to see how Bible Black is worse.Could be worse. At least its not Bible Black.
What does that even mean?
What does that even mean?
There's an american sweet shop in Belfast and they wanted £2 for a twinkie.
I'l wait 300 years and buy that same Twinkie with a five finger discount!
At that price I fully expect it to be still there in 300 years.
There's an american sweet shop in Belfast and they wanted £2 for a twinkie.
I'l wait 300 years and buy that same Twinkie with a five finger discount!
At that price I fully expect it to be still there in 300 years.
Damn right, I read they are timeless products with the shelf life.
I fail to see how Bible Black is worse
To many action scenes yo, Tired of getting drunk alone. Heading for a drink with my father. A bender to top all benders!
Bit annoying. Was going to go on a trip, but decided to postpone it because of the weather reports saying it would rain today. I haven't seen a drop.
I thought gay or homosexual was the preferred term nowadays?
To many action scenes yo, Tired of getting drunk alone. Heading for a drink with my father. A bender to top all benders!
What? This is a thing? Sounds good!Daaamn, the Star Wars Despecialised editions look so crisp.
I just met this absolutely crazy person, like so crazy I dont trust her, if she was a guy I wouldnt even go, but shes invited me somewhere tonight, i figure either:
A) Im going to get mugged
B) She wont show
C) It might be fun
I put A first because im new to town and I would hate to be walking into a trap. Either way I need to head into town to get food so if she doesnt show I dont care - im just worried about potential weirdness
Ill elaborate on weirdness later, nothing too bad, she just seems highly playful, but I feel like I could be taking a risk? Gaf what should a man do?
Hey Ninja, did you get my text?
Go, but make sure you're meeting her somewhere super public with lots of people about
No, but my phone has been off, and is generally playing up! I've just switched it back on.Hey Ninja, did you get my text?
No, but my phone has been off, and is generally playing up! I've just switched it back on.
Send it again?
Bob, what makes this chick so crazy? We need context man.
What? This is a thing? Sounds good!
Had to check if I was allowed to discuss this on gaf but there seems to already be a thread about it but yeah! It exists. Some guy managed to HD-ify the original unaltered Star Wars films. Already got that big silver Star Wars DVD boxset but never actually saw the original versions.
TLOU time?
Might be able to get on later. Will anyone still be around at about 11?
hopefully the rumours about Disney releasing the OG Star Wars on blu ray is true. I got the gold VHS boxset somewhere in my room and older VHS in wardrobe
Sucks for folk who picked up the complete saga blu ray set. That's still going for £70 at tesco.
Might be able to get on later. Will anyone still be around at about 11?
depends if anyone actually goes on... ;_;
Sorry fella! Been busy.respond to my pms damn it
MedicalGAF, I have a question; for the past couple of days, I have an odd tingling sensation on the tips of my fingers. It wasn't painful, felt more like some tickling than anything. But today its felt like someone stabbing pins into them, and it's spread to the base of my fingers and the bit of skin between the thumb and the first finger, on both hands. What could it be?