Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Huge spoilers. Do not read any of this without finishing act one. Took me about three hours. I liked it quite a bit.
The ending sure makes you think about things. I figured the "Dead Eye God" might've been Shay, but that was soon proven apparently wrong. Shay was actually the one grabbing up maidens at the feasts with the boom arms! But for what purpose, and what's Merrick's deal with all this?
I actually didn't think of that. Wow.
The Merrick stuff is really interesting. Also, if you think about it that makes Merrick the bad guy, right? Also also I hope mom is alright
I like that AI (And the little sock dudes)
If you think a bit further, if the Mog thing appears every 14 years and Shay did this for the first time....well....
If you think a bit further, if the Mog thing appears every 14 years and Shay did this for the first time....well....