Lionheart1827 said:Thanks for those.Unfortunately I cant read them at work since its blocked.
But I'll read when I get home.
Ok, I'll be willing to type it out for you.
The following types are in the process of testing and after some patching, may go live.
Hardcore Free For All: Standard FFA rules but with the addition of hardcore rules (limited HUD, extra damage, apparently no health regen, Friendly fire.)
Hardcore HQ: Standard Headquarters but with hardcore rules noted above.
Multi-bomb Search and Destroy: S&D where every member of the attacking team starts with a bomb.
Second Chance Search and Destroy: Standard S&D but with 1 respawn.
Bare-bones Team Deathmatch: TDM rules, but without the use of perks and kill streak rewards.
Team Elimination: 3 round Team Deathmatch w/ no respawns. Switch sides each round.
Hardcore Ricochet: Hardcore rules, but now no friendly fire, you can only kill yourself rather than your teammates with grenades, etc.
Sudden Death Sabotage: Sabotage with no respawns. You get increased EXP compared to normal Sabotage.
I believe that's all of them.