Call-Of-Duty-Black-Ops-6 |OT| Even the Truth Lies Apparently Phil.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Looks good, still no sign of park yet though; hope this means we are getting katanas to chop up zombies with. Speaking of zombies, looks like mimics are back.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Season 2 overview:

Looks like we're getting The terminator t-800 bundle; looks a bit off though.



New zombies map preview

Map looks pretty sick already, and death perception is back; the new wonder weapon looks nice too.
Also looks like maxis might be back in the next season:
If the team can secure it, there may yet be hope in releasing Samantha Maxis from her imprisonment in the Dark Aether.


I just woke up one morning and my interest in COD collapsed entirely, I think it was the jarring purchasable cosmetics or the characters, it really is just Fortnite for like 30 year olds. Love Treyarch though, they're a cool studio.
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Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
Theyre doing that blackcell loyalty thing now
Yeah they announced that before season 1 started.
To make it clear, it is permanent once you get it, so if you've bought s1 and s2, you'll have a 10% boost for the rest of the seasons, if you decide to skip 3 and then buy 4, it will go up to 20%.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Patch is live? Gotta say the Squid Games were really cool addition, ton of fun to play with red/green light


50% bonus starts to really add up, pretty smart on their part
Its pretty smart lol. They can always balance the XP payouts so the extra 10-20 % doesnt make that much difference after all. They will hopefully be called out on it if they do.

I want to try and reach prestige 10 (for the first time), on p4 now. So a + 10 % here and there is gonna help.
Just completely lost interest in this.

It started off fine, but then the stupid bundles started. And what does a Squid Game event have to do with the Gulf War?

The lack of immersion is what kills it for me. I'd love to use the PPSH but I just don't care anymore. The message is that Black Ops 6 can be anything, as long as the money is there. So it means nothing.
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New season is up, about to jump in a warzone match...

I must say i REALLY like this season's theme, and cool seeing it in the animated content windows in the menu ETC


50% bonus starts to really add up, pretty smart on their part
I only bought the first blackcell because I thought it was the only way to unlock the DLC guns. I then found out it just makes unlocking them faster. Extra weapon XP is whats appealing to me. I like the game enough that I will probably hit Master Prestige over the course of the year regardless of player xp. However, the weapon xp means that for camos on guns that I hate, I can get better attachments faster and lessen the pain of using them.
I also only use 2xp weapon tokens on those kinds of guns.
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Downloaded the season 2 update, and then it says it will take 14 hours to copy the file. lol
Im not going to leave my PS5 running while Im at work tomorrow, so I guess I will try to pause it in the morning and then finish later? Hopefully that works.

Edit - And it suddenly says it will take 25 minutes. lol
Everything with this game is so random.
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I would like the stacking to go towards the battle pass XP, season one was a crappy slog especially for the terrible skins in that battle pass. This is one thing Overwatch does way better; make the battle pass easy to complete. Not sure why they think I want to work so hard to get the battle pass done, I will give the next one a go but if it is the same thing i think I am done with the COD battle passes and will focus on Overwatch and Rivals for the next few months. Skins this year are not good in the store as well.

I have to say Treyarch has really dropped the ball. MW3 was a way better game in my opinion and I am quite shocked to be saying that. Treyarch Multi player maps have been garbage tier they seriously need to take a look at what they are putting out because the maps are not fun.

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
The zombies map is cool, a bit smaller/easier than citadelle, but still nice.
The mini boss is brutal as fuck though, and you probably shouldn't even attempt it unless geared well; the main boss has a bit of a dps check to it, so unless you are fully upgraded don't go to the boss, it won't be hard, it will be impossible (ray gun/explosives don't work at all either).

The next map will see us going back to liberty falls, specifically the part from the intro, called "the mansion", and we'll finally save maxis it seems. I wonder if this will be the mid-season update or season 3.
I only bought the first blackcell because I thought it was the only way to unlock the DLC guns.
There hasn't been paywalled gameplay content since 2019


The zombies map is cool, a bit smaller/easier than citadelle, but still nice.
The mini boss is brutal as fuck though, and you probably shouldn't even attempt it unless geared well; the main boss has a bit of a dps check to it, so unless you are fully upgraded don't go to the boss, it won't be hard, it will be impossible (ray gun/explosives don't work at all either).

The next map will see us going back to liberty falls, specifically the part from the intro, called "the mansion", and we'll finally save maxis it seems. I wonder if this will be the mid-season update or season 3.

There hasn't been paywalled gameplay content since 2019
The last COD I played for more than a week was WW2. Its been a long time for me.


Can you play zombies with randoms or solo and have a good time?
Yes what I done mostly. Awesome fun, but there is a pretty sharp skill step up to managing the levels and knowing them like the back of your hand and what to do next and how things work. By grouping up people tend to want to skip that and let others do the hard bits. Like there are puzzles in the stories going through each level that you have to figure out unless youre in a party where all the others know everything. But yeah its totally playable in solo provided you are prepared to learn the rules of each "dungeon".

Try Directed mode, where the zombies wont level up until you move the story quest forward. So you can stay in one end of the map and clear horde after horde on the same rank and buy the upgrades and packapunches you want. In the normal rounds, they rank up each turn. So you can get swamped without enough power in your weapons or no armor purchases, and youre screwed. Directed gives you the control of when to move the ranks up, and its capped at rank 15 so its not THAT hard. The normal game just keeps ranking up until you die/exfil or finish the quest. And you dont have to even do the story, its basically a Horde game mode, with an arbitrary story put in. Most of the time I play until level 11 or 16 for the exfil windows there (it opens up each 5 levels) and try and make it to the LZ and survive the exfil wave of zombies. To level up the augments, which is a whole other part of zombies. I usually have an augment that Im levellling and then do exfils at 11 or 16 to get XP for that. One exfil at at time, and then occasionally I do a monster run and try and push it as far as possible, I think my rec is lvl 28 or something solo. Thats an hour+ of gaming, while clearing or almost clearing a level can take up to two hours and you cant pause in a group. In solo you have a 15 minute pause timer running in the pause menu.

Its also a great way to grind for camos, as you get zombie versions of the skins from MP (different colors mostly same designs) and for weapon and character XP, at least on Normal it is. The XP from Directed mode was nerfed some time after launch.

But yes Zombies is totally playable solo, and as many others in the thread have done - an easy way to get some nice camos.

Maybe check this out if you want some tips on playing Liberty Falls as a solo player:

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i'm only 30% loyalty right now... what is max people can currently have? 50%? I've only purchased 2 or 3 blackcell passes ever, and i haven't purchased this season's yet.


I think I am disappointed most of all by this being
I have personally enjoyed Zombies this time using the Directed mode that tells me what I need to do as I get aggravated too easily not being able to figure stuff out :)

I usually play it solo since I tend to need to walk away from the game a lot and dont want to slow others down
What system are you usually on? Be happy to play some Zombies on Xbox. That is one aspect of the game I think Treyarch has done really quite well compared to the last few entries.


Gold Member
I think I am disappointed most of all by this being
What system are you usually on? Be happy to play some Zombies on Xbox. That is one aspect of the game I think Treyarch has done really quite well compared to the last few entries.
PS mostly but sometimes I play on PC


Ok i just some some free funny money and bought the current Black Cell pass (I actually love the aesthetic this season) and i am seeing in warzone a loyalty bonus of 30% and a current black cell 10% bonus. So that's 40%? Can you get base 50% plus the 10% on an active black cell purchase does anyone know how this works? Not a huge deal just wondering how it works exactly. And then i'm assuming your XP tokens build on top of these loyalty bonuses?

Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
and i am seeing in warzone a loyalty bonus of 30% and a current black cell 10% bonus. So that's 40%?
I'm not sure what you're seeing since I don't play warzone, but it probably only applies to warzone; the actual loyalty bonus only activates after purchasing 2 black cell battle passes.

Whatever you're seeing in warzone isn't the loyalty bonus, and I'm not sure how it interacts with it.


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
The game is absolute shit. I played 2 matches (positive k/d ratio) and never went back.

*Just shoveling shit down our throats. Big bright Neon colors selling battle passes and other useless DLC bullshit
*The Gameplay is still the same as Call of Duty Modern Warefare 4. Kill, live for a min, die, repeat.


Omg finaliy a badass blueprint for the ak 74

Edit but its with a long barrel ugh

Edit2 the 10 % XP unlock in the blackcell instant page - is that the loyalty bonus?
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I believe you always got a temporary 10% bonus with the purchase of blackcell, however if you also bought it during season 1 it becomes permanent.
Thats what I thought blackcell gave you in s1 as well, so with season 2 there would be another 10 % on top of that if you bought both. But maybe it starts now then, and if you buy s3 it will be 20 %. They could have communicated this a bit better, and it was also confusing to unlock the permanent Xp bonus in the battlepass. It should have been a vignette or overlay that said "since you bought another season another 10 % has been added to your permanent XP boost". The unlock in the battle pass doesnt explain any of that.

I also had the 30 % XP bonus on the Warzone page that was mentioned above when I looked last night.
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