Anyone have any tips on doing the Fire Cemetery trial? It says to get 20 zombies in one aerial move but the most I can get is 8.
Henchmen21 said:Anyone have any tips on doing the Fire Cemetery trial? It says to get 20 zombies in one aerial move but the most I can get is 8.
Another reason I'm going through some earlier levels again. I never upgraded the guillotine. Never realized how useful it is.Die Squirrel Die said:Ground pound bosses are awesome, it's basically an excuse to wreck them with a Guillotine which also has the benefit of pretty much filling your focus gauge.
Loved it at times but on the whole it's inconsistent. Hopefully the level designers of the castle, mountaintop, and last bit of the necromancer sections are going to work on the dlc. Whoever thought wargs and werewolves only for the first few hours was a fine gameplay choice needs to be chain whipped.hamchan said:Watching the credits roll down the screen. The end was both epic and cheesy. Pretty darn good game, liked it more than GoW3.
Robert Carlyle was Gabriel wtf.
ArachosiA 78 said:This is just a huge disgrace to the Castlevania legacy.
First dlc will continue directly after the game and the second one will most likely be like a prequel to the sequelPooBone said:Alright so..... is the first piece of DLC gonna be set at the end of the game? Sounds like it's something else because they point out that the second DLC continues the story? ???
Just got this game for Christmas, and as soon as I beat Enslaved I'm gonna dive into it.
ArachosiA 78 said:This is just a huge disgrace to the Castlevania legacy.
Haeleos said:People extolling this game's combat over God of War's and likening the boss fight's to Shadow of the Colossus' makes my head hurt.
I see nothing wrong with preferring this game's combat system over GoW's. It's not like GoW has the most in depth combat system ever seen in the action genre.Haeleos said:People extolling this game's combat over God of War's and likening the boss fight's to Shadow of the Colossus' makes my head hurt.
Haeleos said:People extolling this game's combat over God of War's and likening the boss fight's to Shadow of the Colossus' makes my head hurt.
Haeleos said:People extolling this game's combat over God of War's and likening the boss fight's to Shadow of the Colossus' makes my head hurt.
D6AMIA6N said:However, Captain Picard's soliloquies have already become tedious to listen to. :lol
Haeleos said:People extolling this game's combat over God of War's and likening the boss fight's to Shadow of the Colossus' makes my head hurt.
Paco said:Combat in LoS is so much more engaging and fun than GoW.
Ledsen said:Aside from the amateur hit box failures, this game's combat is way better than God of War's.
hey_it's_that_dog said:Yeah, they only fucked up one of the most basic elements of a combat system, no big deal.
hamchan said:The end was both epic and cheesy. Pretty darn good game, liked it more than GoW3.
Checkpoints are either incredibly well thought out or actively antagonistic to the playersoldat7 said:Good gosh. 45 minutes and I still can't beat the Stone Titan. Are there any checkpoints on this thing? I take out two runes and die, having to do the whole thing over again. Lame.
Not only that, sometimes the dead body is lit up for the Shadow Gem, and sometimes not. While I love the scale of this fight, it was poorly designed. I bet a lot of people quit the game right here.
ShockingAlberto said:Checkpoints are either incredibly well thought out or actively antagonistic to the player
There are also some unfortunate middle grounds.
Henchmen21 said:So I'm going through my Paladin play through to get those last two achievements and I noticed something. Swordmasters are really susceptible to aerial launchers (Vampires kind of also).
Nitemare1 said:I picked this up on a whim yesterday after seeing a single copy of the limited edition at a Walmart. I'm really glad I did.
The thing standing out the most IMHO is the music. It reminds me of the feel of "The Dark Knight" in some places. Makes you feel like you're playing something of a grand scale.
Thing is I found that out by accident. I was trying to do a guillotine and accidentally did a rising strike (or whatever it's called). So I tried it on another one and it seemed to work.Die Squirrel Die said:I found them such a pain in the arse until I realised that. The aerial combos are great if you can get them to hit. I found the swordmasters incredibly easy to connect with the lift attack, whereas vampires and werewolves would often dodge.
The Praiseworthy said:At Chapter 10 now... I don't want this game to end!! It's so amazing and fun to play![]()
I don't mind the titan battles being similar to SotC, that doesn't make them bad. What DOES make them bad is the terrible camera, coupled with the battles being.. well, not very fun, really. They're really just tedious, bullshit frustrating battles. The titans look cool though.Kaijima said:I'm glad to see someone actually likes the SotC style bosses rather than sneering that "OMG it's imitating SotC what trash this game suckssss". I enjoyed the SotC battles myself for what they were. Also didn't think they were hard or frustrating outside of bearing in mind the game's hitbox problem.
Other than Castlevania 64, this is the only 3D Castlevania I've played. Furthermore, I found it difficult to compare this game to other Castlevania games because, to me, it feels nothing like the previous titles. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, though.Smelly Tramp said:i don't understand some of the hate, i mean yeh it's not as good as some of the older 2d castlevanias, but as far as the 3d ones, surely its the best one. so if anything it's an improvement at least.
Decado said:I gotta say I'm finding this game pretty difficult, but not in a satisfying way. Feels cheap and the main character is so damned weak (the attempts at GoW-style mini-boss executions are laughable, as well).
I'm not feelin' it at all. I love GoW, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, DMC etc. But this game is just annoying me. Is there a good source of info that can help me get a better grasp on combat?
Oh, and those big werewolves are so annoying. Their ground smash attack pisses me off so much. >_<
RPGCrazied said:Is there a release date for the DLC yet?