That's the way it is.
I had to download another 21GB after I activated the game. It takes up well over 50GB on my HDD.
please tell me you're joking.
That's the way it is.
I had to download another 21GB after I activated the game. It takes up well over 50GB on my HDD.
After two games full of awful maps you'd think you guys would learn![]()
I'll never understand why TB likes using fxaa
please tell me you're joking.
Warning to everyone that has preloaded! READ THIS BEFORE PLAY!
So as myself and many others have found out,. as soon as you click the play button (on the single player), it will update the single player, begin updating the MP and then wipes all data and makes you redownload 20gigs all over again.
INSTALL THE MP FIRST. once the game is unlocked in your region and you are able to play, install the MP before the SP. This SHOULD negate the need to do the following,. but it's always better to be safe than sorry.
Locate the folder called depotcache in your steam directory.
Copy it to somewhere else on your computer.
Restart steam, and try to install. If it works,. then great, no need to keep the files. If it decided to delete your preload and starts downloading again, just copy the files back into that folder and try again. (if it doesnt work, delete local files and then copy back over)
Disclaimer: i never had the opportunity to try this myself,. but it seems tobe hit and miss. However installing the MP first seems to work a treat.
UPDATE: Thanks to HarBinGer
"there is a way around this problem, you need the backup of the preload. what happens is if by chance Ghots SP is selected to install, it does it in a way that preload files are screwed up so MP cannot use it to install so it starts downloading it again. This problem won't happen if you select to install the MP first and then the SP.
Warning you need to have the preload backup before you do anything on the install part, once if the install is started with SP as first, the preload files are screwed up and can't be used again. So before installing MP/SP, have a backup of the preload files."
*****Side note,. I've already written a complaint to Steam about this under "Installation issues", feel free to do the same. This can't be allowed ot happen again************
Man is the game blurry on the PS3 lol, can't be too mad cause in a couple of weeks i'm moving on to PS4 but it's blops II all over again.
Sure is :/ I'm having a blast in multi though, the maps this time around are pretty huge and varied from what I've seen so far. No crashing or anything else ala BF4 just smooth sailing.
I've already expressed my opinion a lot on this thread, but for everyone else who's been playing COD since the first MW, this is my perspective.
COD GHOSTS...WORST MP EVER!? COD Ghosts Multiplayer Review
All the things you are mad about seem like good things. Less funnels, bigger maps, toned down killstreaks
I've already expressed my opinion a lot on this thread, but for everyone else who's been playing COD since the first MW, this is my perspective.
COD GHOSTS...WORST MP EVER!? COD Ghosts Multiplayer Review
Man is the game blurry on the PS3 lol, can't be too mad cause in a couple of weeks i'm moving on to PS4 but it's blops II all over again.
Man is the game blurry on the PS3 lol, can't be too mad cause in a couple of weeks i'm moving on to PS4 but it's blops II all over again.
Grabbing this from Redbox on the way home for my annual 4 dollar COD campaign playthrough. Will try out Multiplayer and if it gets my fancy might get it for PS4 later on.
Yep, you do.Do you really have to download the multiplayer portion to play the single player on steam? Read someone last night that said you had to.
Yep, you do.
I've already expressed my opinion a lot on this thread, but for everyone else who's been playing COD since the first MW, this is my perspective.
COD GHOSTS...WORST MP EVER!? COD Ghosts Multiplayer Review
Do you really have to download the multiplayer portion to play the single player on steam? Read someone last night that said you had to.
I've already expressed my opinion a lot on this thread, but for everyone else who's been playing COD since the first MW, this is my perspective.
COD GHOSTS...WORST MP EVER!? COD Ghosts Multiplayer Review
I've already expressed my opinion a lot on this thread, but for everyone else who's been playing COD since the first MW, this is my perspective.
COD GHOSTS...WORST MP EVER!? COD Ghosts Multiplayer Review
It's not about good or bad, it's about what you expect of the franchise. I mean, if those are the things you want, why are you even looking at a CoD game? BF has provided those with better graphics and netcode for like a decade now. CoD is about close quarters, crazy killstreaks and constant chaos.All the things you are mad about seem like good things. Less funnels, bigger maps, toned down killstreaks
That's not PS3 blur though; that's the enormously long sightlines, the 80 vantage points they can see you from and the otherwise extremely cluttered maps. I don't see the dude killing me like 75% of the time on 360 either.I agree. I find unless the person is moving, they are not visible. From further away any how..
To those who are playing, how are the maps? I've watched a bunch of matches and thought they were all conducive to close encounter, CQC, meet the enemy around a blind corner bullshit. But then I was reading around the COD forums and saw this:
"Let's start with my favourite topic, and which I find is the most important in this game, the maps. Looking back at the maps in Black Ops 2, they were small, not many lines of sight, small maps caused a messed up spawn system, maps that only encouraged one style of play and maps that didn't really get you thinking tactically. It seems as if Ghosts has gone the complete opposite with their maps. Much larger, several long sight lines for snipers, plenty of buildings and cover for CQC and maps that encourage several styles of play. What has really impressed me is the fact that each and every player can use their favourite weapon type, and still have a positive benefit to the team, whether they are using an SMG or a Sniper Rifle. The maps get you thinking tactically. I find that I am much more aware in this game than I was in previous titles, of where I am running, and what cover I have around me, seeing that there are plenty more spots for snipers..."
Agree, disagree, what say you?
How can't these modern games still not get muting right?
Does the Wii U version of Ghosts support 18 players (like PS4 and XB1) or 12 (like 360 and PS3)?
I've already expressed my opinion a lot on this thread, but for everyone else who's been playing COD since the first MW, this is my perspective.
COD GHOSTS...WORST MP EVER!? COD Ghosts Multiplayer Review
Hm.. Thanks for posting.
I hated MW3 maps, so it's disappointing to hear about that.
But I did like BO2's maps, and it sounds like you didn't like that game.
I've already expressed my opinion a lot on this thread, but for everyone else who's been playing COD since the first MW, this is my perspective.
COD GHOSTS...WORST MP EVER!? COD Ghosts Multiplayer Review
Your video made me want to play this game. All that stuff sound like good changes to me.
Never been in love with all the random killstreak easy killing on COD games from MW2 onwards.
From your footage it looks like all the dead and kills come from gunplay, so it looks good to me.
Bigger maps sounds good too as it allows for all the gun classes to be a viable option unlike BO2 where SMG are king.
Actually, everything about the game-design of BO2, from the perks, to killstreaks, to maps, I actually adore.
The issue with BO2, is every good decision they made on the game, is dwarfed and crushed by how horrible the connection is between players.
This. So good.Your video made me want to play this game. All that stuff sound like good changes to me.
Never been in love with all the random killstreak easy killing on COD games from MW2 onwards.
From your footage it looks like all the dead and kills come from gunplay, so it looks good to me.
Bigger maps sounds good too as it allows for all the gun classes to be a viable option unlike BO2 where SMG are king.