PacoDG said:Other than the health being so low that everything is instantkill, I agree with nearly all your points on why hardcore has its good side.
No, no, don't sweat it. The new maps are there, they're just integrated in with the original ones. You'll see them a lot. Last weekend, the maps were super-brand-new, so of course we wanted a few playlists that were new-hotness-only. But six days of that was enough, you don't want people to start resenting them. =)neoism said:WOW I just wasted 800 points to play the new maps for less than a week!
Why take the variety map pack hopper off WHY???????????????
Stoney Mason said:I'm confused how the new integrated maps work. Does every one have them now or does the game only pit you with people who have the maps if you have them or does it do a check in the lobby to see if everybody has them and then pick a map based on that?
suEcide said:I have a question regarding claymores:
I know teammates are absolved from being injured by your own personal claymores but after a short period of time, it seems that I can become a victim to my very own claymore. For example, I'll strategically place some claymores around my generally vicinity if I decide I want to plunk down and snipe...after a minute or two if I come within the realm of my claymores they explode and it is considered a suicide on my behalf.
Is this a glitch or intentional?
suEcide said:I have a question regarding claymores:
I know teammates are absolved from being injured by your own personal claymores but after a short period of time, it seems that I can become a victim to my very own claymore. For example, I'll strategically place some claymores around my generally vicinity if I decide I want to plunk down and snipe...after a minute or two if I come within the realm of my claymores they explode and it is considered a suicide on my behalf.
Is this a glitch or intentional?
ThirstyFly said:If an enemy trips them, you can be harmed by your own claymores, just like you can blow up youself (but not teammates) with grenades.
commish said:As a frequent claymore user, this is not the case. If this happens, it's because an enemy got close and set it off. You cant' set your own claymore off.
At least this was the case last time I played, which was a month or so ago.
suEcide said:Like I said, I'm 100% certain that no one is around when they go off. I can be in an empty hallway and run past one of my claymores and boom. It happens sporadically.
SuperEnemyCrab said:Ive been killed by mine, but like was stated, only after someone else trips it. What is the kill icon show when you die like this?
It's not possible to set off your own claymore by tripping it. It just isn't.suEcide said:I know. But no one is around and I trip them myself. I hear that clicking noise and it's all over.
raYne said:As a matter a fact, you do know that the explosion is directed towards the cone that the beams make right? As in, towards the direction you're looking when you set the claymore? Why are you even in that direction at all? Seems like a pretty inefficient trap setup to me.
suEcide said:I don't think I'll get any resolution on this matter. I still contend that no one is around when they're tripped but so be it.
SuperEnemyCrab said:Ive been killed by mine, but like was stated, only after someone else trips it.
Not that weird.. The kickback drives your aim upwards. There are plenty of guns where if you aim center mass (ironsighted or otherwise) there's still a good chance for a headshot because of it.USD said:Is it me, or is getting headshots when shooting from the hip way too easy? I'm usually using the G3, never using steady aim, but in at least half of my 15-20 feet range fights, I got headshots, even though I don't even feel like I'm aim particularly high or going for the head.
USD said:Is it me, or is getting headshots when shooting from the hip way too easy? I'm usually using the G3, never using steady aim, but in at least half of my 15-20 feet range fights, I got headshots, even though I don't even feel like I'm aim particularly high or going for the head.
The only weapons with which you can get a one bullet headshot kill on a non-damaged target are the snipers or a M14. Everything else takes at least two. Plus, the hitbox in the back of the head is a little off anyway. So you usually have to aim higher than you think for it to register as a headshot.Andokuky said:Head shots seem totally random with anything other than a sniper rifle. Sometimes I sneak up on someone and aim directly for the head and put a bullet right in it and I get no head shot. Then I'll aim a shotgun at someones chest and ping! Head shot.
Right.Relix said:I got the maps.
Creek is awesome, too many snipers though. Hate the draw in though... but all for the 60FPS!
Chinatown is a fucking mess. It's based on a COD2 map right? It looked very similar to one, can't remember the name (Carentan?).
Believe me, you don't want to play Killhouse, but Broadcast comes up all the time in TDM. Well, for me anyway.Only two I have been able to play. There are not too common in rotation I think =(.
raYne said:The only weapons with which you can get a one bullet headshot kill on a non-damaged target are the snipers or a M14. Everything else takes at least two. Plus, the hitbox in the back of the head is a little off anyway. So you usually have to aim higher than you think for it to register as a headshot.
..and a shotgun is a shotgun. You shouldn't be surprised of "random" headshots because of the kick and the spread.
Uh.. I already said you need more than one bullet for a headshot unless you use a sniper or the M14. Meaning, point blank as well. If you need more than two bullets that's determined by the weapon damage value.Andokuky said:Ok, so what about when I put two bullets into someones head at point blank range and still get no head shot? Or even times when I use a sniper rifle and have all day to line up a head shot and don't get one? And I know the shotgun has spread but not at all ranges. The whole hit box is off. Collision detection in the game is great but the game sucks ass at registering head shots.
raYne said:Plus, the hitbox in the back of the head is a little off anyway. So you usually have to aim higher than you think for it to register as a headshot.
raYne said:Uh.. I already said you need more than one bullet for a headshot unless you use a sniper or the M14. Meaning, point blank as well. If you need more than two bullets that's determined by the weapon damage value.
Sniper scopes aren't laser accurate, so misses happen. It could've been anything from the bullet just being off, to you not being in the correct breathing range at the time, to lag.
The shotgun has spread at all ranges.. That's why it's a shotgun.Even then, the cone isn't 100% predictable no matter the range. And as I said, it's spread and kickback.
It's even worse when you get to the position we're in Ando, now going for the golden guns. It almost drives you to boost if you cared enough for one.Andokuky said:The game has few flaws but all I was saying to the guy who had a question about head shots is to not bother worrying about them because bullets registering in the correct hit spot is one of the games few flaws.
*CLICK, BOOM* +10PedroLumpy said:Boy is it satisfying when you pull this off.
Not really. You still have people with and without the map pack mixed together. But from what I've heard other people say (can't confirm myself), if a new map does pop up in the rotation, you get kicked out of the lobbyif you don't have the map pack.PjotrStroganov said:The Variety Pack playlists seem to have disappeared and I am seeing the new maps quite regularly in all the other playlists. It seems that they have been integrated, like promised.
However, this leads to the next question. Has the community been split in half now? Have map pack owners and non-map pack owners been separated?
:lol You don't know how many times I've imagined the same thing:USD said:I wish there was a death cam. Not to be a narcissist or anything, but sometimes I want to see what it's like to be killed by me.
I've "heard" the same. I haven't played with anyone I know that doesn't own the map pack, so I'm not exactly sure how it works. The only thing I have to go by is, one time some guy came in a room just before a match on Chinatown started. He said, "Oh I don't have this map" and just left. *shrug*USD said:Not really. You still have people with and without the map pack mixed together. But from what I've heard other people say (can't confirm myself), if a new map does pop up in the rotation, you get kicked out of the lobbyif you don't have the map pack.
When I was playing, I was thinking how sweet it would be if we had a Theater Mode, similar to Halo 3's.USD said:I wish there was a death cam. Not to be a narcissist or anything, but sometimes I want to see what it's like to be killed by me.
U K Narayan said:I played on Xbox Live, for the first time.
I... I like this more than Halo 3? (Don't get me wrong, I still like Halo 3.)
When I was playing, I was thinking how sweet it would be if we had a Theater Mode, similar to Halo 3's.
The thing for me is -- I've played Halo 3 online, a lot. I've played Call of Duty 4 online for about 20-minutes, and I think it's better!daw840 said:I have played Halo 3 twice since COD4 came out. COD4 is waaayyy better.
Yeah, I don't even play the game but I've had numerous people on my friends list complaining about this.neoism said:WOW I just wasted 800 points to play the new maps for less than a week!
Why take the variety map pack hopper off WHY???????????????
Exactly.ElyrionX said:I've been playing more Hardcore and I can see what's good about it. I just can't stand the low health part of it. You die so quickly that ping seems to matter so much more.
Welcome to the club.U K Narayan said:The thing for me is -- I've played Halo 3 online, a lot. I've played Call of Duty 4 online for about 20-minutes, and I think it's better!
USD said:Not really. You still have people with and without the map pack mixed together. But from what I've heard other people say (can't confirm myself), if a new map does pop up in the rotation, you get kicked out of the lobbyif you don't have the map pack.
*sigh*Beezy said:I didn't know that the maps were put in normal rotation already. Thank god. Now I can play Domination or Headquarters matches all day without having to worry about being dragged into a shitty Search and Destroy match.![]()
Roxas said:I was playing some MP last night, Team Deathmatch i think it was, and as soon as the game started, the enemy team called an airstrike. The score was 0-0. Is this some special perk you get at lvl 55, or just some cheating douchebag?
The point of Hardcore mode is to be more realistic and just one gunshot to your body with even the weakest weapon will incapacitate you in real life.ElyrionX said:Does anybody seriously enjoy the low health part of Hardcore? I mean, sure, go ahead and make sniper rifles one shot one kill but don't make it so easy for someone wielding a SMG or even an assault rifle.
Crazy people exist, so yes.ElyrionX said:Does anybody seriously enjoy the low health part of Hardcore? I mean, sure, go ahead and make sniper rifles one shot one kill but don't make it so easy for someone wielding a SMG or even an assault rifle.
*cough*bootshot*cough*blindrocket said:The point of Hardcore mode is to be more realistic and just one gunshot to your body with even the weakest weapon will incapacitate you in real life.
Getting sprayed with an MP5 will and should drop you.
Hahah; yeah. But you know what he (and others) are getting at, I think.raYne said:*cough*bootshot*cough*