Is the other tag a gold account as well? Then yes.Spinning Plates said:If I buy the Variety Map Pack using one gamertag can I play the maps on another gamertag which share the same console?
If not, no, not online obviously.
Is the other tag a gold account as well? Then yes.Spinning Plates said:If I buy the Variety Map Pack using one gamertag can I play the maps on another gamertag which share the same console?
ezekial45 said:Yes, it's saved to the console.
:lol! Classic.Andokuky said:So I logged on to a weird message in my Live inbox from a CoD4 friend.
"Such and such (don't want to post the name)" shot me with a BB gun and it pierced the skin so I had to go get it taken out by a doctor. Give him negative feedback." :lol
Andokuky said:So I logged on to a weird message in my Live inbox from a CoD4 friend.
"Such and such (don't want to post the name)" shot me with a BB gun and it pierced the skin so I had to go get it taken out by a doctor. Give him negative feedback." :lol
ILOVEASIANS said:I'm having a problem playing with a friend online and was just wondering if anyone else had a similar problem and might know how to fix it.
Everytime I invite him to join my party or I try to join his, the game wont connect us, it says "unable to connect to host."
But if a different friend starts a party, we can both get into that party. It's only when we try to join each other's party that the error comes up.
It's only with this one friend that the error occurs.
Anyone have any ideas as to what the problem could be?
ILOVEASIANS said:I'm having a problem playing with a friend online and was just wondering if anyone else had a similar problem and might know how to fix it.
Everytime I invite him to join my party or I try to join his, the game wont connect us, it says "unable to connect to host."
But if a different friend starts a party, we can both get into that party. It's only when we try to join each other's party that the error comes up.
It's only with this one friend that the error occurs.
Anyone have any ideas as to what the problem could be?
morlock said:Hi guys! I got an idéa for a multiplayermode that would be really fun to play I think.
How about a dodgeball/killer-ball influenced multiplayermode? Simple rules.
-> 6 vs.6 TDM
-> No respawn
-> Kill a player on the opposite team and you bring back a dead player of your team. In order, first out first in.
-> Team with no players left loses. (of course).
What do you think? It would be nice if IW added a similar gamemode to "spice" upp the gameplay further just like the mappack.
I play on PS3 and I believe I have met some GAFFers. [GAF*]?
//PSN ID: morlock and plays under the tag [MHB].
Yeah that really sound like something that goes in line with the rest of the game...PjotrStroganov said:I would opt for a TS2 style monkey support. The player in last place gets the support of 6 or so armed to the teeth monkeys.
daw840 said:I had that problem as well. Go to . It will walk you through the steps to forward the ports on your router. For the record, I honestly don't know what that means, but I did what that site said and it fixed the problem.
:lol Pretty much.Andokuky said:I wonder if unlocking the MP44 last was a joke by Infinity Ward. I would think the gun you unlocked at 52 would be one of or the best in the game to reward you but instead you unlock probably the worst in the game :lol It's basically a slightly more powerful AK47 that has worse aim and doesn't support the attachments.
I have almost 2 weeks of play time on the game and I have run into people using it probably 5 times or less.
So it was a joke then..Rayme said:It's in there for fun, iirc. It was always a popular CoD1/CoD2 rifle, we could mostly re-use the work on it from CoD2, and there was just-enough room in the memory budget to fit it. So "why not", really. =)
Imo; making it better than the modern assault rifles would have been kind of a dick move.
Seeing one tricked out with an EOTech site would be kind of cool, though. =)
Hahah. =)raYne said:So it was a joke then..
Curse you IW! I did all that work for THIS?! /joke
:lol! I should start using it just for that reason.Rayme said:Hahah. =)
More of a bragging-point, really. It's not nerfed or anything. It's just cool to be able to say "I beat you bitches & your red-dots with a 60-year-old assault rifle!".
Doesn't break the game, and it isn't useless; just there for a bit of flavor.
(...and a lot of us are still fond of it!)
Heh, I'm guessing you didn't really mean "achievements". In any case, yeah you have to do the MP44 stuff for the Gold AK.Odrion said:Don't you still need to complete the achievements for that gun to unlock a gold skin?
It's all the "new" players from post Christmas. I'm usually bored when we're in the lobby between games, so I look at people's profiles to kill time. The majority of the people I play with these days have around 2300 gamerscore and have only a handful of games. This, Halo 3, and GTAIV/Gears.MrCompletely said:I've been playing this game online religiously since launch (x360) , and within the past 2 weeks, it seems that there's just a huge influx of people camping and sniping, more so than ever before. IS it me, or are other people noticing this on Xbox Live?
:lolVictrix said:So I'm approaching about 240 hours played, and I figured I'd sit down and write up a proper guide type deal to answer various questions about perks and guns, and give various bits of useful and useless advice.
Then I realized that after 240 hours played, the same advice that was true when I started is true now, which is: equip m16, winlol
I've saved myself some effort at least.
Victrix said:So I'm approaching about 240 hours played, and I figured I'd sit down and write up a proper guide type deal to answer various questions about perks and guns, and give various bits of useful and useless advice.
Then I realized that after 240 hours played, the same advice that was true when I started is true now, which is: equip m16, winlol
I've saved myself some effort at least.
DKo5 said:And people were afraid you'd have to hit max level to unlock the best weapon![]()
9/9/09 F2000.. Make it happen.Treo360 said:So about that new weapons pack you guys are working on. When's the release date?
Victrix said:So I'm approaching about 240 hours played, and I figured I'd sit down and write up a proper guide type deal to answer various questions about perks and guns, and give various bits of useful and useless advice.
Then I realized that after 240 hours played, the same advice that was true when I started is true now, which is: equip m16, winlol
I've saved myself some effort at least.
Sallokin said:I've been getting accused daily of using a "modded" controller. What the fuck does this mean? Kind of sick of getting random messages from people giving me shit.
I'd prefer the BAR, but that's just me.Rayme said:It's in there for fun, iirc. It was always a popular CoD1/CoD2 rifle, we could mostly re-use the work on it from CoD2, and there was just-enough room in the memory budget to fit it. So "why not", really. =)
Imo; making it better than the modern assault rifles would have been kind of a dick move.
Seeing one tricked out with an EOTech site would be kind of cool, though. =)
mr_boo said:In terms of assualt rfiles, the M16 is very all-around solid assault rifle. It's got decent stopping power & accuracy and it doesn't kick too much like AK47. My overall preferred assault rifle now though is the G3, but I wouldn't jump into that gun until you get more time in on the game...the single shot aspect of the G3 has a bit of acclimation time to it.
You can't get a golden MP5.karasu said:How can I get a golden MP5 or AK47??
Treo360 said:So about that new weapons pack you guys are working on. When's the release date?
zaidr said:Man this blows. I just bought the maps 2 days ago, and I can't play any of them because everyone keeps voting it off. WTF? Why did I waste my money...
Treo360 said:I think it's mostly due to map fatigue. Having them come up at a 3:1 ratio tends to do that. I myself have started to vote them off only due to this [fatigue] and not because I suck at them.
You just happen to be a little too late to the party.
Well, these aren't the Gears maps and they probably aren't in the same 3:1 rotation setup he's talking about. Basically, the new maps come up FAR too often and people are tied of playing them all the time.zaidr said:I bought the Gears of War maps late, but those still got played regularly...and I haven't experienced this 3:1 ratio you are mentioning. Do the maps just suck, or what? I found creek kind of weird and "one sided" (where one side seems to have a huge advantage) and I was thinking that would be my favorite one. Maybe I just need to play them a bit more...?
Depends on the context. I've been accused of it and didn't know what they were talking about 'till I looked it up.Sallokin said:I've been getting accused daily of using a "modded" controller. What the fuck does this mean? Kind of sick of getting random messages from people giving me shit.
raYne said:G3 > M16. It isn't even arguable. :x
The M16 is "cheesier", but the G3 is a better weapon in almost all cases. Particularly at longer range.
Actually, it's more than a slight advantage at longer range (I mean long, way across the map range) because the burst fire sends the 2nd and especially the 3rd bullet off target because of the recoil. So you end up having to do 3-4 bursts just to kill someone. With the G3 it'll only take 3-4+ bullets, each being on target and you'll be able to send off those 4-ish bullets faster than you're able to send off 3-4 M16 bursts.PedroLumpy said:Well I'll bite. I might give the G3 a slight advantage at extreme range, but they are equal everywhere else until you're firing from the hip. At which point the M16 can still hold out pretty well, but the G3 is balls. Now if someone plays in such a manner so that they always keep their engagements at a distance, then sure, use the G3. But that can be tough, and boring for some people.
That being said, I'm always happy when I pick up a G3 as an alternate when running with a SMG. Just really satisfying to use.
raYne said:On some youtube vid some guy "modded" his 360 controller so you can fire weapons like the G3, M14, handguns etc at a much higher rate than you can normally. Pretty much turning them into machineguns. In game those weapons are balanced by having only single shot fire rates because the damage they dish out (per bullet) is higher than other weapons. So if you can rapid fire them, you pretty much tear people apart at close range. At longer range, the accuracy is of course, shit though.
As far as I know, that's it as far as controller go.
Well, he/they could've just said it because they're losing. Wouldn't put it past people in online gaming to resort to the most stupid bs excuse just because they're losing.Sallokin said:Since I don't use the G3 or M14 I'm going to have to assume that it's because I'm pretty quick with the pistols. The reason I'm so concerned is because I'm getting a lot of bad feedback because people automatically assume I'm cheating. It's frustrating. Thanks for the heads up.
raYne said:Well, he/they could've just said it because they're losing. Wouldn't put it past people in online gaming to resort to the most stupid bs excuse just because they're losing.
As I said, I've gotten the "controller mod" excuse and "see through walls" and "auto-aim" etc. I've been getting the same excuses on a multitude of games since the beginning of Live and on Dreamcast and PC. People just don't like losing. So anyone that's better than they are are "cheating". It's so bad that recently I was in a game and got killed by someone. So I respawn in the next building and put two bullets in his head with his helmet barely sticking out of cover. After watching the Kill Cam, he blurts out, "Oh man, I gotta get me one of those HDTVs" I was like, "....." Apparently even that's cheating now.
Hell, I was even told that I had a modded disk that gave me a 30,000+ gamerscore. "Cause NO ONE has a gamesercore that high omgz!" :lol
As for the feedback, meh. On the plus side it should keep you away from them and vise versa. :lol
Yes! YEEEESSSS!borsdy said:Just thought I would post this heres. CoD4 is the most played game on Live again and 402 said this at major:
Fantastic news! Thanks to everyone who continues to play every night! Double XP for everyone (starting this Friday) and we'll be changing up the map rotation so that the Variety Map Pack shows up equally to all old maps, so no longer have Chinatown pop up 8,000 times