Stoney Mason said:My final word on the Hardcore versus regular is just different strokes. I can see why people enjoy both and they each have certain aspects to them that I like. For instance regular death match tends to have a pace and flow to it that spreads all over the map where as hardcore tends to take place in concentrated areas. It's all in what appeals to the type of player you are.
Roxas said:the only thing i hate about Hardcore are those annoying dickwad team mates who find it amusing to run around gunning his own team mates down.
I accidently killed my own team mate last night (well, he ran straight infront of my firing line and i did apologise afterwards) and he made it his mission to chase me down throughout the rest of the game and kill me every chance he got. Completely ruined the game.
But when there isnt a guy like that in your team, Hardcore is definatly my favourite.
IIRC, IW has their own system on top of MS' trueskill matchmaking system.njp142 said:Very noob question... what's the matchmaking like on the 360 in getting players of equal skill level. I have the Steam version, but when I just join a server I get slaughtered. Is the 360 any better at matching players of the same level?
njp142 said:Very noob question... what's the matchmaking like on the 360 in getting players of equal skill level. I have the Steam version, but when I just join a server I get slaughtered. Is the 360 any better at matching players of the same level?
Well then, no.Defcon said:I just received the game from that Amazon deal today. Quick question. Is there any difference in playing the game in 1080p over 720p, because I can't really tell.
If I remember correctly COD4 runs at 600p so it shouldn't make any difference.Defcon said:I just received the game from that Amazon deal today. Quick question. Is there any difference in playing the game in 1080p over 720p, because I can't really tell.
Stoney Mason said:You have to play for a while for it to settle you in. I think the matchmaking is decent. I win somewhat less than half the time and my performance is generally average to just slightly above average.
njp142 said:Very noob question... what's the matchmaking like on the 360 in getting players of equal skill level. I have the Steam version, but when I just join a server I get slaughtered. Is the 360 any better at matching players of the same level?
KiKaL said:After a night of drinking I woke up and walked to my computer to an amazon screen saying I had just purchased COD4. Deffinetly not the worst thing I have done under the influence. I had been jumping back and foruth on if I wanted to buy it sense I have been borrowing a friends copy for about 3 weeks. I think the alcohol must of helped push the decision to buy it.
USD said:I have to say that Last Stand is by far the best Perk 3 in the game, hell, probably the best perk in the game (besides something ridiculously obvious like Stopping Power). There are just so things it does for you like no other perk.
Killing the guy who kills me (or killing his teammates). I like to think that when someone shoots me down but can't finish me off fast enough to save their teammate from my pistol, it's a massive victory for myself.
On that same note, picking up that UAV/Airstrike/Helicopter when a kill or two (or three) short. Can't do that with Martyrdom.
On the flip side, denying kills. I've saved myself a death many a time when the game ends because I'm dying but not dead yet.
As an extension of denying kills, potentially denying other people UAV/Airstrike/Helicopter, either by killing them outright or putting a 10 second delay for the kill, a chance for my other teammates to finish off the guy.
Pure distraction. Most people want that kill so badly, and to hold them for only for a few seconds is well worth it. At times, I've held up entire teams because everyone's scared to be the one to get shot. Everytime I make people stop in their tracks is a victory for me.
Pure shame. Getting killed by someone in Last Stand is as shameful to me as getting knifed in the back. Getting killed by someone in Last Stand and then losing the kill to a teammate is downright humiliating.
Teamwork. Last Stand works great when running with a teammate. If I get gunned down first, my opponent has to choose between finishing me off and hoping my teammate can't aim (usually the best choice, since most of my teammates are incompetent), or shooting my teammate and then me (usually what actually happens). In the latter situation, most of the time the guy ends up dead, either by the hand of my teammate or by a handful of pistol shots.
Glitches lol. If you get shot into Last Stand just before releasing a flash bang (I guess it works for stuns too), the flash will turn into a frag grenade that's been cooked for four seconds. Plus you can still throw grenades you were cooking when you fall. In really close quarters, I'll sometimes hold onto the grenade and turn it into a short fuse Martyrdom grenade. Nobody expects a a Last Stand guy to have a Martyrdom grenade.
Last Stand isn't always successful, sometimes you get finished off before you can do much. And I swear people keep stun grenades just for killing people in Last Stand. But when it is sucessful, it's beautiful. Nothing feels better than countersniping (with a pistol no less) from halfway across the map.
People hate Martyrdom and Juggernaut... No one cares about Last Stand.Stoney Mason said:Everybody in this thread hates you.
(I don't mind last stand myself)
raYne said:People hate Martyrdom and Juggernaut... No one cares about Last Stand.
*shrug* I've never seen it.Stoney Mason said:People definitely hate Martydom but there is a rather large contingent that hate last stand too.
raYne said:*shrug* I've never seen it.
It's possible, but it'd be nowhere near the level of the other two.
Stoney Mason said:People definitely hate Martydom but there is a rather large contingent that hate last stand too.
It's also pretty dirty that your pistol automatically reloads and all your ammo is restored, as if you were using an entirely different one. I haven't heard too many people complain about Last Stand, despite it's pure awesomeness and superiority over Martyrdom.Stoney Mason said:There use to be a bunch of posts about it if you go back far enough in the thread. People hate the autoflip, the few moments of invulnerability, and the fact that you can hit people with rocket launchers or blow them up and they still go into last stand.
I definitely think some of the perks should be a little more conditional on when they kick in although I rarely get killled by someone in last stand.
Yeah, I don't understand how people keep dying to it. It's not too hard to memorize the names of guys running around with Last Stand. But as long as people keep dying to it, I'll keep using it.OldJadedGamer said:Martydom is the best perk every for HQ. I love running into a crowed room with the HQ and everyone is trying to camp it to score the HQ, then letting everyone kill me. Merry Christmas... +40.
I don't mind Last Stand since I just keep shooting everyone even after they are dead. I very rarely if ever fall for Last Stand.
OldJadedGamer said:Martydom is the best perk every for HQ. I love running into a crowed room with the HQ and everyone is trying to camp it to score the HQ, then letting everyone kill me. Merry Christmas... +40.
I don't mind Last Stand since I just keep shooting everyone even after they are dead. I very rarely if ever fall for Last Stand.
Stoney Mason said:I love Headquarters but sadly I rarely play it as it wrecks havok with my kill to death ratio. Sadly I pretty much stick to only Team DM or Hardcore DM because I'm so anal about it.
Did you just quote yourself? :xStoney Mason said:I love Headquarters but sadly I rarely play it as it wrecks havok with my kill to death ratio. Sadly I pretty much stick to only Team DM or Hardcore DM because I'm so anal about it.
Oh, I'm sure it mattered early in the thread/game's life, but people are well aware of it now and are used to dealing with it. So it's no longer an issue to most people.. From what I've seen anyway.Stoney Mason said:There use to be a bunch of posts about it if you go back far enough in the thread. People hate the autoflip, the few moments of invulnerability, and the fact that you can hit people with rocket launchers or blow them up and they still go into last stand.
I definitely think some of the perks should be a little more conditional on when they kick in although I rarely get killled by someone in last stand.
I have to say, most people I face suck at Last Stand. But most people aren't me.raYne said:Did you just quote yourself? :x
Oh, I'm sure it mattered early in the thread/game's life, but people are well aware of it now and are used to dealing with it. So it's no longer an issue to most people.. From what I've seen anyway.
Similar to you, I hardly ever get killed by it because I know what the drop animation looks like. If I'm in a position to get a clean shot, it's over for the person since I'll already be aiming at them before they hit the ground.
This pisses me off like no other. I'd rather get the mercy stun grenade then be left to die. But then again, some people leave me to die, and I end up punishing them by killing their unsuspecting teammates. That always makes up for it.raYne said:What I do like about Last Stand, is leaving downed people to bleed out.![]()
raYne said:What I do like about Last Stand, is leaving downed people to bleed out. Either that, or hearing that final gunshot when they take their own lives while I walk away to find a new target.![]()
raYne said:Did you just quote yourself? :x
Oh, I'm sure it mattered early in the thread/game's life, but people are well aware of it now and are used to dealing with it. So it's no longer an issue to most people.. From what I've seen anyway.
Similar to you, I hardly ever get killed by it because I know what the drop animation looks like. If I'm in a position to get a clean shot, it's over for the person since I'll already be aiming at them before they hit the ground.
What I do like about Last Stand, is leaving downed people to bleed out.![]()
OldJadedGamer said:I have a few friends like that too. It's too bad, HQ is one of my favorite game types. Plus, you get sooooooo many points from a match even if you lose. This is why K/D is worthless in COD4 though since when you play games like HQ and Sabotage and it just destroys the stat. They really should have different stats for different play types.
Oh, you'll get a lot of that from me.USD said:This pisses me off like no other. I'd rather get the mercy stun grenade then be left to die. But then again, some people leave me to die, and I end up punishing them by killing their unsuspecting teammates. That always makes up for it.
marvelharvey said:Is there anyway to delete the map pack? I'm finding the new levels to be incredibly boring, especially Chinatown, and I'd like to remove them from the playlist.
USD said:Holy shit, I was just on the greatest pistol rush ever. 5 straight pistol kills, deep in enemy territory. I wanted to die in the madness of it all, but the other team ended up spawning somewhere far away from me. Going into pistol mode feels so good. On a lot of streaks (like this one) I end up with more pistol kills than kills with my primary.
And after countless hours of playing, I finallycompleted the epic quest for the 2.0 K/D (rounded up). After securing a true 2.0 ratio, I'll probably try to get my headshot count over my assist count.
In one of the last games I played, I came around the corner and ran into a sniper carrying a Barrett 50 cal. Long story short, he killed me with a jumping mid-air no scope headshot. It was the most awesome, luckiest shot I've ever seen.roosters93 said:It feels so good killing someone with a pistol.
It's also mighty embrassing to be on the receiving end.
raYne said:In one of the last games I played, I came around the corner and ran into a sniper carrying a Barrett 50 cal. Long story short, he killed me with a jumping mid-air no scope headshot. It was the most awesome, luckiest shot I've ever seen.
That's 100x more embarassing than getting killed with a pistol. :/
On pistols themselves, I use them quite a bit. In most of my customs, I have them coupled with a silencer and use them to get quiet kills while sneaking around inside buildings. It's particularly useful if you get the drop on someone, but don't want to alert others in the area.
Taking out 3+ people from a team in the same room, one after the other without alerting the next is always great.![]()
:lol Certainly wasn't me.Relix said:Wait... what's your GT? I did that a few games ago and it was a very awesome experience =P
Click barracks, you'll have an XP bar there. I believe it's ~5,500xp and then it will allow you to click prestige.Rexeverything said:so how long after level 55 does an option to go PRESTIGE come up?
I've been at 55 for a couple of days... I keep earning xp every game, but it all seems worthless now.. is there something I need to do, or will it come up eventually ?