raYne said:Yes! YEEEESSSS!
Want to play together this time?
raYne said:Yes! YEEEESSSS!
raYne said:Sure, if you see me online Fri/Sat send me an invite.
ethic said:Apparently 1.6 Patch came out today or something. Almost
all of the servers I play on have already updated. However,
I bought the game over steam. just wondering if they'll update
it for me, or is this patch something I have to seek out from...
Also, what's this vicious rumour I hear about new NVidia maps
or something..? Is htis part of the update also?
btw, M16 + Silencer + Double Tap = SUPER FREAKIN AWESOME
fourzerotwo said:Yes, the Variety Map Pack (which includes 4 new maps) is part of the 1.6 Update that is available from NVIDIA or any mirrors who may of put it up.
Treo360 said:Double XP in hardcore this time please?
About those new weapons . . . .
There's no point in buying it if you don't play that much to begin with. Just wait until you're bored of the default maps, then reconsider it.the disgruntled gamer said:Hey guys, I'm only starting to get into COD4, I only play once or twice a week (I mainly play Halo 3 online, I'll likely play more COD4 when I'm done with Half-Life 2), would you guys recommend I get the map pack? Is it going to be free at some point? What maps are in it, and are they good?
raYne said:Also, COD maps don't have a history of being free. So waiting for that to happen isn't really a sound plan.
Okay, that's what I thought. I'm only starting to get into COD4, and I wasn't sure if I should buy the maps (I don't even know what all the current maps are), but if it turned out they are holy-shit-omg-amazing I was going to buy them.raYne said:There's no point in buying it if you don't play that much to begin with. Just wait until you're bored of the default maps, then reconsider it.
Also, COD maps don't have a history of being free. Didn't happen with 2 or 3. So waiting for that to happen isn't really a sound plan.
Right, but we arent talking about the PC version. At least, I don't think he is since he mentioned H3.ethic said:The PC version just got 3 free maps, I believe. Chinatown, Broadcast
and something else.... I think.
Sure. You can shoot them down with normal weapons as well. Rockets are easier (two hits), but the flight path is pretty weird until you get used to it and you'll have to do it up close as a result.the disgruntled gamer said:Thanks guys. Oh, one more question: Is it possible to shoot down a helicopter with a rocket?
Spinning Plates said:I hit a 41-7 on Countdown a few nights ago. First time I've ever broken the 40 barrier. Dolby headphone on that particular map gives me a nice little advantage. K/D ratio is sitting at 2.03 now.
Frillen said:So wasn't the double EXP just for the weekend? Why is it still there? I'm not complaining though, just keep it on IW![]()
Shhhhhhh.....Frillen said:So wasn't the double EXP just for the weekend? Why is it still there? I'm not complaining though, just keep it on IW![]()
Too late...fourzerotwo said:It'll be gone over the course of the next few hours. Updating the playlists now.
Don't think so.ethic said:So, like, I think I screwed up. I have the PC version of Call of Duty 4, which I bought off Steam. I just hit level 49 (I think. The level where you get access to the kick-ass .50cal Sniper Rifle). Anywho, I had stuff to do this weekend, and I'm sort of addicted to the MP. So I figured that if I "removed local content" through steam, it wouldn't be as easy for me to procrastinate.
I totally just dicked up my Rank & everything right? I'm going to have to start from scratch, ain't I? I don't think I want to do that.![]()
womfalcs3 said:Recently got this game, and here are my impressions (as Rayme requested). *snip*
Ledsen said:The game is indeed awesome. I've played about 25 hours multi and just finished the campaign on veteran (only intel and TV:s left to 1000). The multi is pretty much flawless, and the campaign is insanely awesome. The only problem I have with it is that the game falls apart on higher difficulties. The enemies basically become walking mines, you walk around a corner and BAM! the psychic enemy with about 1 ms reaction time blows your head up and you don't even have time to see him until you're lying on the ground screaming at the fucking cheapness of it all. I got so pissed at the end of "One shot, one kill" that I almost threw my controller out of the window, but then I watched a video on Youtube and using the bumper car-tactic I finished it on the first try. Unfortunately not all levels have easy tactics you can use to win easily, instead you have to die and die and die and die, doing the exact same routine over and over.
Like I said I just finished veteran, and in the last level there was this corridor near the end (about 1/3 through) where you run up to see two guys going around a corner. After that there's a crossing corridor and enemies on all sides. I'm not kidding when I say that it took me about 1 hour to get to the next checkpoint (which is about 1-2 minutes away in game time). Every time the same, run around corner, pop running guy in head, dive forward into cover, grenade-launch guys in crossing corridors, run into right corridor, grenade-launch four guys... etc. It's insane because you can't look around corners to kill enemies, as soon as you see a glimpse of them you're already dead. The only way to kill these guys is to rapidly move right then left, exposing yourself for less than half a second and hopefully grenade-launching them in the face in the process. It's just not fun and like I said it feels like you're fighting walking trip mines.the countdown timer
Now that I'm done I'll do the Intel gathering on normal to avoid popping a vein.
vatstep said:Now I just feel stupid for missing out on this game for so long!
I told you to send me a message if you see me online. You're always playing Assassin's Creed these days. :lolStrider2K99 said:Rayne, I missed you during double EXP weekend.![]()
Never!MMaRsu said:Hey I want double Xp!
raYne said:I told you to send me a message if you see me online. You're always playing Assassin's Creed these days. :lol
When I quoted the double XP weekend back then it wasn't because of the XP itself, it was because of the changed map rotations. More XP doesn't interest me because Ill never go prestige.It didn't really mean that I'd be playing COD that weekend.
What? It's still on this page (using 100 page view).Strider2K99 said:You did? I don't remember this. :lol
I played alot of CoD4 that weekend, in addition to AC. AC was just the single player game I was putting some effort into because of the MGS4 hype. I already beat AC and just going for flags and Templars now.
^ Pfft...Strider2K99 said:Want to play together this time?
raYne said:Sure, if you see me online Fri/Sat send me an invite.
Strider2K99 said:I'll definitely try. It sucks I have work this weekend.
raYne said:What? It's still on this page (using 100 page view).
^ Pfft...