I think that's the conclusion you were aiming for unfortunately.
I mean hey you forgot to quote the rest too, you know the important parts!
"Your line of thinking is why people object to legalization just fyi.
I know you are big on Science vs. Pseudoscience but I think you are getting the two mixed up.
People have every right to not want to inhale someone else's bad decision.
It can be legal and done safely but have some fucking respect for other humans who aren't up for breathing your ignorance."
Think of it as some positive criticism, it might help you out in life.
I guess there's not much to add, the other members see where I was coming from regarding second hand smoke, and I'm fine with people using as long as they do it safely and care about people in their surroundings.

I take your agressive tone and response as vindication that some people need to take a chill pill.