I feel like the 20% is only intended for games, and not accessories or systems.
... Though it does apply to the LEGO Dimensions sets it seems.
I am wondering... would it be simpler to have all of my pre-orders (Prime 20% off) in the same order? am I at risk (like having my order cancelled) if something happens?
There is no need to bunch them up.
What do you mean?
You don't have to have them in the same order.
Oh ok. I thought there was some kind of restriction like with the E3 promo we had this year. Thanks man!![]()
You don't even need to preorder. The 20% off lasts until two weeks after release date.
I trust the games I pre-ordered... that and I want those free pre-order bonuses!
I am too lazy to order them when they come out. I like to have them Day 1.
Current List:
2016 Games
Dragon Quest Builders
Pokemon Sun
Pokemon Moon
Dishonored 2
2017/18 Games
Yakuza 0
Resident Evil 7
South Park A Fractured But Whole
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
God of War
Days Gone
Detroit Become Human
Death Stranding
Oct 2016 to Dec 2016
Warhammer: End Times
Paper Mario: Color Splash Wii-U
Mafia III Cancelling
100ft Robot Golf
Dragon Quest: Builders
Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni Vita
Rise of Tomb Raider Cancelling
Exist Archive Vita
Battlefield 1
Yomawari: Night Alone Vita
Dark Souls 3: Ashes of Ariandel DLC
World of Final Fantasy Vita
Titanfall 2 Cancelling
Root Letter Vita
Xseed Shantae Half Genie Hero Vita
Dishonored 2
Fate Extella The Umbral Star Vita
Watch_Dogs 2
Final Fantasy XV
Gravity Rush 2
South Park
The Last Guardian
Dragon Ball Fusions 3DS
If zelda NX has the same msrp what is the chance that companies would let you switch and keep the same price as your discounted wii u version?
Amazon wouldn't even let me switch my BF1 pre order from PS4 to XB1.If zelda NX has the same msrp what is the chance that companies would let you switch and keep the same price as your discounted wii u version?
So I genuinely need new pillows...any sales going on?
What are the chancesthis Prime 20% off thing forces Best Buy to bring GCU here? There's no way Best Buy can compete with Amazon now with 79.99 v. 63.99 and release day delivery, and convenience of online shopping.
Well, I mean, the GCU is a subscription, so they would make money on that. Amazon makes back some of that money lost on the Prime membership as well.No idea. Maybe they'll semi-give up on games instead and focus on other stuff? I dunno. Anyone know what % of BB's business relies on games in Canada?
Add me to the club of canceled psvr
Aww man! I wanted to play air hockey and darts with you.
Farisr, we're the only ones left I think lol. We got a spreadsheet btw going in Sangetsu's thread if you want to add yourself to that.
Yup canceling my PSVR tonight unless I can convince my girlfriend to split with me (which is an insurmountable task).
Fuck everytime I see people make these lists it just reminds me how much money I'm spending in the next like 6 months
Yup canceling my PSVR tonight unless I can convince my girlfriend to split with me (which is an insurmountable task).
Sure does!Does the amazon prime discount work if I order 2 copies of something? Was gonna order call of duty for me and my brother.
My fall is pretty decent... until Black Friday.
From Amazon, I'm getting:
Gears of War 4 (October 11)
World of Final Fantasy (October 25)
Titanfall 2 (October 28)
Playstation 4 Pro (November 10)
Watch Dogs 2 (November 15)
Final Fantasy XV (November 29)
The Last Guardian (December 6)
Then I'm getting Forza Horizon 3, Mafia III, Battlefield 1, Star Ocean 5, Far Cry Primal and Mirror's Edge Catalyst on Black Friday.
I'm so glad some things moved to early 2017, it was going to be a bloodbath if they didn't.
Agreed. Terrible game.Save yourself some disappointment, skip SO5.
Where can I pick up the physical version of Dragon Quest Builders for Vita? I never realized how much I wanted this game till I after the demo. Do not see the Vita version for preorder on any of the usual sites (EB Games, Amazon, or Best Buy). Thanks.
Where can I pick up the physical version of Dragon Quest Builders for Vita? I never realized how much I wanted this game till I after the demo. Do not see the Vita version for preorder on any of the usual sites (EB Games, Amazon, or Best Buy). Thanks.
you import from asia
Oh, we're doing lists now.
This is Oct to end of 2016 for me. I have to cancel a couple of these rofl no way I'll have time....getting all the physical Vita releases though..
Don't even get me started on 2017/18....hot damn.