Longshot, anyone willing to part with a Snes Mini for $100?
- The Berenstein Bears: Camping Adventure ($6)
Oh hey I thought I remembered you from the original timeline.
WTS - Within U.S Only (48 states) - All prices include shipping & tracking. Payment: PayPal F&F (I'll be looking for positive feedback history for those interested in the higher priced items below)
Sega Dreamcast Console & GDEMU - $285 | Photo #1 | Photo #2 | Photo #3 | Photo #4 | Video #1 | Video #2
Console has been modded with a bios switch to alternate between the original bios or custom bios. The GDEMU comes with a 3D printed SD card tray for improved air flow. The original internal battery in the console has been replaced. Console includes a standard controller, 1 vmu, 4x memory card, composite video cable, power cable, and a empty 32gb SD card.
Streets of Rage 1 & 2 Vinyls (Limited Editions/Blood Splattered) + Cards - $220 | Photo #1 | Photo #2 | Photo #3
Streets of Rage LE vinyl has never been opened and includes limited edition cards. These were a bonus when preording the LE. Condition: Bottom right corner of the cover has a slight bend to it. (Photo)
Streets of Rage 2 LE vinyl has never been played and was opened only for pictures.This vinyl arrived new with a clear plastic sleeve for easy removal. It has a slight bend on the bottom right corner when it was originally shipped. (Photo)
Sega Saturn to Dreamcast Controller Adapter & Clear Japanese Sega Saturn Controller + VMU - $45 (Photo)
Used Buffullo Snes Controller - $10 (Photo)
Dreamcast Massive Memory Card & Parallel Cable - $25 (Photo)
Sega Saturn Controller USB Adapter for PC - $15 (Photo)
Hanzo Dreamcast VGA Box & 6ft VGA cable + 3.5mm to RCA Audio cable - $50 (Photo) Hanzo VGA Box Review
SNES Classic Mini (UK Edition). $150 OBO, or can trade for a US SNES Classic Mini.
New and sealed. On-hand. Ended up with two due to preorder madness.
Can ship to just about anywhere.
Steam keys
- Wasteland 2 - $5.00
- Rise of the Tomb Raider - $5.00
Is this the director's cut of Wasteland 2 and complete edition of Tomb Raider with the season pass?