I'm still waiting for Cyber Sleuth to reach <$25.
I'm waiting for <$30.
I'm still waiting for Cyber Sleuth to reach <$25.
Digimon Next Order up for preorder on amazon if anyone wants it.
It's on ps3 as well. But not 60fps.Back at the maximum point tier for SDM and I did confirm my local SDM has PS4 Slims in. But of course now I'm getting cold feet in regards to PS4 having about 5 games total that I really want. A steep price to pay for Persona 5.
It's on ps3 as well. But not 60fps.
It's on ps3 as well. But not 60fps.
It's on ps3 as well. But not 60fps.
actual its not 60fps on ps4 either, the youtube vids were just rendered in 60fps for the increase bitrate that youtube does for 60fps vids
PS4 P5 not being 60fps with full anti aliasing was a bit of a shocker in the import thread.
It's still 1080p with virtually no loading times
That is so key these days. Especially for a game like P5. Loved how P4G played so smoothly on vita.
Anyone getting poor Telus TV signals lately? My tv is a jittery mess atm and it comes and goes.
yeh I'm on Telus and it's spotty as fuck as of late. watch, I'm gonna drop connection and whatever shit my family's watching is gonna go
Heads up, Mushkin 1TB SSD is $249 CAD with free shipping on the Newegg eBay store:
I ordered one for my laptop yesterday![]()
Telus Update
So the dude on the phone said he reset some things on his end, I unplugged my cable box and re-plugged it, and so far the jittering has gone away. It was intermittent before anyway, so who knows if it'll come back.
Okay, Amazon CS said they'd give me free one day shipping. I had to add a credit card, which I borrowed, for it to work. My gift cards wouldn't cover the extra $18+ shipping.
It went through as one day, then they deleted the shipping charge. However, my order still says the same shipping as above. She said not to worry about that, though, and that the books will be shipped on release.
It bugs my OCD, but I trust them.
Feel bad for getting the Evo 500 gig at 200 now, but oh well. lolHeads up, Mushkin 1TB SSD is $249 CAD with free shipping on the Newegg eBay store:
I ordered one for my laptop yesterday![]()
Gotta remember to cancel my PSVR bundle preorder, $790 is pretty nuts.
Gotta remember to cancel my PSVR bundle preorder, $790 is pretty nuts.
I was thinking of trying to see my bundle for a profit, but I don't know if its worth it
I was thinking of trying to see my bundle for a profit, but I don't know if its worth it
Finding somebody willing to pay $800+ for videogames on Kijiji seems unlikely.
I will tell you I will pay $800+ but when you show up I will only have $100 in my wallet.
Hopping on the PSVR cancellation train. I want it but it is astoundingly overpriced, especially considering Sony's track record of supporting accessories.
Quote this post to see how to get the PS Move Controller + PS3 Camera for $20. Perfect if you are getting PS VR
Which accessories do you have in mind? I mean, they've been supporting cameras since the PS2 (the original EyeToy came out in 2003) and Move is still around. I don't think they're going to drop either of them since they're more or less required for VR.
Not disagreeing on price, though. The shit dollar is making everything unaffordable, or at least doing a good job of making me feel ripped off every time I consider buying something.
PS3 camera doesn't work with PS VR though, just a heads up for anyone thinking of ordering.
How long you reckon it'll take SMT4A to get a decent digital price drop? Maybe ~$40?
Thinking of dropping my Amazon order but I dunno...
Stella Glow which is also from Atlus and launched at a lower price has not dropped below $50 since it launched and that was over a year ago.
The handheld retail market is an absolute disaster this gen and price drops are very rare. It's not unthinkable with a sale around Black Friday or Boxing Day though.
How long you reckon it'll take SMT4A to get a decent digital price drop? Maybe ~$40?
Thinking of dropping my Amazon order but I dunno...
Why don't you have a credit card? You know how much cashback you're missing out on?
SMT games does have lots of sales on PSN, and I remember SMT IV had a quite a drop. The Etrian games had enough sales during one point it stayed on sale longer than it is full price for a time.
However, that's back in the day where the games aren't as inflated. ($60/$40 era)
Edit: This does make me wonder if I should pass this game like I initially thought I would, gonna suck it up and walk in EB tomorrow and try my luck, my expectations are they are going to tell me sorry you didn't give us $5, Atlus is slowly getting me in my nerves with their prices
Yeah, my bad. I didn't see he was asking about digital. Atlus does have those more frequently than any other publisher.
Atlus physical has another problem altogether, I don't recall their games ever ships copies that aren't preordered ones.
Back when my local EB joint was good, I had a chat with the manager at the time when picking up SMT IV and she commented on how Atlus shipped extra copies enough for the store to sell them to walkins like it's a rare occurrence, and it is in fact.
Edit: You are absolutely right about the sales on physical 3ds games, the last time I got something on sale it was Project X Zone 2, and I recall if was a real sale of a game in a very, very long time.
My local EB never had extra copies for Altus games. Never.
The last time I got something on sale on 3DS was the $5 code name steam clearance sale...Nintendo basically had a clearance sale for all the overstock games and I grabbed two $5 copies at EB and then traded them in at a local Bestbuy for 25 bucks each....then I used the $25 x 2 immediately, bought an 3-pack animal crossing amiibo set and the stupid WiiU animal crossing game (which comes with 2 amiibos).
So yeah $10 for 5 amiibos and a game, I am sorry Nintendo America. $70 for a goddamn Isabelle amiibo is just too much. Had to figure it out.
Apparently it has something to do with preorder numbers, once it exceeds a certain number the store will get a much bigger shipment so it can sell to walkins
I always see atlus titles here in Montreal so this must depend on the area. Persona Q, EOU2, EO mystery dungeon, legend of legacy, stella glow, etc are still available in most eb games around here.