Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U)
Hoping for really good condition.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U)
Hoping for really good condition.
I am a Neogaf plus seller. Buy with CONFIDENCE!
[B]Everdrive 64 2.5[/B] - $55 shipped. Includes a 16 gig card that came with it. Won't come with anything on it, of course.
Buyer covers paypal fees or sends payment as friends and family.[/QUOTE]
WTS (US only for shipping) (all prices shipped F&F = tracking and sent next day PO is open)
Resident Evil 7 - $29
Retro City Rampage First Print - comes with extras like stickers - $80 (sealed)
PlayStation Gold Wireless Stereo Headset: Limited Edition - White - unopened and never used - $95
Octodad: Dadliest Catch - $32 (sealed)
Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics - $27 (sealed)
Saturday Morning RPG - $75 (sealed)
Wii U:
Bayonetta 1+2 - $40
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive steam gift - $7.50
If you're interested in something but believe a price to be unfair then I'm open to offers.
PSP Go w/ charger
Looking for a screen with minimal scratches and little wear on the rest.
ehhh... 5/10 impression... I can do better.
*deeply inhales*
$1 Shipped.
Steam Funds for sale - Canadian Dollars (CAD)
1 x $50 value - $45 CAD
2 x $20 value - $18 CAD each
Buy all $90 credit for $75 CAD.
Paypal (family and friends) only,
Neogaf Gold - Plus Buyer and Plus Seller
PS Vita 1000 black with 16 GB card, and charging dock. $75 PayPal.
Vita is in good condition, a couple small scratches on the back, screen is in great condition. Works flawless. I'm a gold seller with tons of transactions over the years from consoles to computers, so buy with confidence.
For Sale
NES Mini Classic (EU version box, region free)
2 OEM Nintendo Controller pads
2 extension cords
*Modded with all my favorite NES/SNES/Genesis/Gameboy games.
I can factory reset everything for you
I'll upload pics later. I'm looking for $220 OBO Shipped.
I don't know what the asking rate is for these, it's hard to get a feel on eBay. So I'll just throw that price out there, and see what interest is out there.
6. No illegal shit
- This goes without saying, but JUST IN CASE: Do not sell stolen goods; do not sell pirated goods; do not sell illegal products; and do not sell anything here that could cause trouble for the forum. If the mods are made aware of a listing that violates any of the above rules, you will be banned and the listing(s) will be deleted.