djtiesto said:Still slowly making my way through single player campaign, up to the part where you have to defend your wounded captain from the snipers over by the abandoned Chernobyl amusement park... My only real complaints about the game so far, aside from N64-looking vegetation when you crawl, is that enemies love to 'nade spam to ridiculous levels, and the window of opportunity to choke a dog that's attacking you is much too small. I'm playing on the default mode. Gonna try out my first online game of this tonight, against a few people from work.
salva said:You get better the more you do it.
YakiSOBA said:We just got a PS3 and CoD4 this week... this game is unbelievable!!!
Question: If you invite a friend into a room, do you always play on the same team?
I was doing team-deathmatch and all these guys with rank55 kept being placed on the same team... or does it just go top 8 vs bottom 8 in rankings?
HolyStar said:Ok, I have rented this game in the past. It is so much fun. I love shooters that are "few shots=kill" I loved RS2: Vegas and I was wondering. Should I buy the game right now, or wait for a price drop? Right now I am thinking about just renting the game again so I have something to play. Halo 3 just isn't fun anymore and TF2 on live is kinda sad.
I'd like it if you earned more XP for killing people ranked much higher than you (unless it already does work this way and I just can't tell). Ultimately, I don't really care too much since I'm a lot "better" at this game than Halo; I seem to have the quick reactions needed to be good at a game like this, but I tend to have trouble surviving long firefights (which hurts a lot more in Halo than COD).djtiesto said:This game is really cool online, but what's up with the matchmaking? I'm on level 4 right now and they pair me up against level 55 peopleI kinda miss Halo's way of doing things... maybe I'm doing something wrong.
salva said:
I'm liking that SAS 1 t-shirt.DKo5 said:In case anyone was interested, the new IW site is up (or should be if your DNS has updated)
djtiesto said:This game is really cool online, but what's up with the matchmaking? I'm on level 4 right now and they pair me up against level 55 peopleI kinda miss Halo's way of doing things... maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Spinning Plates said:Yeah k/d ratio is a much more accurate measurement of how good a player is.
It would be nice if they could give us a k/d ratio after each round (like in R6V2) instead of putting the dude who killed the most at the top of the table.
morlock said:The G3 is by far my favourite weapon in Hardcore-modes. Extreme precision and one shot is enough from whereever on the map (no need for stopping power). You can literally snipe with it and the RDS idles when sighted.![]()
v0yce said:Ugg, I just popped in CoD4 after not playing it for quite some time and I'm getting the dreaded "downloading game settings" thing.
Is there a fix for this?
Anton668 said:im having the same problems. I used to be able to play. Now I cant. has something changed? Nothing has changed on my end except i'm now running a wired connection from my router instead of wireless.
If I cant fix it, looks like i'll have to trade it in.
sullytao said:Just got to Mile High on veteran. the thing that really makes this level hell for me on vet is the stupidest things like small suitcases and wall and door edges that completely stop you in your tracks for some unknown reason, stun not affecting everyone in the area even though they were clearly in the blast range and to top it all off the friendly a.i. likes to ignore enemies completely sometime even just walk right past them in some cases.
MIMIC said:Trying to get the Mile High Club achievement....hard as hell :lol I did it on Hardened without throwing a single flashbang (but not on purpose...I forgot that I had them :lol)
This might take a while
Ledsen said:There's a Youtube video showing how to do it, not hard at all if you do it his way. Took me about 30 mins of trying before I made it.
dwin45 said:Has anyone been having major connection issues with this game on PS3 ever since fw 2.41?
dwin45 said:Has anyone been having major connection issues with this game on PS3 ever since fw 2.41?
Ledsen said:There's a Youtube video showing how to do it, not hard at all if you do it his way. Took me about 30 mins of trying before I made it.
MIMIC said:I keep getting to those last couple of guys and my mind goes "Oh shit, you're about to get the achievement!" and I always fuck it up :lol
I guess I should play more passively.
My most recent achievements are "Man of the People" and "New Squadron Record". I just have to play through the game on Veteran (and get some of the achievements that I missed, like the intel items and shooting the TVs) and I'll be done![]()
YakiSOBA said:noob questions:
red laser dot or acog?
can all assault rifles get the silencer?
is rpd the best light machine gun?
will anyone be my friend on psn? :'(
YakiSOBA said:noob questions:
red laser dot or acog?
can all assault rifles get the silencer?
is rpd the best light machine gun?
will anyone be my friend on psn? :'(
SumGamer said:I happened to spent an hour trying to get into the game the other day, three of my friends playing find at that time though. From what I gather together by myself it happens to be occuring mostly when the internet usage in my area would be consider a peak time.
Not sure if it is though. But I can login and play MGO just fine :S
Anton668 said:I could play anything online except COD4. Went and bought a new router tonight, Linksys WRT54GS, to replace my D-Link WBR-2310. Hooked it all up, started COD4, and was playing online with no prob!
Moral of the story, FUCK D-Link!!