permutated said:I believe that it was confirmed when the NEXT map pack launches that this one will be made free, much like what they did with the Halo 3 packs.
I've heard of no such thing.
permutated said:I believe that it was confirmed when the NEXT map pack launches that this one will be made free, much like what they did with the Halo 3 packs.
permutated said:I believe that it was confirmed when the NEXT map pack launches that this one will be made free, much like what they did with the Halo 3 packs.
permutated said:I believe that it was confirmed when the NEXT map pack launches that this one will be made free, much like what they did with the Halo 3 packs.
h3ro said:I doubt Activision would allow CoD4 DLC maps to eat away at CoD5 sales. $60 for a new game or $10 for new maps of what is basically amounting to the same product that the intended audience already own. I don't think we'll see new maps for CoD4. Who knows though, stranger have happened in the gaming industry...
permutated said:Great intro, went downhill from there.
Pendulum sucks balls.
Jack Scofield said:I just went into my first Prestige last night, and I'm totally falling in love with the AK-47 and MP5. I can't believe I've never used these guns before.
I hear you on quitting a match(Bloc for me) and then getting thrown right back into the same match. I think the matching system just looks for games that need to be balanced so if you exit and immediately search again, then chances are it's just trying to put you in a game that needs balancing. I just wait a 5 - 10 seconds now and the problem goes away.OldJadedGamer said:I've played this game way more then I should have and have a couple of things that still piss me off like:
If I get dumped into a HQ game right when I search and it's a Wetwork game and I'm automatically losing 0-200, there is helicopter out when I first spawn... and I leave the game (the game counts it as a loss), then I search for another game, DON'T PUT ME IN THE SAME F'ING GAME I JUST QUIT OUT OF!!!!! I quit for a reason ok?
And this one goes with the first one... don't put in a match where the score is so obvious unbalanced against me. If you want to do this, at least put me on the winning team.
Isn't CoD5 going back to World War 2 era...and made by another company? I could be wrong on that one but I'm pretty sure it's WW 1 or 2 which to me will definitely be different. I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed for a new map pack sometimes before the holiday season, that would rock. I think I'm in the minority but I actually like the map pack, especially China Town and Broadcast.h3ro said:I doubt Activision would allow CoD4 DLC maps to eat away at CoD5 sales. $60 for a new game or $10 for new maps of what is basically amounting to the same product that the intended audience already own. I don't think we'll see new maps for CoD4. Who knows though, stranger have happened in the gaming industry...
BigBlue1974 said:Isn't CoD5 going back to World War 2 era...and made by another company? I could be wrong on that one but I'm pretty sure it's WW 1 or 2 which to me will definitely be different. I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed for a new map pack sometimes before the holiday season, that would rock. I think I'm in the minority but I actually like the map pack, especially China Town and Broadcast.
You know I noticed that too but only on the second time I read it. Kiefer Sutherland IS Jack Bauer so I guess in my mind I just translated that when I read it the first go round.roosters93 said:Jack Bauer... isn't he a character in the TV show 24? lol
h3ro said:I doubt Activision would allow CoD4 DLC maps to eat away at CoD5 sales. $60 for a new game or $10 for new maps of what is basically amounting to the same product that the intended audience already own. I don't think we'll see new maps for CoD4. Who knows though, stranger have happened in the gaming industry...
notjackbauer said:Query: i have a ps3 in which i just installed a new hard drive. Will i have lost all my progress or is that stuff associated with my online ID as opposed to my save file?
BigBlue1974 said:You know I noticed that too but only on the second time I read it. Kiefer Sutherland IS Jack Bauer so I guess in my mind I just translated that when I read it the first go round.
jaundicejuice said:What I would like to know is when camping became a valid strategy to employ in CoD4. I'm not talking about an objective based mode, that I would understand, I'm talking about Team Deathmatch. Now I don't mean holding a position of advantage, be it highground, a chokepoint on the map, whatever, that would make sense. What I mean is finding a far, random corner of say Crossfire for example and having the entire team hide in it for the entirety of the match. All the while getting raped. Actually camping is the wrong word to use, it's too loaded. I'd describe that "strategy" as turtling. The team turtled in a corner.
Uhh, if a team is stuck in a corner like that its because its exactly that, they're stuck there, just one of the symptoms of the shitty team balancing this game has. Trust me, you'll hate it if you're ever on the receiving end of it, literally shooting fish in a barrel.jaundicejuice said:What I would like to know is when camping became a valid strategy to employ in CoD4. I'm not talking about an objective based mode, that I would understand, I'm talking about Team Deathmatch. Now I don't mean holding a position of advantage, be it highground, a chokepoint on the map, whatever, that would make sense. What I mean is finding a far, random corner of say Crossfire for example and having the entire team hide in it for the entirety of the match. All the while getting raped. Actually camping is the wrong word to use, it's too loaded. I'd describe that "strategy" as turtling. The team turtled in a corner.
Superblatt said:I just turned on MP for the first time ever after beating the single player game last year. Does anyone have any recomedations for a total newb? I can barely even stand without getting killed. Argh!
indie85 said:Uhh, if a team is stuck in a corner like that its because its exactly that, they're stuck there, just one of the symptoms of the shitty team balancing this game has. Trust me, you'll hate it if you're ever on the receiving end of it, literally shooting fish in a barrel.
USD said:I switched my Perk 1 to Bomb Squad for most of my classes and I'm having a hard time giving it up. Of course its effectiveness varies based on the amount of Claymore/C4 usage, but it feels good to be able to charge in enemy territory and know the safe routes and when to make that quick step forward-step back through a doorway. The only real counter to Bomb Squad is to not use explosives at all. But I doubt any sniper (or other Claymore user) would be willing to give up on Claymores just because one person can get past them, so I'm still in business.
And holy shit, today I was mowing through people with the W1200. Pulling off a one-man shotgun rush feels so good. *bows before the awesome might of the Winchester*
kevm3 said:There seriously needs to be some rebalancing mechanic after each round. There are rarely any 'good games'. For the most part, the score is almost always 750 to 490, a dominating performance by one team, or 750 to 250, a match of humiliation. There are rarely games that are 750 to 720, where you're like, man that was a close one, but we pulled it out!
When are the new playlists supposed to come out?.
There is rebalancing, though it may not be overly effective. Most games aren't of the "down to the wire" type, but usually every several games there are some pretty close matches.kevm3 said:There seriously needs to be some rebalancing mechanic after each round. There are rarely any 'good games'. For the most part, the score is almost always 750 to 490, a dominating performance by one team, or 750 to 250, a match of humiliation. There are rarely games that are 750 to 720, where you're like, man that was a close one, but we pulled it out!
When are the new playlists supposed to come out?.
lol dude you have me in tearsllTll said:why my fucking cod4 on ps3 keep downloading game settings forever and never actully get the option to pick team death match or whatever ??
fuck you sony and COD4 PS3 team for this shitty online shit. been like this for while and many people in youtube posted this as well. happn randomly all the fucking time .
$%#$%#$ fuckers :/
blindrocket said:I have a bad feeling Activision may be wanting to keep CoD4 down and hush so CoD5 can get as much spotlight as it can.
blindrocket said:I know it hasn't been that long since the map pack was released but I already feel like we need more new maps. Most of the map pack isn't very good, especially for the high price of ten bucks.
Why don't we have more maps? Of course IW is working on their next big thing (CoD6?) but surely they could pump out a few more maps. If nothing else, convert some maps that the PC community have already created! That is one thing that will always keep the PC version of FPS games the superior version. Not the graphics, not the mouse/keyboard, but the staggering amount of good, quality, FREE maps.
I have a bad feeling Activision may be wanting to keep CoD4 down and hush so CoD5 can get as much spotlight as it can. CoD4 has already made them tons of money, why worry about continuing support of the community?
Sure the updated playlists are coming, and that is a very nice and welcome addition and will definitely revitalize the community. Hardcore mode should be the norm, IMO. But MAPS, MAPS, MAPS should be what we get too.
Is this the PS3 version you're talking about? I've had a couple of times where "downloading game settings" happened to me. Not super long, but at least a couple of seconds. And I doubt that updated playlists with Hardcore Free For All and other stuff will be coming soon, considering COD5 is just around the corner and I guess ActiBlizz don't want to eat into/steal away potential COD5 customers by having people flock back to COD4. Just my 2cents...Jack Scofield said:Occasionally, my game will stay at the "setting up game" screen for an abnormally long time (at least 30 seconds, in some cases). I know it's hard to tell, but is this a problem with my game or is it something to do with loading information from the host?
fps fanatic said:Is this the PS3 version you're talking about? I've had a couple of times where "downloading game settings" happened to me. Not super long, but at least a couple of seconds. And I doubt that updated playlists with Hardcore Free For All and other stuff will be coming soon, considering COD5 is just around the corner and I guess ActiBlizz don't want to eat into/steal away potential COD5 customers by having people flock back to COD4. Just my 2cents...
Jack Scofield said:No, I'm playing on 360. I guess it won't hurt to run the disc through a cleaner, but I just wanted to know if anyone else had this issue. Sometimes when I finally get into the game someone will have already scored, even though I was in the pregame lobby with everyone else.
Full Recovery said:So I just bought COD4 game of the year edition for x360 and it didn't come with the code insert for the free map pack. WTF, did they stop doing this or did I just get screwed?
There's been virtually nothing new for the console versions since the disappointing map pack. When are we getting new playlist? I've spent almost a year with the same lameass one (I want Team Tactical HC damnit!)HolyStar said:Well, this game is holding quite nicely still. I wonder why this thread just died. With WaW coming up, I am playing this to get warmed up.
HolyStar said:Well, this game is holding quite nicely still. I wonder why this thread just died. With WaW coming up, I am playing this to get warmed up.