How does one use "Fovely"?
Not saying he shouldn't be complaining but......he's whining too much.
-PC version didn't get enough attention
-Graphics aren't next gen
-Performance issues
-Battlefield is better
Was he expecting anything different? COD isn't a graphical powerhouse. That is to be expected. As for performance issues those should be fixed with updates to drivers.
I guess as a console gamer myself he comes off as an arrogant and self-entitled PC gamer.
How does one use "Fovely"?
Start game up alt+tab fill in your fov mine is 90 and go back to the game and play.
Stonehaven is such an awful map wow
Flop of duty? Only 450k online at 4pm that seems low on the flagship console day one... Picked up my 360 and PS4 copies. Only got to play for an about 90 minutes, gotta go to work.
Maps are massive and crazy vertical levels. I could see this becoming a snipers game, used as intended.. Looks like honey badger is the beast gun in my limited time as everyone still running like crazy still.
To those who are playing, how are the maps? I've watched a bunch of matches and thought they were all conducive to close encounter, CQC, meet the enemy around a blind corner bullshit. But then I was reading around the COD forums and saw this:
"Let's start with my favourite topic, and which I find is the most important in this game, the maps. Looking back at the maps in Black Ops 2, they were small, not many lines of sight, small maps caused a messed up spawn system, maps that only encouraged one style of play and maps that didn't really get you thinking tactically. It seems as if Ghosts has gone the complete opposite with their maps. Much larger, several long sight lines for snipers, plenty of buildings and cover for CQC and maps that encourage several styles of play. What has really impressed me is the fact that each and every player can use their favourite weapon type, and still have a positive benefit to the team, whether they are using an SMG or a Sniper Rifle. The maps get you thinking tactically. I find that I am much more aware in this game than I was in previous titles, of where I am running, and what cover I have around me, seeing that there are plenty more spots for snipers..."
Agree, disagree, what say you?
A few PS3 vs. 360 comparisons...
With the exception of Saints Row IV, this has been a damn good year for PS3 multiformats, really disappointed.
35k peak on PC today now down to 27 lol. Give it a month it will be like <10k average. Series is pretty much dead on PC
Wait, what kind of performance numbers are you getting?Game feels janky on my 7970 @ 2560x1440. Not like a massive frame loss, just feels off when shooting.
That's the way it is.A fan made fix has been C&D? The fuck is this shit.
Also, WTF, I did the pre-load 2 days before the game came out and know it's making me redownload the whole MP again.
What the hell is with this game... ?
people are apparently getting banned for using FoV fix in ghosts fyi.
To be fair, they treated the PC like shit so I imagine everyone shipped off to the other broken game that came out last week: Battlefield 4.
Wait, what kind of performance numbers are you getting?
Does the game drop lower than 60 fps? If so, how often?
Eagerly awaiting El Presador Ghost impressions lol
No FoV slider, looks like shit and runs like shit.
Go get 'em TB.
Just to be safe since I suspect this to be easily exploited to hell and back by shady types:Wow they're fast....
I had a feeling that would happen, here's the direct link. If that gets taken down I'll rehost it for dem gaffers:
Yeah, at least BF4:
a) looks better
b) performs better
c) has options PC gamers expect
d) doesn't freeze at the menu
To those who are playing, how are the maps? I've watched a bunch of matches and thought they were all conducive to close encounter, CQC, meet the enemy around a blind corner bullshit. But then I was reading around the COD forums and saw this:
"Let's start with my favourite topic, and which I find is the most important in this game, the maps. Looking back at the maps in Black Ops 2, they were small, not many lines of sight, small maps caused a messed up spawn system, maps that only encouraged one style of play and maps that didn't really get you thinking tactically. It seems as if Ghosts has gone the complete opposite with their maps. Much larger, several long sight lines for snipers, plenty of buildings and cover for CQC and maps that encourage several styles of play. What has really impressed me is the fact that each and every player can use their favourite weapon type, and still have a positive benefit to the team, whether they are using an SMG or a Sniper Rifle. The maps get you thinking tactically. I find that I am much more aware in this game than I was in previous titles, of where I am running, and what cover I have around me, seeing that there are plenty more spots for snipers..."
Agree, disagree, what say you?
dumb question... if you get it for PS3 will you be able to upgrade it to PS4 for $10 like BF4?? i heard that not just BF4 was doing it and was wondering if this was too
So first MP impressions on MP.
First game. TDM.
Fucking awesome!
Second game. Domination.
Game freeze. Okay?
Third game. TDM.
Game freeze. What the fuck.
Fourth game. Domination.
Game freeze. Fuck this shit. Oiyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
I've already expressed my opinion a lot on this thread, but for everyone else who's been playing COD since the first MW, this is my perspective.
COD GHOSTS...WORST MP EVER!? COD Ghosts Multiplayer Review
people are apparently getting banned for using FoV fix in ghosts fyi.
What platform?
What platform?
Welp, definitely going to regret this purchase for a while. Played about an hour and I'm done unless they release a patch for this shit. Barely hits 45-55 on low/1080p and stutters horribly. Completely unplayable.
The maps suck. ;\
dumb question... if you get it for PS3 will you be able to upgrade it to PS4 for $10 like BF4?? i heard that not just BF4 was doing it and was wondering if this was too
I've already expressed my opinion a lot on this thread, but for everyone else who's been playing COD since the first MW, this is my perspective.
COD GHOSTS...WORST MP EVER!? COD Ghosts Multiplayer Review
Just throwing a random comment like this out there doesn't help anyone without sources. People kept saying that with MW3, and MW2, and using VPN to unlock Steam games, and using proxies to buy Origin games, but no one ever has any proof of this happening. It's always someone who read about it elsewhere, a one sentence comment with nothing to back it up. When someone finally tracks the source, it's a random comment on Steam forums about some guy possibly modifying exe files and again, a 1-2 sentence statement without any proof.
If I'm wrong and this is actually happening, well that's terrible, but right now I'm not convinced at all.
As a bonus, here's a 7 hour old quote from IW community representative saying that they didn't ban for using FOV changer tools before, but has to ask the team about the situation with Ghosts: https://twitter.com/candyslexia/status/397757781262233600
I've already expressed my opinion a lot on this thread, but for everyone else who's been playing COD since the first MW, this is my perspective.
COD GHOSTS...WORST MP EVER!? COD Ghosts Multiplayer Review