Nice double XP.
So here's a story that a lot of you may be familiar with. My main setup (which I call Old Faithful :lol ) is M16 with ACOG, Deagle, stun/frag, stopping power, RPG x2, and last stand.
Now I use Last Stand because I think using martyrdom is way cheaper, but still it seems WAY more people complain about last stand then martyrdom. Anyway, I was destroying these two clan members in team deathmatch, and they kept on complaining that I had last stand and juggernaut on and how thats the only reason I beat them. So I told them "uhh I'm not using juggernaut, but i'll take last stand off if you want" and they're like "we'll be watching the killcam" :lol
Still kicked their ass regardless of last stand. Then they were all upset that I was using M16 and that its too easy to get kills, so I asked them "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO USE!!!" so they told me to use the G3. Ok.
Kicked their ass, again.
Seriously these people get all upset over little shit, but they just need to improve their game instead of complaining about perks and shit.
Oh yeah if anybody wants to play, send me a message on Live, its Lionheart1827.